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View Full Version : 'Latest Reputation Recieved' Box - Little Grey Boxes?

04-21-2004, 09:34 AM
In the attatchment you can see that as well as the green thingies, which represent a +1 I would guess, there's some grey thingies too. Are they meaning that whoever gave the rep. didn't select +1 or -1, so it's neutral? Or does it mean -1? Or what? :confused:

I'm probably missing something very obvious here..

Thanks in advance :)

Matra et Alpine
04-21-2004, 09:43 AM
In the attatchment you can see that as well as the green thingies, which represent a +1 I would guess, there's some grey thingies too. Are they meaning that whoever gave the rep. didn't select +1 or -1, so it's neutral? Or does it mean -1? Or what? :confused:

I'm probably missing something very obvious here..

Thanks in advance :)

Folks can't actually give out rep POINTS until they themself have reached a rep of 20.
It's an attempt to try to ensure that those giving out rep points have some concept of a quality rep ( as they must have convinced 20 other members to give them a rep for a spointg(s) )
So the grey box is a positive rep, but with no points as the giver isn't 'matured' :)
You kind of get used to it as when newbies come on they often find posts they like ( old ones ) and you get a rep comment for something you wrote months back :)

04-21-2004, 09:48 AM
just a positive way of saying good post. :)

04-21-2004, 09:59 AM
Folks can't actually give out rep POINTS until they themself have reached a rep of 20.
It's an attempt to try to ensure that those giving out rep points have some concept of a quality rep ( as they must have convinced 20 other members to give them a rep for a spointg(s) )
So the grey box is a positive rep, but with no points as the giver isn't 'matured' :)
You kind of get used to it as when newbies come on they often find posts they like ( old ones ) and you get a rep comment for something you wrote months back :)

Okay, thanks :) It seems like I have serious newbie appeal...

Matra et Alpine
04-21-2004, 11:45 AM
Okay, thanks :) It seems like I have serious newbie appeal...
Me too, hopefully someone who takes rep seriously won't get upset and suggest more changes :)

04-21-2004, 03:06 PM
I'm not particularly bothered by the whole rep thing, but I can see why it's there.

I suppose it helps to keep trolls from just signing up, take rep points off everyone, and post a few "My uncels car is so fazt, omg!!!!!111!!! Nissanz rule" type things then leave/ get banned :rolleyes:

The only person who has given me one of these 'faux' rep points didn't bother to leave a comment :confused: So I don't know if what I said was good or bad.

I'll just assume it was good :D

04-22-2004, 08:59 PM
Okay, thanks :) It seems like I have serious newbie appeal...
so do i, i get almost +2 every day, but always from people below 20 rep

04-22-2004, 10:11 PM
Seems like I repel these "n00b" creatures. ;)
heh, when I was one of these "n00bs" which I still am, and always will be (can't help it...) I "added" rep to people and wondered if there was a bug because the rep didn't go up! I didn't do very old posts though, nothing over a week. :)