View Full Version : Summary so far

Matra et Alpine
12-17-2004, 03:31 PM
So far we have
using an LS1 engine
Mid mounted

A transaxle was proposed in the engine poll thread, is it a given too or do we need a trannie discussion ( vision of enveryon in dresses :) )

Logo I like so far at http://www.ultimatecarpage.com/forum/showpost.php?p=193104&postcount=45 any other contendors ????

my porsche
12-17-2004, 03:45 PM
sounds good

12-17-2004, 04:06 PM
'the one' :( while your at it why dont you get little fishie embroidered in the seats. Seriously i would'nt go with a corny name that sounds like its straight from a low-grossing unpopular action movie. I like your choice of engine. Shouldnt cost much either, you can buy one for about 4500 USD

12-17-2004, 04:10 PM
sounds good so far
EDIT: when this one is finished, can we do another one of these? its cool learning about some of these parts (mostly of companies that make parts), and seeing the whole process. make it into a game maybe? different scenario each time, like what its supposed to be, budget changes, etc.? might be a cool idea

Matra et Alpine
12-17-2004, 04:12 PM
Seriously i would'nt go with a corny name that sounds like its straight from a low-grossing unpopular action movie.
Well you shoudl have been over in the name thread and voted then.

Otherwise - unless you've friends in Florida in high places - the vote is done and the name's chosen :)

12-17-2004, 04:16 PM
whats in florida? besides old people and drug dealers

Matra et Alpine
12-17-2004, 04:17 PM
whats in florida? besides old people and drug dealers
Jeb Bush - old joke, but without that event there would be NO second term :)

12-17-2004, 04:19 PM
oh, lol. i thought you meant something related to ucp was in florida. lol, so my prejudice towards florida stays: full of drug dealers and old people :p

12-17-2004, 04:28 PM
Well you shoudl have been over in the name thread and voted then.

Otherwise - unless you've friends in Florida in high places - the vote is done and the name's chosen :)
Well you win some, you lose some. But I always win, :evil laugh:

12-17-2004, 05:05 PM
Remind me to post my new charged headlamps design soon! I keep forgetting! :p

Matra et Alpine
12-17-2004, 05:23 PM
This months Clasic &Sportscar had an article on the Ferrari berlinette Speciale.

Check out the lights, sitting behind a perspex shaped nose. if it was coloured red and went transparent at the flick of a switch ?

12-17-2004, 05:31 PM
terribly ugly, but i guess that has the reasoning of the 928 lamps. Ugly, but they're only exposed at night...I guess i oculd try that. :)

Matra et Alpine
12-17-2004, 05:40 PM
No I didn't mean to COPY this, I was using this as an example that the lights wouldnt' need to compromise the lines of the car - or be the key feature on the front as most of them do. Imagine tat car with the perspex red and it looks like a track racer, full on performance :)

12-17-2004, 05:43 PM
oh, yeah........I knew that :rolleyes:

but yes, that's what i have in mind. The headlights, when off, would be indistinguishable from the body.
and here's an interesting rearview I found of that concept.....

Matra et Alpine
12-17-2004, 05:46 PM
yeah thankfully they DID NOT copy that over to the Dino :)

12-17-2004, 05:55 PM
I would kill myself if they did that......people who think the Enzo's ugly have no competition :p

12-17-2004, 08:27 PM
Isn't the UCP Type One Matra?

I've got an idea.

What we do, is like that concept, have the lights behind the perspex.

On Top of the Perspex, we have the normal metal.

At night, the metal folds into the body!

And there we have the lights.

What do you guys think?

12-18-2004, 12:01 AM
Well you shoudl have been over in the name thread and voted then.

Otherwise - unless you've friends in Florida in high places - the vote is done and the name's chosen :)

Well sorry to sound so whiny, but the any of the names i wanted weren't on that poll and i really didnt have much chance to vote...

12-18-2004, 01:22 AM
can someone calculate the weight of that setup for me, so that i can start looking for tires that are good ?

