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View Full Version : Not entirely sure I'd want to drive this through too many towns.

"Clevor" Angel
09-14-2005, 12:16 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Oldtimer-Mercedes-Benz-Modell-G3A-of-1933-Nazi-Car_W0QQitemZ4575443405QQcategoryZ6315QQrdZ1QQcmdZ ViewItem

09-14-2005, 12:22 PM
i once ate a taco

09-14-2005, 12:23 PM
That would probably be a bad idea. Isn't neo nazism coming back in germany though?

09-14-2005, 12:23 PM
wouldn't get a very good response to it. lol

09-14-2005, 12:25 PM
starting bid of 6.5 million... thats alot

09-14-2005, 12:26 PM
6,500,500 :eek: :eek: :eek:

He sais it is a "Nazi Car" :o

And he dosent say how many miles it has on it :/

"Clevor" Angel
09-14-2005, 12:28 PM
Its also got very small, low quality pictures. Someone spending 6,500,000 on anything probably wants a little clearer description and better pics.

09-14-2005, 12:29 PM
Reminds me of the hilter car at the Barbie muesum(klause barbie) in rat race.

09-14-2005, 01:02 PM
You´re right. It is one of the so-called Hitler-Wagen cars, even if snaps of G-4 Mercedes Benz car are much more common.

09-14-2005, 03:20 PM
I wouldnt give a shit about it being a Nazi staff car, its tight. Most people look past the fact that it carried a bad man and look at it being a piece of history...

09-14-2005, 03:28 PM
I actually like the eagle and Swatika, somply because it dates it as a piece of history and is tied to a rather rough time, just like id fly a Messerschmidtt 109 or Fockewulf 190, even if it had a Swastika and Maltese Cross

09-14-2005, 03:38 PM
the car itself is great, but without the swastika, jews or anyone else wont care who owned the car and even if they did I wont give a shit.

09-14-2005, 05:12 PM
He doesn't know what motors in it....
That should be enough to NOT buy it.

09-14-2005, 05:45 PM
most people wouldn't even recognize that it would be a nazi-mobile without the "special" markings...

Egg Nog
09-14-2005, 05:52 PM
This might be a bit more suitable if you want a Nazi-mobile but you've got a low budget.

Link (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1973-beetle-runs-great-restore-or-parts-NO-RESERVE_W0QQitemZ4575202241QQcategoryZ6019QQrdZ1QQ cmdZViewItem)

09-14-2005, 05:55 PM
if it weren't for the nazi markings and the fact that it's hitler's parade car, I'd be all over it.

09-14-2005, 06:05 PM
Boohoo. It's a Nazi vehicle. I suppose we should destroy it so nobody will get upset.
The Holocaust happened-we aren't honouring Hitler by restoring his car, and the Holocaust won't be disrespected if someone buys it.

"Clevor" Angel
09-14-2005, 09:47 PM
It is a nice looking car, but I'd stab myself six times before I'd get in anything with a swastika on it. Its not that it was a nazi car, its what the swastika symbolizes and it being on there.

09-15-2005, 10:43 AM
The Swastika is what makes it what it is, a German staff car. Im part black, and my sister is jewish, and i know what offends people. It doesnt make a difference about the Swastika, its different if you wore a Deathshead uniform while cruising, that would be going a little too far...

09-15-2005, 11:46 AM
I gotta admit it looks cool :D

09-15-2005, 02:53 PM
It is a nice looking car, but I'd stab myself six times before I'd get in anything with a swastika on it. Its not that it was a nazi car, its what the swastika symbolizes and it being on there.
I suppose we should also take the stars off the US flag because if you put a circle around it it becomes Satanic...
The swastika is a symbol of peace. Anyone not in Europe or Amerika will tell you that. It originates from India as te spinning wagon wheel of progress, trade and everything good. There's actually a good number of gov't buildings built before the 1930's in Washington DC that have swastikas on the, and the design of a swastika is brilliant as a floor plan, allowing several edges see light. I wouldn't want a Nazi swastika on my car either, but the thing's a piece of history.

09-15-2005, 03:16 PM
The swastika has shown up for thousands of years as a symbol for many cultures, but you have to be careful because people always take it as meaning nazi.

09-15-2005, 03:17 PM
But how many people, let alone Jewish people, do you think are going to accept that the Swastika was a sign of peace though?

09-15-2005, 03:34 PM
But how many people, let alone Jewish people, do you think are going to accept that the Swastika was a sign of peace though?
As I said before, if you go drive that thing around with a swastika on it anywhere not in Europe or North America and nobody will know the difference. Swastikas don't mean holocaust in Asia.

09-16-2005, 07:43 AM
Well its the people that dont know much that are going to take it as the Nazi symbol. Mainly becaues most people had never seen it in ANY other culture until the Nazis used it.
Its just uneducated people that will go apeshit with this kind of thing.

Cadillac Imaj
09-16-2005, 07:49 AM
This might be a bit more suitable if you want a Nazi-mobile but you've got a low budget.

Link (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1973-beetle-runs-great-restore-or-parts-NO-RESERVE_W0QQitemZ4575202241QQcategoryZ6019QQrdZ1QQ cmdZViewItem)

its true!

"Clevor" Angel
09-16-2005, 12:00 PM
I suppose we should also take the stars off the US flag because if you put a circle around it it becomes Satanic...
The swastika is a symbol of peace. Anyone not in Europe or Amerika will tell you that. It originates from India as te spinning wagon wheel of progress, trade and everything good. There's actually a good number of gov't buildings built before the 1930's in Washington DC that have swastikas on the, and the design of a swastika is brilliant as a floor plan, allowing several edges see light. I wouldn't want a Nazi swastika on my car either, but the thing's a piece of history.

As far as I've heard the swastika is the peace symbol BACKWARDS, correct me if I'm wrong. Yes its a peace of history, but it would be the same thing as driving through town with pentagrams or F**K YOU on every side of your car, it will offend much more than anything else. I never said to take it off the car for any other reason but ME DRIVING it, otherwise yes leave them on, they basically tell you flat out the history it has. Go ahead leave them on, my point in posting this thread was basically to say Its pretty and all, I just wouldn't want to own it, too hard to sell, hard to impress, its more of a museum piece if you ask me.