View Full Version : What would you do with a supercar?

06-01-2005, 07:08 PM
Lets say you got your hands on a supercar, Enzo, CGT, Pagani...what ever floats your boat. Aside from taking it to track days, car club meets and the like, what would you do with it? Where could you take it? The supermarket, shopping mall...? I know this sounds silly, if you own a supercar, you have the money to buy an every day car. But it just makes me wonder, where would you take it to? Park it? How often?

06-01-2005, 07:11 PM
i'd drive it on weekends only, there is no way i'm driving it on the hour+ drive to uni and parking it there(lot of dust). on weekends i'd just drive as i would a normal car, tho if i was at a freinds for a while i'd ask if i could put it in his garage rather than park on the street. at the mall i'd park it far away in the empty part of the parking lot

06-01-2005, 07:12 PM
Pagani Zonda: I would pick up Taz and ROCK Miami Beach!! Show those Lambo/Ferrari drivers what a real exotic is all about :D

06-01-2005, 07:12 PM
Depending on how heavy the clutch was, and how much effort it took to drive the car in everyday stop-and-go, probably not very much. But most of the time I'm in the car, I'm by myself anyways.

06-01-2005, 07:20 PM
Pagani Zonda: I would pick up Taz and ROCK Miami Beach!! Show those Lambo/Ferrari drivers what a real exotic is all about :D

Like wise bro! :) But that's the dilema. Would we just drive around and go home? Or would / could we park it anyware and go to a club, restaurant and not feel paraniod about where we parked it?

Homem de Gelo
06-01-2005, 07:36 PM
PIMP and show off

06-01-2005, 07:58 PM
if I had a Carrera GT...the clutch is awesome on those things so id drive it every day and bring it on any trip that didnt require more luggage/passenger space

but then again, if i had a something as silly as a Jaguar D-Type id probably drive that everyday too

and its not that i feel like showing off...i just think that any car should be driven...i mean, if youve got an awesome car, dont spend more time cleaning and polishing it than you do driving it...i find stone chips and splattered bugs attractive

my porsche
06-01-2005, 08:13 PM
get good insuranceand have it as my only car, drive the hell out of it and use it everyday, park anywhere, if it got keyed/stolen/beaten my insurance would cover it :D

06-01-2005, 08:17 PM
If I had a super car I would use it on weekends. Other wise if I had a secure parking areea, I'd take it to and from work whenever I wanted.

06-01-2005, 08:19 PM
On the weekends I'd find a nice open road and drive it like it was meant to be driven. On weekdays I'd bring a stopwatch and see how fast I can get to work. :)

06-01-2005, 08:28 PM
If I had a supercar, I prob. wouldn't use it on weekdays. The ricers would prob. spraypaint hater on it or something at my school. Once friday/saturday/sunday hit, I'd cruise down the Turnpike or in Manhattan, and then take it for a spin on the tight corners of Alpine and Essex. (nearby)

06-01-2005, 08:34 PM
i would challenge the cops to a race lol

06-01-2005, 08:38 PM
I have thought about this. If I had a McLaren F1 I can't say I would drive it everyday, but I would drive it, a lot. Its a really practical supercar. If I somehow came into millions of dollars before I graduated high school, I would drive my Koenigsegg to and from school and park damn close to the building (So the security cameras can keep an eye on anyone who feels the need to mess with it).

Egg Nog
06-01-2005, 08:44 PM
I'd drive the &$(#@ out of it on weekends, and probably take it to work when I felt like it, which would probably be pretty often.

my porsche
06-01-2005, 08:45 PM
how is a mclaren practical? it takes like 5mins to get in! :p

definately the koeneggsegg

Egg Nog
06-01-2005, 08:50 PM
how is a mclaren practical? it takes like 5mins to get in! :p

definately the koeneggsegg

It's practical because it has terrific around-town manners, 3 seats and far more luggage space than any other supercar, despite being one of the smallest. You'd have to be pretty physically unarticulate to have trouble getting in. :)

06-01-2005, 08:57 PM
Proably kill myself with it the first week. :)

my porsche
06-01-2005, 09:01 PM
It's practical because it has terrific around-town manners, 3 seats and far more luggage space than any other supercar, despite being one of the smallest. You'd have to be pretty physically unarticulate to have trouble getting in. :)
im already 6'2" and supposed to grow another 6", i think that is going to be a problem for me :( :rolleyes: :)

