View Full Version : My Trip to Quebec

02-12-2008, 07:43 PM
Yeah, so I went to Quebec from January 31st to February 4th.

The weather was nice and balmy there. :D

Daily highs were around -4 C. Really wasn't that bad. I'm used to the cold in NY anyway. But, I wasn't used to the quantity of snow there. Here, it's quality, not quantity.

A couple of my best pictures.

I tried poutine. Not that awesome, IMO.

02-12-2008, 07:53 PM
A bit more.

02-12-2008, 07:58 PM
did you get that poutine at a fast food place?

02-12-2008, 08:05 PM
did you get that poutine at a fast food place?

Yeah, I wasn't able to find it elsewhere.

02-12-2008, 08:34 PM
Well Poutine is considered our official provincial meal so there are like a zillion imitators. The real one is the one you buy at Ashton's. The only Poutine I accept to eat. The one you took a picture of looks like it's not happy to be part of this world :p

You were very lucky with the -4C temperature, it's -16 as I write this. I remember it was -31 (-43 with wind chill factor) one day... Temperature is a bit weird though, two days ago it was 4C... Über variations ftl.

I hope you enjoyed your trip, my city is a bit small but I believe the monuments we have are worth the trip, plus people here are rather friendly. :)

02-12-2008, 08:45 PM
Well Poutine is considered our official provincial meal so there are like a zillion imitators. The real one is the one you buy at Ashton's. The only Poutine I accept to eat. The one you took a picture of looks like it's not happy to be part of this world :p

You were very lucky with the -4C temperature, it's -16 as I write this. I remember it was -31 (-43 with wind chill factor) one day... Temperature is a bit weird though, two days ago it was 4C... Über variations ftl.

I hope you enjoyed your trip, my city is a bit small but I believe the monuments we have are worth the trip, plus people here are rather friendly. :)

Hells yeah, you guys are friendly. Whatever French I knew I completely butchered and I still was able to get around perfectly fine. Also, I was able to use US dollars even though it isn't worth as much as Canadian. The stores and restaurants still gave me exact change. How's that for nice? The same courtesy would probably not be found in NY.

On a side note, the girls are good looking too. :D

Yeah, I definitely plan to go back. When we went it was the beginning of Carnival. You guys sure are festive in such a cold climate.

The weather right now in NY is pretty cold actually, at -3 C. It snapped back to a cold climate and it reminds me very much of Quebec.

Poutine I'm willing to give a second chance to because now I know that it probably wasn't the best example out there. I'm willing to experiment when it comes to any food. Love trying foods of all types.

The monuments and landmarks are awesome. This city just has so much history in it and I love the fact that the old quarter stayed old, unlike NY where mostly everything has been taken apart and gives way to condos and high rises.

02-12-2008, 08:47 PM
It's been like -27 C with wind chill, (-12 to -19 without). Pansies...

02-12-2008, 08:53 PM
I tried poutine. Not that awesome, IMO.

Poutine IS awesome.

02-12-2008, 09:08 PM
what is poutine made of?

02-12-2008, 09:12 PM
If you're ever coming back, tell me, I'll be your guide. I live 20 minutes away from downtown by car. :)

I spent so much time downtown I know perfectly where you need to go, plus I don't charge anything :p

I recommend you come back when the weather is better though, from mid-May to mid-September. The rest of the time the weather is rather cold and not very enjoyable. Autumn is nice too, mid-November is the ultimate dead line if you don't want to freeze if you stay still for too long!

This year is Québec's 400th anniversary too, unfortunately the big events didn't happen yet, the Carnaval was nice but not as epic as I imagined it would be, it looked exactly like the other years... except with more lights and sounds.

02-12-2008, 09:13 PM
what is poutine made of?
French fries, cheese curds and gravy. You can get it with chicken, sausages, beef, etc. if you want.

02-12-2008, 09:59 PM
^ sounds interesting...

02-12-2008, 10:51 PM
Ah Quebec City, it's probably the most beautiful city in Canada. I should be making my way out there this spring, I can't wait.

02-13-2008, 01:18 AM
Screw Quebec, comme to montreal!:p

Quebec IS an amazing city. Been there a few times and allways discover something new.

Also, If any of you DO come to montreal, and want some poutine, the best is at "La Banquise", open 24h/7 it gets really crowded around 3:30 when clubs close.

02-13-2008, 01:00 PM
Poutine IS awesome.

Definitely going to try it again. :D

If you're ever coming back, tell me, I'll be your guide. I live 20 minutes away from downtown by car. :)

I spent so much time downtown I know perfectly where you need to go, plus I don't charge anything :p

I recommend you come back when the weather is better though, from mid-May to mid-September. The rest of the time the weather is rather cold and not very enjoyable. Autumn is nice too, mid-November is the ultimate dead line if you don't want to freeze if you stay still for too long!

This year is Québec's 400th anniversary too, unfortunately the big events didn't happen yet, the Carnaval was nice but not as epic as I imagined it would be, it looked exactly like the other years... except with more lights and sounds.

Thanks! Quebec is awesome. Our guide told us that you guys have huge temperature swings. The summers can get quite warm.

Ah Quebec City, it's probably the most beautiful city in Canada. I should be making my way out there this spring, I can't wait.

Screw Quebec, comme to montreal!:p

Quebec IS an amazing city. Been there a few times and allways discover something new.

Also, If any of you DO come to montreal, and want some poutine, the best is at "La Banquise", open 24h/7 it gets really crowded around 3:30 when clubs close.

Thanks for the tip. One needs to pass Montreal before you make it to Quebec right?

02-13-2008, 01:36 PM
Definitely going to try it again. :D

Thanks! Quebec is awesome. Our guide told us that you guys have huge temperature swings. The summers can get quite warm.

Thanks for the tip. One needs to pass Montreal before you make it to Quebec right?

Not necessarily, depends where you are making your way from.