Matra et Alpine
12-18-2004, 04:58 AM
Best I can offer Junaman, is put up your best alternative and we'll do one 1-to-1 with UCP The ONE and the logo and see how it stacks up.

Kind of like being on holiday when the presidential votes were on and coming home to find Bush won. not much you can do now :) Shuold have applied for an eearly vote or got yourselef on the ballot paper much earlier :)

12-18-2004, 05:13 AM
So whats going on with the body???!??

here are some shockers, so far from me.

Matra et Alpine
12-18-2004, 05:40 AM
Good point , UCR, the shape has been touched on in almost every thread.

So a new one JUST for the body shape. So post images and ideas over there, afer we get a few good uns we'll go to vote.


12-18-2004, 06:07 AM
I think if we're going with a mid-mounted RWD layout there's only one shape to go by, 360 Modena profile would be ideal. Maybe with smaller overhangs though.

Just a thought, but I don't think its wise picking the colour before we know what the car is gonna look like for sure...

Matra et Alpine
12-18-2004, 07:39 AM
Just remember, the Ferrari Dino was mid, the RS200 was Mid the Lancia 037 was mid, There are an abundance of entirely differnet styles we can glean from.
Something 'unique' might be nice :)

12-18-2004, 10:52 PM
Best I can offer Junaman, is put up your best alternative and we'll do one 1-to-1 with UCP The ONE and the logo and see how it stacks up.

Kind of like being on holiday when the presidential votes were on and coming home to find Bush won. not much you can do now :) Shuold have applied for an eearly vote or got yourselef on the ballot paper much earlier :)

Well I did put my selections up on the supercar name thread, but they weren't on the poll because it can only have 15 choices... My best alternative is "Halcyon" which is a mythical bird similar to a kingfisher... also one of the most beautiful english words according to http://members.aol.com/gulfhigh2/words10.html

Matra et Alpine
12-19-2004, 02:26 AM
My best alternative is "Halcyon" which is a mythical bird similar to a kingfisher...
a mythical bird famed for calming the wind and the waves.

Also, as an adjective it means calm and peacuful.

I don't think it a great fit for a Supercar. When we do a "UCP limousine" it woudl be a good candidate - especailly if it's got sails :)

Egg Nog
12-19-2004, 01:12 PM
Looks really good so far :)

Any other real progress aside for these things?

Oh, I'm back by the way :D

Egg Nog
12-19-2004, 01:13 PM
Looks really good so far :)

Any other real progress aside for these things?

Oh, I'm back by the way :D

I have another idea for our next project after this one :) - it will be even more fun ;)

Matra et Alpine
12-19-2004, 03:03 PM
hey no fair, I let you put a lump of useless alloy into the engine bay of this one, I want the track warrior for our next one :)

12-19-2004, 03:50 PM
whats in florida? besides old people and drug dealers

You've never been to Florida I see. What's in Florida? Just the hottest women on earth!!

12-19-2004, 04:01 PM
Oh, I'm back by the way :D
Welcome back. We didn't get much done. :rolleyes:

Matra et Alpine
12-19-2004, 04:14 PM
I've been in Florida and I've been in Rio. Miami is a LONG way from the beauties playing beach volleyball on Copa Cabana :)

12-20-2004, 12:43 AM
I let you put a lump of useless alloy into the engine bay of this one
ha!!... i wont waste my breath! :)

12-20-2004, 02:12 PM
I have another idea for our next project after this one :) - it will be even more fun ;)
And what will that be? A limo? A hypercar? Formula UCP?

12-20-2004, 05:22 PM
heres a rough draft I did for the emblem. Its both classic and modern. Also a few corvette guys might get kinda mad, but it would work for a supercar

Matra et Alpine
12-21-2004, 03:51 AM
There's a bname/badge thread already. PLEASE put all new discussions over in the appropraite threads.

The SUMMARY thread ( this one ) is meant to state where we are !!

12-21-2004, 04:10 AM
Any indication to how much has been spent so far?

12-23-2004, 12:22 PM
usin my nick as car's name huh?.........lol........
yeh i wanna see whats the progression of this car.