View Full Version : Close call

02-14-2008, 03:21 AM
I'm sure you've had some, but last night it was my turn.

I was driving through dense mist, probably 40 metre sight at a speed of round and about 50 km/h over one of our local dikes. In one of the turns, the back came round all of a sudden. I overcompensated (dumb, dumb, dumb) and slided the other way. Full throttle to pull it straight, hitting the rev limiter didn't help. Sliding out of control I stopped 1 meter right of a tree and 1 meter left of a lamp post, with 1 meter in front of a small waterway. Damn. My heartrate must have been 500 beats a minute.

Share your stories here, I am curious to hear them.

Fleet 500
02-14-2008, 03:29 AM
Yeah, that happened to me once driving my Dart.
I was turning left heading down a slight hill onto a residential street when it was raining.

I wanted to slide out on purpose, but it went more than I figured... I was heading toward a curb. I instantly remembered to turn the wheels toward the slide and I came out of it. I'm glad I remembered to "turn the wheels in the direction of the slide" or I would have hit the curb! Wouldn't have been too good on the tires and suspension. :o

Your story sound a lot more scary than mine because I was going slower and there were no trees or poles in the way.

02-14-2008, 03:34 AM
isn't the golden rule, that during thick fog you should adapt your speed in kms to about half of the visibilty in metres? So 20 kph should have been your maximum? And if driving a van 15 might have been the best.....

02-14-2008, 04:08 AM
isn't the golden rule, that during thick fog you should adapt your speed in kms to about half of the visibilty in metres? So 20 kph should have been your maximum? And if driving a van 15 might have been the best.....

Perhaps yes, but since I drive this road fives times a day, I know it like the back of my hand. It's one-way and I can drive it blind.. And i'm young offcourse :D

Matra et Alpine
02-14-2008, 04:15 AM
Lesson learned Drakkie ... in the real world power often gets you INTO more trouble rather than out of it. Hitting rev limiter in slide -- good in drift .... very BAD on road :)

02-14-2008, 04:53 AM
Lesson learned Drakkie ... in the real world power often gets you INTO more trouble rather than out of it. Hitting rev limiter in slide -- good in drift .... very BAD on road :)

Actually in my car it helps a lot to straighten it out again. I've had sooo many sideways action on gravel where it actually helped. The front wheels in theory pull you the way you are steering and want to go. Since the upgrades, the tiny machine is a real beast on the road. Hoped it'd help. Braking is learned to me to be a bad thing, because of the car's responses, right ?. I never had any trouble controlling a slide, even done it in a 2500 kilo van :rolleyes: Long live kilometers of practice gravel, yeeeeehaaa ::)

02-14-2008, 05:19 AM
I had a close call that went too far. I was diving round a corner in the wet, it was from a down hill and the corner went up to the right. i got too much speed down the hill, braked too late and too hard at the corner and locked up and didnt turn. I hit the gutter and wrote off the car (89 camry stationwagen). Oh well, at least no one was hurt and i hav my liberty.

02-14-2008, 05:28 AM
I had a close call myself lasy tuesday. Is was driving home (on my bicycle) from my girlfriend (around 22.00h). I also pass the same trafficlights, recently renewed. It now recognizes cyclists as well, so they get green and can pass the junction without having to stop. So from the left a scooter came with like 70km/h (30 allowed). But since I had green, he needed to stop for me, only he didn't. Since I was like screw him, he needs to stop, I didn't stop either. Untill the very last moment, we both braked full power. We nearly bumped into each other. He called me a f**king moron. I was too shocked to even say anything back at him. Then the fun part started: the guy was seen by a police car (probably they had followed him already because of his speed). The immediately put on the blue light and started chasing him. Last I saw was that the guy was stopped by the police.

It once gets proven: what goes around comes around (if that's the right expression :D )

02-14-2008, 05:38 AM
since I drive this road fives times a day, I know it like the back of my hand. It's one-way and I can drive it blind..
Apparently not.

Actually in my car it helps a lot to straighten it out again.
Apparently not.

Since the upgrades, the tiny machine is a real beast on the road.
In what sense of the word?

02-14-2008, 05:44 AM
on top of the ^:

you state that suddenly the back came round. I am sure you know that your mighty Alto is front wheel drive, so to make the back come round, you must have abruptly lifted......and if then the back comes around "suddenly" you might want to train yourself in knowing when to expect and how to subsequently fight lift-off oversteer, rather than perform drifting acts in the gravel pit.....

02-14-2008, 06:47 AM
I have had way to much close calls, someone up there must have a plan with me ...

02-14-2008, 08:39 AM
I have had some close calls but nothing really as bad as these at least that come to mind. Mine all boil down to me being unexperienced at the time, but I guess thats how you learn, luckily I never did anything dumb enough to hurt me or my car.

However, there was one incident, I was driving down an unfamiliar road in rural Missouri (**** that state, just straight up) at about 11PM and I was following the speed limit, I really was (45-55mph I don't remember) and I came around a corner and there was a deer walking right across the road and I didn't have to time to react even, not hit the brakes or swerve or anything, I thought the thing would get hit by my mirror or SOMETHING thats how close the thing was. My friend and I yelled and were shaking for a good hour afterwards. It just shows that deer are dangerous, I always am on the look out now.

