View Full Version : does the porsche shifter come off???

12-08-2004, 10:34 AM
does any one who owns a new 997, after they shift in 3rd try to pull the shifter off......does it come off?? just wondering.

12-08-2004, 10:42 AM
uhh, i dono, but i doubt it would be a good thing

i don't own a 997, unfortunately

12-08-2004, 11:00 AM
does any one who owns a new 997, after they shift in 3rd try to pull the shifter off......does it come off?? just wondering.

you're obviously referring to Clarkson's incident. I can only imagine that was a coincidence. it may have been a minor manufacturing prob, but im sure if you were to go out an buy one today that it would have been fixed already.

12-08-2004, 11:06 AM
does any one who owns a new 997, after they shift in 3rd try to pull the shifter off......does it come off?? just wondering.

Stop trying to troll.

The cars that the press get are always usually demo cars, that have had several different journos trying to pull them apart.

It is no wonder they usually break.

I saw a 997 S today, there were no bits falling off it.

12-08-2004, 11:41 AM

The problem with the seat adjustment buttons seems like a big problem. If we trust Clarkson, that is... (which we always do ;))

12-08-2004, 08:59 PM
In some bad quality cars u can shift without using the left pedal (dont know what it's called in english but it's the one americans never use :P)

12-08-2004, 10:20 PM
The clutch. Many sportbikers dispense with using the clutch for anything but launching. Especially on cold days when you don't want to stick your fingers out pull the clutch lever in. I don't think it's very much dependant on the quality (as sportbikes utilize some of the highest quality componontry you can get for the mechanicals) as it is how much torque the motor makes, how easy it is to shift, and how strong your gearbox is.

Anyway, I sincerely doubt that Porsche would have bad shifters on their actual production models. Doesn't seem like the Porsche way. If they were going to skimp, I can't see them doing it on drivetrain stuff.

Matra et Alpine
12-09-2004, 12:31 AM
In some bad quality cars u can shift without using the left pedal
It's a measure of a GOOD box and a decent driver to be able to shift without the clutch !!
It's fairly common to have to "crash" the 'box on a forest stage when trying to flick the car AND brake AND power-steer AND avoid the tree AND setup for the next corner AND curse the nav for being a twat AND spot the cute blonded watching from the bank AND ......
Match the revs and a good box has NO problem changing gears without clutch. I used to know a mechanic who used to TEST a 'box after rebuild by driving it without the clutch AT ALL after getting started in first. NOT advised as it accelerates wear on the dogs/cones :(

12-09-2004, 12:43 AM
I was watching the V8 Supercars in the weekend,they had a veiw in the pedal box area,the driver was flat changing going up,without using the clutch,dont no if the EMS dips the revs when the gear stick is moved,looked good though

12-10-2004, 07:29 PM
you're obviously referring to Clarkson's incident. I can only imagine that was a coincidence. it may have been a minor manufacturing prob, but im sure if you were to go out an buy one today that it would have been fixed already.
knowing mrclarkson's ways im sure it was planed to make porsches look bad :mad:

12-10-2004, 07:49 PM
does any one who owns a new 997, after they shift in 3rd try to pull the shifter off......does it come off?? just wondering.

hold on let me go drive my 997 and ill be right back....jking!!! :D