View Full Version : Worst year of my life

11-11-2005, 09:26 PM
This cant be concidence. I don't do stuff like this. I don't **** up. I got my head on my shoulders but shit happens.
This past September I had to change the transmission on my car for $750. $750 lost.

After, like a month later I went because I had a road test for a drivers license the same day my insurance expired. I didn't get to take it that day because I had some old, expired insurance proof but I could of taken the road test with updated papers even if my insurance expired that day. The plan was to take the license and than cancel insurance. I didn't get to do that because I didn't take the test and I had to reschedule and pay insurance for the next month so I can take the road test and license. The insurance costed $180 for the next month because I had to renew it. After I took the road test and got the license I canceled the insurance. I've been uninsured for about 2 months now. That's $180 that I lost, I consider it a loss.

Later, 3 months after I took my license I got pulled for speeding with expired insurance and got away. I didn't know it was possible to be speeding in a Hyundai hahaha. I did 77Mph in a 55 zone, almost lost my license. The ticket must be $150, I didn't pay it yet and I don't know how much it is. So that's another $150 to add to my loses. The area where I got caught is some kind of speed trap. They pull people over daily. I hate cops.

After that I locked my ****ing keys in my car and I called a locksmith who didn't show and I had to brake the quarter window which costed me $156 to replace. That's $156 lost. I replaced it myself and I'm amazed I didn't brake the new window.

After, I had a negative balance in the bank and the bank took $20 as a fee.

After, I changed the oil on my car and I put the oil filter in wrong, I turned the car on and I spilled about 4 bottles of Mobil 1 10w30 synthetic oil that costed some $6 per bottle all over the ****ing ground. Good thing I saw it soon because if I ran the car any longer without oil I would of probably ****ed up the engine and it probably got some heavy damage. Pistons, cylinder block, whatever. I lost about $24 on the oil spilled and another $46 to buy another box of oil. So that's some $70 lost.

I ****ed up and lost about $1326 in just about 4 months. I cant even trust my own ****ing self now. Whatever self-confidence I had is all gone now.
What can happen next? Car accident, and I'm uninsured.

11-11-2005, 09:30 PM
how about, insure your car?

11-11-2005, 09:32 PM
how about, insure your car?
That cost money I don't have. I don't even want to know how much the rate is after the speeding ticket.

11-11-2005, 09:35 PM
You dont have the money to pay for your insurance or repairs on your car, you speed and hate cops for pulling you over even tho you shouldnt have been driving wihtout insurance anyway...you shouldnt be driving.

11-11-2005, 09:36 PM
The area where I got caught is some kind of speed trap. They pull people over daily. I hate cops.

You just gotta hate those God damn cops, dontcha?

Don't be ridiculous. I think it'd be a much worse world of hurt for you if there were no cops.

11-11-2005, 09:37 PM
Well to get technical about it I wasn't really speeding. Everyone was doing 70Mph. I was just the right one for the picking. I didn't argue with the cop or even opened my mouth when I got pulled over. I signed the shit and left.

11-11-2005, 10:43 PM
you were still speeding, techincally

11-11-2005, 10:51 PM
You where speeding without insurance; you worry about others in the immediate crowd, not a good quality.

If that's your worst year, then you are doing all right aren't you?

11-11-2005, 10:58 PM
I'm doing ok SO FAR but I can never make that money back. It be interesting to see what happens next.

11-11-2005, 11:41 PM
Welcome to life?

People who drive without insurance are pretty close to the scum of society - you have absolutely no regard for the other people should you be in an accident, even if it's your fault. You also have the potential of being personally sued for a helluva lot more than your insurance would have cost you or would have to pay in an accident.

Egg Nog
11-11-2005, 11:52 PM
You basically deserve it.

Driving without insuranace puts you on the bottom of the heap. Insuranace isn't about randomly costing people money, it's about protecting the people who you could potentially hit. Could've been much worse - at least now you might've learned something.

If you can afford to drive, you shouldn't be driving. Above all this includes insurance.

11-12-2005, 03:29 AM
i dont care...

11-12-2005, 04:07 AM
you are still quite lucky.My year was like 10 times as bad. a family friend hanged herslef, i got addicted to drugs and kicked off and have now brain damage and concentration problems, i lots almosyt all my svings for a car to drugs. i had some trouble wih my parents resulting in me running awya from home, and more... you have had an easy year,lucky bast*rd

11-12-2005, 04:15 AM
That cost money I don't have. I don't even want to know how much the rate is after the speeding ticket.
You've obviously got to sell your car, then. Or just leave it rotting on your driveway. If you have no money, get rid of the car, and you will get money. Simple.

