View Full Version : Have you ever contributed to Wikipedia? (Not donation)

12-21-2007, 12:38 AM
Hi, following the discussion of Maybach Exelero where we all were discussing on the credibility of Wikipedia, i thought of this.

I've only contributed once to Wikipedia, if you search on Sony Vaio, the part where it mentioned how the VAIO logo came about, by using VA to signify the analog signal, where traditionally entertainment was from (TV, Radio) and IO represents the digital signal, hence the integration of entertainment in computers; was by me. But my original was about a paragraph long and was now only two sentence.

i know it's seemingly impossible to trace or proof whether the claims are genuine, nonetheless I'd rather share and believe than to shut off to avoid being deceived. :)

How bout you guys? Loads of intellectual chaps here, must have something worth claiming right?

12-21-2007, 01:34 AM
A lot of people discount Wikipedia because their teachers told them it wasn't a good source. Most of the stuff is legit, but some people relate minor errors like a 10 horsepower difference in output on a Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 Stradale to Wikipedia as a whole.

12-21-2007, 01:55 AM
Not wikipedia, but added some comments to some discussion sections on the lord of the rings wiki... >.>


12-21-2007, 02:09 AM
I've written multiple articles of automotive technology. For example the dashboard and the crank position sensor. We have to do research about a specific component often. These parts I usually copy into wiki.

12-21-2007, 02:18 AM
I wrote/edited a small part about the top speed at Le Mans.

12-21-2007, 05:43 AM
i contributed to many articles on polish wiki, and most articles related to ferrari were pulled off from my website

12-21-2007, 05:57 AM
Havent written anything, but i think ive edited a thing or two.

12-21-2007, 06:48 AM
My Media studies teacher in yr 12 was an active contributor. Mostly to the Pokemon section :D

12-21-2007, 07:07 AM
I wrote John Howard is George bushes bitch:p.

12-21-2007, 09:30 AM
Don't contribute, but I do use it to look up things

12-21-2007, 09:38 AM
I tried to contribute once, but it turns out that it's all actually an elaborate lie and you can't really contribute, cos it's ALL written by the same guy, who knows more than anyone. Nobody's ever seen him or met him, but rumour has it, he calls himself "drarrk-key"...

Super GT
12-21-2007, 10:10 AM
I am still in school and my teachers will not let us use wikipedia. Either in grade school or high school.

12-21-2007, 12:32 PM
I am still in school and my teachers will not let us use wikipedia. Either in grade school or high school.

Your teacher is stupid. People, students need to be exposed to as many sources of information as possible.The key lies not in the ability to get the 'correct' info, but to be able to process, decipher and think upon receiving all sorts of material.

12-21-2007, 03:04 PM
No, I use it often but I don't contribute. I usually don't know enough about something to contribute.

12-21-2007, 03:15 PM
I rewrote the Nissan Skyline GT-R (KPGC110) section from garbled English into understandable English.

12-21-2007, 06:24 PM
I usually don't know enough about something to contribute.

Wikipedia management once asked me to write the page defining and exemplifying success. I politely declined though.

12-21-2007, 09:32 PM
Your teacher is stupid. People, students need to be exposed to as many sources of information as possible.The key lies not in the ability to get the 'correct' info, but to be able to process, decipher and think upon receiving all sorts of material.


While using Wiki as a sole source of info isn't that good of an idea, that goes for any source of info. You should always use multiple sources and Wiki is good for this, as all the good pages of info will be fully referenced.

And, something everyone always forgets, is that Wiki is moderated, so you can't just throw up whatever you want.