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03-16-2004, 10:49 AM
holla at best sport :cool:

03-16-2004, 10:50 AM
Football CUz

Matra et Alpine
03-16-2004, 11:01 AM

Skill AND aggresion AND violence :)

03-16-2004, 11:18 AM
Rugby. Mud, blood and mud. Just gotta love it ;)

03-16-2004, 12:05 PM
Football! (soccer-but i hate it when people call it that :mad: )

03-16-2004, 08:11 PM
Football (Soccer)

Matra et Alpine
03-17-2004, 04:40 AM
soccer-but i hate it when people call it that
But that's how it should be otherwise it gets confused with
Rugby Football
We were here first :)

03-17-2004, 05:13 PM

Skill AND aggresion AND violence :)
just replace 'rugby' with 'hockey' and you have my comment :D

Matra et Alpine
03-17-2004, 06:28 PM
just replace 'rugby' with 'hockey' and you have my comment :D
But all that padding.
Like NFL it makes for false bravery.
How many of them would tackle ( or fight ) without the protection ?

03-17-2004, 09:30 PM
But all that padding.
Like NFL it makes for false bravery.
How many of them would tackle ( or fight ) without the protection ?
rugby isn't played with sticks and flying peices of frozen rubber that are flying at over 60mph is it?
i've played street hockey with no pads with a street hockey puck, and i put my shin out to stop it, i will never do that again (hurt like an SOB), but i have played football without pads and i will do that again, because rugby and football don't have sticks and peices of hard flying rubber in them.
Also, many people play hockey without pads and all they do is just play without blocking the puck and no golies, and in the NHL people usually have open helmets, do they can just drop their gloves and duke it out, they do it all the time, and it's on skates.
as for rugby VS football, when i was in the US, they didn't want to play tackle foot ball without pads because they might get a scrape, so maybe the UKers are more tough than americans. :p

03-18-2004, 01:09 AM
rugby isn't played with sticks and flying peices of frozen rubber that are flying at over 60mph is it?
i've played street hockey with no pads with a street hockey puck, and i put my shin out to stop it, i will never do that again (hurt like an SOB), but i have played football without pads and i will do that again, because rugby and football don't have sticks and peices of hard flying rubber in them.
Also, many people play hockey without pads and all they do is just play without blocking the puck and no golies, and in the NHL people usually have open helmets, do they can just drop their gloves and duke it out, they do it all the time, and it's on skates.
as for rugby VS football, when i was in the US, they didn't want to play tackle foot ball without pads because they might get a scrape, so maybe the UKers are more tough than americans. :p
but dont be bad bertuzzi lol. who got suspended for the season and the playoff

03-18-2004, 04:35 AM
But all that padding.
Like NFL it makes for false bravery.
How many of them would tackle ( or fight ) without the protection ?
Well our local rugby leauge in the 80s it wasnt considerd a eal game unless they had at least one full field punch up and a few retierments to the blood bin....pity the game is so sanitised nowdays a tap and they stop the game and have a public hearing unto the fate of the offending players....
And also a few years ago they got some american footballers to australia and taught them the rules for leauge and stuff and in the change rooms they looked att heir uniforms and asked wheres the padding?....they didnt even venture out onto the field after they heard the answer :D

Matra et Alpine
03-18-2004, 05:42 AM
And also a few years ago they got some american footballers to australia and taught them the rules for leauge and stuff and in the change rooms they looked att heir uniforms and asked wheres the padding?....they didnt even venture out onto the field after they heard the answer :D
There was a similar documentary done with some forwards going over to NFL.
They couldnt' handle the number of plays and the NFL'ers were shocked when the back-row player explained they only had 2 calls for a line-out - eggs and ham :)
Things have changed now.
I too miss the days when a good raking was 'deserved' if you didn't roll out the way, when being on the wrong side of a maul would mean a punch and roughing up a back meant the wrath of a forward in retaliation :)
Union rules mind you where rucks and mauls are allowed - League's for nancy boys who can only take one tackle at a time.

( ducks below desk :) )

03-18-2004, 06:26 AM
You better hide old man :D
I like union too to be honest i rember my first real apying of attention to it was last year with the world rugby and i found it very enjoyable to whatch though some what more difficult to understand and didnt flow as good...the bit i loved was one match england vs some mid range country where one bloke had the ball and got tackled and went sliding across the rain soaked grass and then had serval blokes from the other team trying to stop his progress and several other team mebers try to push him along...this relusted n him being under 200+kilos of people and still sliding at a very generaous speed all considering how he traveled! he ended of hitting the goal posts with all this wieght and speed and was strecherd off!
And also we have a detalierat the commonwelth who is fully into his union who told us a story of one bloke who had an ear ripped off in a tackle (more then likly the shoveing that makes the game earn the name cross country wrestling :D )
I like leauge more because it flows better and i grew up with it...

Matra et Alpine
03-18-2004, 06:39 AM
You better hide old man :D
I like leauge more because it flows better and i grew up with it...
Can't argue and I enjoy watching league for that reason.
But the lack of alternative 'plays' in the game can make it less intersting to a union viewer. To a league watcher union can be confusing coz there are other 'things' going on :)

League players make first tackles count MUCH more than union.
I think that's down to the longer professionalism and is starting to transfer to union ( maybe at the same rate as players moving :) )

03-18-2004, 06:50 AM
Yeah and not to mention being lifted up by your shorts to hit the ball away is still considerd strange by me :D
I ont know about professionalisum we have been playing leauge here for more the 100 years...im no exbert in the field but the first established club i can thing of was the Newcastel Knights in 1904! and union is marred by snobbery in this country public school kids play leauge where snobish schools whos parents shell outfor an edumacation tend to play union....

03-18-2004, 07:18 AM
you want violence, play kung-fu or boxing.

you want a REAL sport, play soccer. i've always thought sports were more focused on talent and not fighting ?!

Matra et Alpine
03-18-2004, 08:11 AM
you want violence, play kung-fu or boxing.

you want a REAL sport, play soccer. i've always thought sports were more focused on talent and not fighting ?!
Ah it's not fighting in rugby, it's "playing the man".
And the skill is in not getting caught :)

03-18-2004, 05:46 PM
in hockey, when someone gets injured in a legitimate hit, even if they are really badly injured, the person dishing out the hit probably won't get a penalty, and if they do it is a minor penalty. but rugby is fun because you can dish out a lot of whoop ass :D

04-02-2004, 11:03 PM
football, rugby, soccer, all these sports require one ball. Motocross requires two. Nuff' said :D

04-03-2004, 01:09 AM
Football (or if you must, soccer)

Don't get me wrong though I do love a good game of rugby.

How did I know a fight like this was going to erupt?

The Tuner
04-03-2004, 03:00 AM
street racing!

or if thts not considered a sport, then soccer. ive nvr played rugby, but thts cozi nvr got the chance to and not coz i was scared. played mini rugby in a school outing a few yrs ago, brought ma math prof to the ground wit one HARD flyin tackle! felt soooooo good! :D

i like golf as well, and plz dont think its an "old mans gae" or wateva if u havent played it....takes a LOT of concentration and skill

04-03-2004, 07:34 PM
After they decided to bring in fishing liscences i no longer go fishing for Karp...so i went over the river (about 20 metres away from where i live) armed with my collection of 2 golf clubs and went for a swin and pinched a pile of gold balls from the ponds floor....i was haveing a great time untill the greens keeper chased me away for notbeing a member... :D