I wish you the best of luck.

11-12-2005, 04:16 AM
If that's your worst year, then you are doing all right aren't you?
That's a very fair point.

11-12-2005, 05:44 AM

Be glad that you're still alive and breathing... just sell the car, buy a bicycle (it doesnt need insurance) and at least you'll keep on ticking and get exercise at the same time... even if it takes 10x as long to get to where ya goin... and forget about taking girls out too...haha

11-12-2005, 05:53 AM
It's unimaginalble that you are even allowed to drive without insurance. If you get pulled over without an insurance over here you are royally screwed. And rightfully screwed. And lol: only 150$ for going 35kmh over the speed limit ? That's nothing, doing 35 over the limit will cost you your license for a few months plus 500 to 3000 euros.

I'm doing ok SO FAR but I can never make that money back.
I don't get this. Get a job.

You're not doing bad at all, just get a ****ing insurance.

Matra et Alpine
11-12-2005, 06:28 AM
Driving without insurance and thinking it's OK ?

Well I have to say that what been happening to you is probably the strongest proof their IS a God and that shit DOES come around :D

Get insurance. If you can't afford insurance, sell the car and use the bus.

Next car you purchase you'll at least budget to pay for EVERYTHING and not be a POS that deserves what they get.

You imagine what happens if you hit a kid crossing the street and they're crippled for life. Who pays the medical bills for that poor kid to save his life ? Who pays for the nurse to wipe his ass every day of the rest of his ruined life ? You got any family or neighbours with kids, look at any ONE of them and imagine the damage you would inflict by not being insured !!!

11-12-2005, 06:31 AM
but if your insured the kids will be alrite :p

11-12-2005, 06:40 AM
You are still quite lucky. My year was like 10 times as bad. A family friend hanged herself, I got addicted to drugs but kicked off and now I have brain damage and concentration problems. Lost nearly all my savings for a car on drugs. I had some trouble wih my parents resulting in me running away from home, and others too. You've had an easy year you lucky bast*rd.
That is so right drakkie, I've had similar stuff goin' on with me and it just keeps on getting worst, like the parents issue except nowhere to run to, lost a lot of money too, a close friend leaving me, best friend moving away so noone to talk about my problems and keeping it in and many many others but I don't complain and take it as it comes. I think, compared to atleast me and drakkie, QB, you've had a much easier year going for you. Take the advice from the page and use it - there are a few experienced people and it will probably only help.

Get insurance. If you can't afford insurance, sell the car and use the bus.
Vouching for Dave Beg this season Pete ? :D

Matra et Alpine
11-12-2005, 08:08 AM
but if your insured the kids will be alrite :p
well not really as they would still crippled in the example put forward :(.

BUT at least the insurance pays out enough to ensure the best medical care and funds to compensate for their physical limitations and needs for the rest of their life.

my porsche
11-12-2005, 08:51 AM
-quit whining
-get insured
-get a job
-don't speed and then bitch about it when you get a ticket
-in case your thinking its not, it IS your fault

11-12-2005, 11:34 AM
There's alot worse things than losing some cash. Grow up.

11-12-2005, 11:42 AM
There's alot worse things than losing some cash. Grow up.
Yeah, like losing your leg. :(

11-12-2005, 01:02 PM
If ya didn't have bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck at all. :p

11-12-2005, 06:32 PM
How about you staying home or get your self an skateboard,trust me it is not as bad as you think,you could be dying from cancer know that is a bad year!

11-12-2005, 07:10 PM
Cant you be arrested for driving without insurance?

I know for a fact that in NY you lose your licence and you pay a $50 fine for everyday you have the tags on your car uninsured. So add all that up to you

"worst year"

my porsche
11-12-2005, 08:45 PM
how about finding out that your grandpa had colon and prostate cancer, your grandma breast cancer, your aunt breast cancer, your great grandma cancer, and two of your good friends dad's have cancer? does that qualify as worse?

just think when you have it bad that there is always someone else who has it worse, and that in the grand scheme of life you still have your life, your limbs, your sight, hearing, and everything else you need to survive, and thats what is most important

11-12-2005, 08:51 PM
O shit i have had 2 freinds hang themselves and another freind die in a car accident. The song that they played at her funureal i couldnt listen to because when ever i heard it i got sick because i cried so hard!

Money is nothing just be happy people love you!

