View Full Version : Electronics package

12-27-2004, 04:24 AM
This thread should be for the electronics package for the supercar... such as the data recording unit, radio/cd/whatever head unit, speakers, wiring.

give your suggestion, your opinion as to why the supercar would want to use that unit, price, and a link to whereever you found it for that price.

*edit* Include how many speakers and whatever other specifications you find relevant. In my opinion a supercar should have a killer system that would be able to do everything well!

12-27-2004, 05:19 AM
the only electronics on a supercar should be the engine management systems.All of the rest is useless weight

12-27-2004, 05:27 AM
Really? I was under the impression that supercars has nice amenities such as radio/cd players and the like.

So is this a supercar, or a focused sports car?

Matra et Alpine
12-27-2004, 06:23 AM
Don't see the problem in fitting out a player - an iPod weighs next to nothing :) 2 sets of earphones and that's your lot :) Save weight with no speakers ( or how tiny speakers in the ears of the race seats ? )

GTR Dreamer
12-27-2004, 05:44 PM
yep.......speakers in the flapy bits beside the head and a small ipod or the like........its all ya need
just for a few tunes incase the lovely exhaust note gets boring........dont see that happening ;) :D

12-27-2004, 05:59 PM
What do the Ferrari's and Lambo's have?

12-27-2004, 08:50 PM
I'd rather no stereo or anything personally

12-27-2004, 08:53 PM
ipods actually have incredible sound quality, and i forget which model, but one of the zonda models (or a few?) have speakers right behind the peoples heads. another thing, is just rig a very small but good speaker thru the head restraid, and have little "wings" on the side like some cars, and have the speakers in those. not exactly the cheapest way to do it, but its weight efficient, and you got your speakers. im not really in favor all that much of speakers on a supercar, but if what we designing supposed to be mass produced, then sound systems would be a good idea. (id prefer the sound of the engine in a supercar, not sure bout my 94 mercury sable)

12-29-2004, 10:04 PM
I like the Idea of an Ipod being strapped to the dash, with some wireless headphones being attached to the seats?

12-31-2004, 05:20 AM
The ipod idea is a good one, if it can be done tastefully.

I like It

01-04-2005, 02:26 PM
if money is not an issue here you could run 2 hlcd's (horn loaded compression drivers) under the dash out of the way , these give great audio imaging and are quite light for the sound they produce, they produce quite low mid tones too for there size

but for a cheap pair your looking at £8,000 not cheap but they give superb sterio imaging

01-04-2005, 03:19 PM
8k pounds? or the equivalent to something between 15-16 thousand dollars? no way we can do that! we only have 62k dollars to use on everything besides the exterior work (which accounts for 38k). no way we can afford that.

01-04-2005, 04:20 PM
ok then sorry just an idea! was not sure on the budget

01-04-2005, 04:22 PM
lol, sorry man. yeah, we only got 100k to spend, 38 of which went to body working

01-04-2005, 05:06 PM
What do the Ferrari's and Lambo's have?

I know that Ferrari uses Becker headunits.