02-14-2008, 08:46 AM
Share your stories here, I am curious to hear them.
My most recent testicle tightener (ahem) happened a few months ago during a late-night fang along the Monaro Hwy - see typical Pic (http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125/nota_photo/MonaroHwy6.jpg) - your average rural (very) two-lane which winds itself through the low hills, rising towards the snowfields. My car had just gotten its first proper tune-up so I decided to celebrate by 'stretching its legs' on a short country squirt of about 50 miles to see how she went.

I know the road well which as expected was virtually deserted with no cops around so there I was, bopping along nicely at about 130-140 km/h with the high-beams showing the way against the blacktop road surface on an otherwise very dark and moon-less night. This road is a bit of a kangaroo lottery but I've improved my headlights and they're pretty decent, and thought my speed was still (fairly sort of) within their range

Everything was calm & serene, I'd just dipped my lights for an oncoming car which I don't think returned the favour, then back onto main-beam and up to speed as I crested a slight rise .. when I thought I saw .. something .. which in sudden mega-panic realisation turned out to be one eyeball of a completely black cow that was standing there broadside and looking stupid, right in front of me, right in the middle of the roadway, and far too impossibly close to stop in time

I honestly couldn't see it until I made out the white of its eye, at what seemed like only 30 yards away, from a genuine 130 km/h. The distance is probably an exaggeration but by gee it was close. Anyway, nothing for it but to instinctually STAND on the brake pedal and hope to wash off some speed before the inevitable happened. This is my first car with ABS and thank heaven for that! And for those very powerful Benz brakes. I've never stopped so fast before - the car just stood on its nose with major groaning noises and lost speed in dramatically short style, by some miracle enabling me to swerve at almost the last second before impact, still doing about 50 km/h as I drifted by in a slight oversteer correction, with two wheels in the grass

Pant! Puff! Phew! :eek:

dead-set If I'd been in our other car (non-ABS Falcon) I would've been history

02-14-2008, 08:57 AM
In what sense of the word?

I was able to get a Swift GTi 1.6 block cheaply in the period I was here rarely ;)

on top of the ^:

I didn't lift off, I went through half-throttle. I think some of yesterdays fog froze onto the surface or something. Still, I learned my lesson, never underestimate the dangers of driving.

I had a close call myself lasy tuesday...

.. It once gets proven: what goes around comes around (if that's the right expression :D )

Scooter drivers can be an absolute nightmare. They drive so insane sometimes. I guess age is in important factor. I've had two bike-scooter incidents in the past. One was when I was driving over a bike-path (translation?) and the moron didn't estimate the gap well enough and hit my handle bars, knocking me over. Another when he didn't let me go first, (i came from the right), almost the same happened as in your case. Pity he wasn't arrested, but killed himself three days later.

Nota, just reading your story almost makes me sweat allready. Sounds very very dangerous !

02-14-2008, 12:01 PM
Not one of my own moments, but I was walking through a nearby village where a mate lives, on my way to his house at about 5.30pm so it was dark. I hear the dull drone of his 4-stroke scooter and surely enough he comes past, his turn is about 20yards away, he's got an Audi A3 following behind, they get to the turn, my friend is travelling at 30mph. He suddenly slams on his brakes, turns, then indicates. The poor dude in the A3 behind stood on his brakes and swerved around him before having to swerve back to avoid the Micra parked up on the other side.

02-14-2008, 12:33 PM
I went for a small nose job fix my broken nose only will take 20min done..

I'm hearing the nurses and doctors talk around me, There telling me there changing my top it's bloody, Then there talking about how I'm not responding I'm on 10 machines oxygen the works and i can here them talking, Going through my head is I'm dead, No shit this is no BS, I'm thinking i have died or I'm going to, So some 35 min later after the operation i get this massive punch into my chest and this warm rubbing i wake up choking my chest is like a elephant sat on me my head is killing and a nurse says welcome back?.
By the time i get back to the room my mother is in tears will be back in 30min she was told. I didn't ask and i really haven spoke about it but I'm sure if it was bad they should have said something?..
Maybe i should have said something cause i don't know what to think i only know what i felt and that was scared like never before thinking something was wrong.
I don't take well to drugs my body fights them off but anaesthetic really ****s me up.

Matra et Alpine
02-14-2008, 01:59 PM
I don't take well to drugs my body fights them off but anaesthetic really ****s me up.
A friend is the same. She has to receive high doses for it to work, so much that it then risks shutting her whole system down. Sounds liek you similar, highly sensitive to it and I'm guessing your heart went into arrythmia.
Be prepared for having to do future ops under local :(
She's jsut had two ops and isn't looking forward to a knee replacement !!

02-14-2008, 02:14 PM
****s me up.