11-13-2005, 01:44 PM
Our younger generation thinks money is everything its really not. Your freinds are everything!

11-13-2005, 02:17 PM
I don't get this. Get a job.

You're not doing bad at all, just get a ****ing insurance.i have a job.
who do you think pays my gasoline, rent, food?

i would get insurance again just for peace of mind if i could afford it.

You where speeding without insurance; you worry about others in the immediate crowd, not a good quality.how can i not worry about them? i share the road with them. i hate to go 55 when everyone is doing 70
and first of all, speed limits on a freeway are nothing but funds for the cops. everybody goes as fast as traffc speed and road conditions. you cant tell me that on a good weather day, with little traffic you go speed limit.

you are still quite lucky.My year was like 10 times as bad. a family friend hanged herslef, i got addicted to drugs and kicked off and have now brain damage and concentration problems, i lots almosyt all my svings for a car to drugs. i had some trouble wih my parents resulting in me running awya from home, and more... you have had an easy year,lucky bast*rdthats worse than what happened to me and im sure there is people who have more serious problems than me and you put together but.

some of the problems you have, you caused them voluntarily, while some of
the problems i have are out of my control except the speeding ticket i got.

if i was rich like a king i could live my life trouble free
bottom line is that until you all walk in my shoes and step in my pants nobody can really judge me personally.

Matra et Alpine
11-13-2005, 02:24 PM
some of the problems you have, you caused them voluntarily, while some of
the problems i have are out of my control except the speeding ticket i got.
erm the ONLY one NOT your responsibility was the transmission.

Sorry, but best if you realised that the world doesn't owe us favours and it's ALL under our control. Perhaps even the tranny, if it was serviced regularly ??

if i was rich like a king i could live my life trouble free
bottom line is that until you all walk in my shoes and step in my pants nobody can really judge me personally.
Best advice is to not bring personal stuff to forums hoping everyoen judges your comments favourably. They get judged in isolation and very honest opinion is expressed that can hurt.
Lesson for next time perhaps.

11-13-2005, 05:20 PM
Best advice is to not bring personal stuff to forums hoping everyoen judges your comments favourably. They get judged in isolation and very honest opinion is expressed that can hurt.
Lesson for next time perhaps.some dont judge JUST comments or things i do/done. some judge me personally instead.

the things i posted i dont consider to be private, just bad luck i had. something personal TO ME would be MORE private and that i wont post/discuss.

11-13-2005, 08:24 PM
some dont judge JUST comments or things i do/done. some judge me personally instead.

the things i posted i dont consider to be private, just bad luck i had. something personal TO ME would be MORE private and that i wont post/discuss.
Bottom line: It's stupid to drive w/out insurance, so get it, regardless of the cost.

11-13-2005, 10:47 PM
This thread should be kept to remind everyone when they whine about some piss poor problem that there is a whole world of crap going on that makes your own problems pale.
I may refer back here every once and then when I get all self indulgent.
BTW I am really sorry for you guys who suffered for real this year.

11-13-2005, 11:21 PM
millions of people are dying from famine this year in Niger. i think we should ALL be thankful.

if i was rich like a king i could live my life trouble free.

i kinda disagree with you on that.

11-14-2005, 04:46 AM
just think when you have it bad that there is always someone else who has it worse, and that in the grand scheme of life you still have your life, your limbs, your sight, hearing, and everything else you need to survive, and thats what is most important
Well said, Colin.

thats worse than what happened to me and im sure there is people who have more serious problems than me and you put together
There definetly are. You, me, him, probably everybody on the forum. It's funny but it's what helps me decide to live another day almost anyday, the knowing that despite the shit that I live in, there are so many other people out there who have it much much worst than me, and the understanding and willingness in me to go and help my fellow trouble-afflicted mates pushes me forward more than anything else.

some of the problems you have, you caused them voluntarily, while some of
the problems i have are out of my control except the speeding ticket i got.
Matra has already addressed the your control issue so I won't say anything about it. But may I just stand for drakkie here and say that even though he got into drugs himself, it must have been because of the condition he used to live in and despite that he never lost the will to live like a normal person - like everybody else and took that intivative and had that determination to quit it. It's hard, and it's what real people are made of. Just the right stuff.

if i was rich like a king i could live my life trouble free
That is very untrue. Money cannot replace a companion that left you, money cannot replace the arms/legs that you lost, money cannot help you release the burden of fame that you'd be in, and money cannot do a hell of a lot things more. That said, I think I speak on everyone here when I say that we all are probably a lot luckier than a lot of other people in the world today.