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Thread: Racing as a Sport? Please justify this for me.

  1. #121
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Falcon500 View Post
    I consider the places to like a ying-yang setup they compliment eachother they have what the other lacks long winded I know but its a subject Im passionate about I only wish space and money would allow the bulldog gym to have a better weights setup and even a peice or 2 of cardio equipment
    Pfft, cardio equipment is for girls! Get yourself a decent pair of running shoes and/or a bicycle. Maybe go swimming every now and then too. The only cardio machine I ever use in the gym is the Concept II, but it's kinda hard to go rowing in the real world whenever you fancy it!

    One of my real bug-bears is people who go to a gym just to go on a treadmill or sit on an exercise bike and read a magazine. Just go outside in the fresh air for goodness' sake!

    As for the weights, what kind of setup does the martial arts gym have? Can you not pressure them to get/make a cheap squat rack, get some second hand barbells and plates, maybe some kettlebells if they're readily available down there? That wouldn't take up too much space would it? Everyone wins that way as far as I can see. The gym gets a better set-up and would appeal to a much wider clientèle, and their members wouldn't have to keep going elsewhere to work on their strength, they could keep it all in-house and gain a greater control of what their fighters are doing. Plus you'd save money!
    uәʞoɹq spɹɐoqʎәʞ ʎɯ

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    ACT,Canberra Australia
    I was about to complain about the cold and rain we have been getting here but you come from the uk so that really nulifies that rebuttle

    And I agree with you on the cardio equipment part go hard or go home.

    But as for the space in the gym its an industrial complex that houses john and his family in the upper portion and also has ben in what was the store front. For the gym floor we have a space that can happily take 25 people full selection of pads,mitts,shin guards etc and 3 heavy bags a tear drop bag 2 speed balls a full sized ring and half a ring a chin up bar/roman chair fills the main training hall.

    Our weights room is a converted 2 car garage With a squat rack and bench press and for pin loaded equipment we have a lateral deltoid raise, leg extenstion,hamstring curl and a militery press machine and 2 sets of dumbells (10kg,12.5kg) and about half a metre to move around in although there may be light at the end of the tunnel we may be entiteled to even more land then we have (in which case john said hell build a proper weights room) It has potential but a proper dumbells setup and enough room to clean & jerk, exercise bikes and geographical convinece keep me gravitating back too oddbods.

    And the bulldog gym isnt full time either it operates around 4pm-8pm (and early morning boxercise as opposed 5am-9pm at od bods) which would of been fixed if we didnt have so many issues getting that thai fellow imported but it didnt happen and the space that thai trianer was going to take up now has ben in it.

    Im eagerly awaiting the results of this land issue on the basis ill save money, might even make money depending on how things turn out
    Lifts heavy things and hits hard......also eats as much as 2/3 people and sleeps 10 hours a day!

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    nr Edinburgh, Whisky-soaked Scotland
    Come on Falc ... be honest ......

    One gym is for working out, getting all knackered and sweaty and sore.

    The other gym is for looking cool and picking up the ladies
    "A woman without curves is like a road without bends, you might get to your destination quicker but the ride is boring as hell'

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    ACT,Canberra Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Matra et Alpine View Post
    Come on Falc ... be honest ......

    One gym is for working out, getting all knackered and sweaty and sore.

    The other gym is for looking cool and picking up the ladies
    Mate I hit paydirt when the year 12 girls (entry collage years usually 17-18 usually done at highschool for the benafit of our american friends) of nearly every local highschool chose to go there for extra class choices.

    And there I was the only bloke in the gym at that time of day and lets not forget to mention knew what I was talking about in there and had a more intresting job then most
    Lifts heavy things and hits hard......also eats as much as 2/3 people and sleeps 10 hours a day!

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Should Comcast, which is buying NBC, have more motorsports coverage on VERSUS and now NBC? Does North America need a racing tv channel? Find the answer to that exact question on facebook.

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    didnt read the thread . . . . . but :

    F1 drivers especially need to be work fit to endure the extremes faced punting the car around - as in athlete work fit

    & yes , in car racing the car is the biggest part of the equation when it comes to winning

    but just to compete close to the same level , you need a decent level of fitness

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    It's like being a horse jockey. Their goggles get mudded up, can't see a thing. I was going full tilt down a mile long straight. It was raining and spitting snow at Ft Sumner NM. Hit a really cold pocket of air The bubble shield on my Bell Helmet fogged up. Could not see a thing. Could not get my fingers inside the shield to wipe the fog away. Ripped it off and gritted my teeth.

    Now days it really is grueling the way you pull so many G's in a corner that you need to build up your neck muscles.

    I could go on.

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    East Coast of the United States
    Wow, what an old thread.

    Bordward, welcome to the forums. It's interesting when members bring up old threads, even when you've been here since 2012. So many old members who don't post anymore.

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