06-01-2005, 09:01 PM
New idea: Light it on fire, collect the insuance, buy a house, a nogaro blue S4 on 19" BBS LM's, put a .:R32 drivetrain in the Golf, and call it a fuggin' day.

my porsche
06-01-2005, 09:05 PM
why nogt get a real r32? and an rs6

if it was a 250gto, id sell it buy a $10m house and a 25 car garage with super cars to fill it

06-01-2005, 09:10 PM
why nogt get a real r32? and an rs6
R32's in the US: 5000
Mk3's with R32 drivetrains in the US: 0

And because this (http://www.ultimatecarpage.com/frame.php?file=pic.php&imagenum=1&carnum=31) is the best looking car ever.

my porsche
06-01-2005, 09:14 PM
screw that get a 2004 b5 s4, they look so much better! more power too, and non turbo so the engine will last longer

ok well at least get a mkIV golf to stick it in :D

what about a 2004 s4 driveline in an r32?!?!?

06-01-2005, 09:17 PM
screw that get a 2004 b5 s4, they look so much better! more power too, and non turbo so the engine will last longer

ok well at least get a mkIV golf to stick it in :D

what about a 2004 s4 driveline in an r32?!?!?
I'm banning you from ever owning a VAG product.

my porsche
06-01-2005, 09:20 PM
whats vag? why is that so bad? both of the newer generations look better...

i gues tahst why you dont like me haha cuz i dont like old golfs

ok whats vag again?

06-01-2005, 09:21 PM
Volkswagen Audi Group. And I don't not like you. :)

my porsche
06-01-2005, 09:22 PM
i dont care to own the v part but ill take the a part, ok cool, for some reason i always thought you ahted me... :confused:

06-01-2005, 09:24 PM
Lets say you got your hands on a supercar, Enzo, CGT, Pagani...what ever floats your boat. Aside from taking it to track days, car club meets and the like, what would you do with it? Where could you take it? The supermarket, shopping mall...? I know this sounds silly, if you own a supercar, you have the money to buy an every day car. But it just makes me wonder, where would you take it to? Park it? How often?
i think i would drive it EVERY day for a while, then, i guess, after the novelty wears off, i would drive it where 1) i would get alot of looks, and 2) it wouldnt get stolen

06-01-2005, 09:49 PM

1. drive it
2. crash it
3. caption it
4. post it on the internet
5. listin to The Misfits while enjoying the flamfest

06-02-2005, 02:35 AM
I would take it on a racetrack everyday for a half hour, longer in the weekends and give it some speed to beat the track record, and if I did, I would break the record on another circuit :D and so on...

Matra et Alpine
06-02-2005, 03:52 AM
The ULTIMATE Road Trip :)

SImple repeating program...
1) drive to hotel near race track.
2) spend night relaxing
3) spend day on track during trackday
4) return to hotle and relax
5) look at atlas for next nearest track not already raced on
6) plan route for dricving there tomorrow
7) have a drink and go to sleep
8) get up refreshed

repeat steps 1-8 until run out of tracks.

Step 1 may require ferries or planes or maybe jsut a drive.
Whichever way is easiest.

I reckon a couple of years and I'd have covered the world :)

06-02-2005, 07:06 AM
Drive it every sigle day everywhere! but then again i'd probably kill myself just getting out of the garage! :D

Carrera GT sounds very user friendly

06-02-2005, 08:17 AM
I dont know what car i would take, probably the CGT or Koenigsegg because they are so rare.

06-02-2005, 09:46 AM
Lets say you got your hands on a supercar, Enzo, CGT, Pagani...what ever floats your boat. Aside from taking it to track days, car club meets and the like, what would you do with it? Where could you take it? The supermarket, shopping mall...? I know this sounds silly, if you own a supercar, you have the money to buy an every day car. But it just makes me wonder, where would you take it to? Park it? How often?
I'm not very interested in supercars to be honest, but if I had one I would certainly NOT drive it everyday.

Matra et Alpine
06-02-2005, 10:00 AM
I'm not very interested in supercars to be honest, but if I had one I would certainly NOT drive it everyday.
Anyone who owns a supercar and DOESN'T drive it as often as they can - aka "every day" - should have the car removed from them and given to someone who can appreciate it :)

Egg Nog
06-02-2005, 10:51 AM
im already 6'2" and supposed to grow another 6", i think that is going to be a problem for me :( :rolleyes: :)

It seems pretty unlikely that you'll be 6'8", don't you think?

