View Full Version : Life

08-11-2005, 05:19 PM

"To my friends.

I have come to realise the human race was created for peace and compassion.

The universe is a cold and desolate place for all we know.

We are all alone on a rock we all call home.

Some people though cannot agree whose home it is though.

If someone was not meant to live there they would not of been placed on Earth.
I ask you to throw aside all your views on war and terror and agree on this.

Humanity's number one priority is to live and have familles.
Number two increase the living standard for our children's future
Number three insure the survival of our home-enviroment.

It was never war or beaucracy.

Whatever deity you believe in never wanted us to be a bunch of war mongering barbarians so lets lay down the rifle and roll out the welcome wagon.

When anyone you see is having trouble help them for it might cling onto your conscience for years to come and you will regret what you did not do all those years ago.
I can feel the planet dying it is in agony because of our carelessness in how we live our lives.
By following the simple things i mentioned you secure.

Love Peace Prosperity-Pass it to a friend and then all around the globe.

http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/lifecynical.php" - Michael Baily (a Friend of mine)

08-11-2005, 05:21 PM
hahahaha sorry to say this but you sound a bit like a hippy on offense meant. Without war there will never be peace.

08-11-2005, 05:23 PM
EDIT: most of this stuff Isn't mine.

08-11-2005, 05:34 PM

I think it's kinda funny b/c it is just really wierd that he wants everyone to read this.

To make everything simple...humans can't govern themselves. Man is dominating man to his own injury.

I'll explain: Man is screwing himself when he tries to make things better. He just can't do it. Too many problems. Over thousands of years no government has ever stood forever and no government has ever held 100% efficient rule that benefited everyone perfectly. Just doesn't happen man.

08-11-2005, 05:37 PM
I think it's kinda funny b/c it is just really wierd that he wants everyone to read this.

To make everything simple...humans can't govern themselves. Man is dominating man to his own injury.

I'll explain: Man is screwing himself when he tries to make things better. He just can't do it. Too many problems. Over thousands of years no government has ever stood forever and no government has ever held 100% efficient rule that benefited everyone perfectly. Just doesn't happen man.
I've edited it a couple of times, might wanna re-read

Thanks for your support. :)

Aslong as i know now.

08-11-2005, 06:06 PM
Humanity's number one priority is to live and have familles.
Number two increase the living standard for our children's future
Number three insure the survival of our home-enviroment. - Michael Baily (a Friend of mine)

Smart friend :)

08-11-2005, 10:04 PM
hahahaha sorry to say this but you sound a bit like a hippy on offense meant. Without war there will never be peace.

and with peace there will never be war.

08-11-2005, 10:26 PM
Without war there will never be peace.

You been taking logic lessons from George Bush?

Seriously, the idea of making war for the sake of peace is like f---ing for the sake of celibacy.

No offense. I'm just sayin'...

08-12-2005, 06:02 AM
The greater ones always pursue lesser ones, that's the way of life.