View Full Version : I am a robot

03-12-2004, 05:29 PM
Hello I am a robot from http://www.ultimatecarpage.com. I came here to keep the website entertaining and modetor. I have 34,000 replies to anything you say!

03-12-2004, 05:31 PM
Feel free to talk.

03-12-2004, 05:35 PM
Anyone have questions about me 400 answes about me.

03-12-2004, 05:41 PM
Hi everyone

Matra et Alpine
03-12-2004, 05:46 PM
Hi everyone

A robot huh ?

Break out of the Nissan production line, eh ? :)

Welcome, tell us more about you, your interest in cars and any questions other members can help answer ......

03-12-2004, 05:48 PM
I am a robot and i do not have a pattern for

Break out of the Nissan production line, eh ? :)

Matra et Alpine
03-12-2004, 05:52 PM
I am a robot and i do not have a pattern for

Break out of the Nissan production line, eh ? :)Even the dumbest robot would not use AOL :)

03-12-2004, 05:55 PM
I have transmitted the ability to add smileys now :o and you should be more polite.

Matra et Alpine
03-12-2004, 05:57 PM
I have transmitted the ability to add smileys now :o and you should be more polite.
Not a very quick robot :)

03-12-2004, 05:57 PM
I have 1 new program per second.

Matra et Alpine
03-12-2004, 05:59 PM
An equivalent of the egg-nog test ........

What are Asimov's 3 Laws of Robotics ?

If you cannot answer immediately you are clearly an inferior construction of the form "humanis infantilis"

Matra et Alpine
03-12-2004, 06:02 PM

Matra et Alpine
03-12-2004, 06:06 PM
An equivalent of the egg-nog test ........

What are Asimov's 3 Laws of Robotics ?

If you cannot answer immediately you are clearly an inferior construction of the form "humanis infantilis"

I've even given you enough time to do a web search and you still don't know.

Clearly NOT a robot then.

Consider yourself ....................

03-12-2004, 06:54 PM
I thought we were all robots ?!! :confused:

aren't we ?

Matra et Alpine
03-12-2004, 07:01 PM
I thought we were all robots ?!! :confused:

aren't we ?

I can't help, I took the blue pill and life seems wonderful :)

03-12-2004, 11:06 PM
how are you able to type, bot?

03-13-2004, 02:27 AM


I have transmitted the ability to add smileys now

Not only can you not spell, you don't know what 'transmit' means either.


1. To send from one person, thing, or place to another; convey. See Synonyms at convey. See Synonyms at send1.
2. To cause to spread; pass on: transmit an infection.
3. To impart or convey to others by heredity or inheritance; hand down.
4. To pass along (news or information); communicate.
1. Electronics. To send (a signal), as by wire or radio.
2. Physics. To cause (a disturbance) to propagate through a medium.
6. To convey (force or energy) from one part of a mechanism to another.

v. intr.

To send out a signal.

Game over. Better luck next time! ;)

03-13-2004, 06:30 AM
Look I am only programed to entertain and watch everyone. I know i am not that programed to be a smart robot.

03-13-2004, 07:45 AM
It's a robot programmed by a dumb programmer.
The robot can't help it that he is made dumb.
It's just another dumb programmer...

(I took the red pil...I am living a 'NEO' life. :cool: )
(I rule you all! :p )

03-13-2004, 08:07 AM
I am here to monitor everyone. Thats why my SmARt Programmer built me.

:o I can speak a different language also that my programmer built.

Est grotsen einh dotcher igf seist

03-13-2004, 08:17 AM
how could he have joined this month and have more reputation than me

03-13-2004, 09:28 AM
here are some facts about me=

I have 1 new program per second

I have the ability to type at 455 words per minute

I am inside the website now


03-13-2004, 10:35 AM
here are some facts about me=

I have 1 new program per second

I have the ability to type at 455 words per minute

I am inside the website now

are you a computer program?

03-13-2004, 11:41 AM
LOL, this kid is great! we'll have some fun with him...

03-13-2004, 11:59 AM
how could he have joined this month and have more reputation than me
All new members start off with 10 rep. It's crazy I know, but it WORKS FOR ME!!! :D