06-02-2005, 11:04 AM
Anyone who owns a supercar and DOESN'T drive it as often as they can - aka "every day" - should have the car removed from them and given to someone who can appreciate it :)
That's maybe why I'm not very interested in supercars. :)

my porsche
06-02-2005, 11:21 AM
It seems pretty unlikely that you'll be 6'8", don't you think?
no, my uncles are 6'11" and 6'7" my grandpa is 6'4"

06-02-2005, 11:25 AM
The ULTIMATE Road Trip :)

SImple repeating program...
1) drive to hotel near race track.
2) spend night relaxing
3) spend day on track during trackday
4) return to hotle and relax
5) look at atlas for next nearest track not already raced on
6) plan route for dricving there tomorrow
7) have a drink and go to sleep
8) get up refreshed

repeat steps 1-8 until run out of tracks.

Step 1 may require ferries or planes or maybe jsut a drive.
Whichever way is easiest.

I reckon a couple of years and I'd have covered the world :)

That's sounds like a good idea Peter :) I'd take it to the office and back so I can drive it every day and go track hunting on the weekends :)

06-02-2005, 11:36 AM
Collect a crate of Veuve from Riems.

One bottle at a time. (The only time not having enough room in a supercar would be a bonus.)

06-02-2005, 11:47 AM
Drive around in a ridiculously low gear so EVERYBODY could hear me coming.

06-02-2005, 12:06 PM
Ferrari Enzo.

I'd drive my taurus around town, and give out challeneges to ricers to meet me at a track, and race me for $500,000. If they win, they get all of the cash, if I win, I get their car.

Most effective way to get rid of ricers, as they can never turn down a challenge.

Matra et Alpine
06-02-2005, 12:20 PM
That's sounds like a good idea Peter :) I'd take it to the office and back so I can drive it every day and go track hunting on the weekends :)
Not wishing to rub it in, but that's how I currently live :)

being able to NOT go to the office and spend all the time travelling between tracks now THAT would be heaven !!

In fact having written it down I'm informing my kids NOW that I expect them to fund this for me in a couple of years time - only fair I've paid for their school and uni :)

06-02-2005, 04:43 PM
I'd start a thread about owning one and post some pictures that may or may not be from a brochure, then after around 4 pages of flaming, post an egg-nog test picture and sign off with a great big OWNED!


Matra et Alpine
06-02-2005, 05:06 PM
I'd start a thread about owning one and post some pictures that may or may not be from a brochure, then after around 4 pages of flaming, post an egg-nog test picture and sign off with a great big OWNED!

However, you'd be the one owned :)

See the e-n test is simple and any idiot who avoided it rather than immediately posting the facts only deomnstrates thier own lack of intelligence.

The e-n test is simple and everyoen gets asked to do it.

Being asked doens't give the claimant any "power" to claim owned later.

it don't work like that :)

06-02-2005, 05:42 PM
Take it too shows in a personal trailer, and leave it in my garage and admire it from the sidewalk.

my porsche
06-02-2005, 05:47 PM
^oh my god! are you serious?!?! haha :p

06-02-2005, 05:51 PM
I would drive it for about seven months in the summer and have it in a garage for the five when it's snowing. :(

The car would of course be the Zonda F

06-02-2005, 06:06 PM
I would drive it for about seven months in the summer and have it in a garage for the five when it's snowing. :(

snow? whats this snow you talk of :)
i'd make sure mine was not a targa top/drop top because i'd get skin cancer

06-02-2005, 06:14 PM
snow? whats this snow you talk of :)
i'd make sure mine was not a targa top/drop top because i'd get skin cancer

In the winter it's about 60cm of snow here for 4-6 months. And it pisses me off.

06-02-2005, 07:13 PM
I'll own my Enzo and cruise in it on the weekends, I'll drive it to work every now and then.:D:D ***Wakes up from dreams.......

06-02-2005, 08:26 PM
yo do u guys kno that the Enzo only gets 15/MPG

my porsche
06-02-2005, 09:10 PM
do you know the murcielago gets about 9? haha :)

Rebirth of Xar
06-03-2005, 06:45 AM
I would modify it and have it on the show circuit. Nothing like displayin an exotic to the masses. I would use it to go to clubs and get VIP treatment and use it to go on road trips.

06-03-2005, 06:47 AM
id drive it

06-03-2005, 07:25 AM
PIMP and show off

Hey man can i come with you!!! :D