My story isn't nearly as life or death as your guys, A few weeks ago I was driving a familiar road at very close to midnight, so there was incredibly little to no traffic on this particular stretch. as I aproach the corner mid 2nd gear (4000 RPM) and my friend said "do it" so I kicked the clutch and floored the throttle, kicking out to oversteer I catch one of the most sideways drifts I've done on that corner. however as i return the steering and slowly let off the accelerator to straighten out My rears clip a pothole the size of opera. spitting me sideways into the other (empty) lane of traffic. i catch it but dont manage to smooth out the slide, so as i attempted to get back straight it swaps ends on me and i spin 270 degrees ass first up an embankment and into a pole.

So here is my friend and I in our decent pub clothes trying to un-stick my car from being bogged in wet grass and cought in a ditch, after much more wheelspin - and pushing, we get the car unstuck, and i drive down the road and back up to check everythings fine, which it is, only a small patch of paint is lost from the rear bumper.

Being me and my friend we couldnt stop laughing all the way to the pub, at our own situation, or the look of my girlfriends face driving the car behind us :D

02-14-2008, 04:03 PM
I have had two close calls. The first was when I just turned 16 and my cousin let me drive his Trans Am. Great car and I wanted to do a 180 like in the movies instead of a boring U turn. Mashed the gas and cranked the wheel. I nearly hit the stop sign on the left side of the road.

My closest call was coming home from prom my junior year. It was very very late and I was tired. I fell asleep at the wheel going 45 mph for I guess 5 or 6 seconds. I woke up on the other side of the road just starting into the ditch. Now let me tell you, waking up on the wrong side of the road doin 45 gave me quite a shock. Its not happened since.

02-14-2008, 05:03 PM
I'm sure you've had some, but last night it was my turn.

I was driving through dense mist, probably 40 metre sight at a speed of round and about 50 km/h over one of our local dikes. In one of the turns, the back came round all of a sudden. I overcompensated (dumb, dumb, dumb) and slided the other way. Full throttle to pull it straight, hitting the rev limiter didn't help. Sliding out of control I stopped 1 meter right of a tree and 1 meter left of a lamp post, with 1 meter in front of a small waterway. Damn. My heartrate must have been 500 beats a minute.

Share your stories here, I am curious to hear them.

full throttle doesnt pull it straight. ;)

sorry, I see that has been covered, front wheel drive, glad you are ok.

02-14-2008, 05:11 PM
eh..never really had close calls in a car apart from hitting two kangaroo's over the years. first time was minor in that it rammed the side of my car and got away with only a mild concussion :D scared the shit out of me though.
second time it went under and snapped it's legs :( no damage to the car (3 hours from the nearest town!) but had to shoot the poor thing.
edit: and i almost fell into a volcano as a kid. lava fascinated me a little too much at that time

02-14-2008, 05:16 PM
I was in the country in an 84 VH V8 Commodore sales repping. The roads were dirt and it had been raining. I came over the top of a crest on a road I had never been on and to my amazement/horror/chagrin at the bottom of the dip I was approaching there layed about 4 metres of water. At the speed (probably around 80- 90k) I knew I wouldn’t stop or at least stop in the middle of it so residing myself to my fate I kept the power on and managed to aquaplane across the top. It was quite unsettling to feel the car float across the water on that narrow road at that speed.
The closest I have come to death was on a main two lain dual carriageway at around 100k with a car full of friends. A car crossed in front of me from the other side of the road to enter a side street. He obviously didn’t see me. For whatever reason I didn’t hit the brakes (I don’t think I actually had time) but instead managed to swerve enough to manoeuvre around the front of him, partially into the mouth of the street he was entering. Seriously my heart stopped. If I had hit him we would have exploded into a fiery mass.
Other one was at a level crossing when I was 17 in an old 64 model Holden with my stereo (cassettes boys) blasting. I waited for the train to cross and then put my foot down and took off. I could not understand why the cars on the other side had not proceeded across until I hear the horn and watched the train coming from the other direction fill my rear view mirror.
Again with the heart but it was younger and tougher back then!

02-14-2008, 05:30 PM
A friend is the same. She has to receive high doses for it to work, so much that it then risks shutting her whole system down. Sounds liek you similar, highly sensitive to it and I'm guessing your heart went into arrythmia.
Be prepared for having to do future ops under local :(
She's jsut had two ops and isn't looking forward to a knee replacement !!
It sounds bad like that:eek:.. My first op turned into a lengthy one also.

If i have a head ache i don't take pills as they are useless to me, And at the moment i'm on Voltaren for my knee, And half way through the jar the effects are wearing off:( it's like there not working anymore, I only found this out 4 years ago, I had this massive tooth ache it was 10/10 for pain i couldn't move i was drooling, I was given 2 of these super something pills by my nephew, They helped heaps felt much better, My sister came home and went off her head saying they knocked my brother out for hours just, He took 1, I'm like 1 tablet?? I drove home:D.

I'm only 31 and i have minor osteoarthritis already and god knows what else in this knee. I don't want an operation:(


My story isn't nearly as life or death as your guys, A few weeks ago I was driving a familiar road at very close to midnight, so there was incredibly little to no traffic on this particular stretch. as I aproach the corner mid 2nd gear (4000 RPM) and my friend said "do it" so I kicked the clutch and floored the throttle, kicking out to oversteer I catch one of the most sideways drifts I've done on that corner. however as i return the steering and slowly let off the accelerator to straighten out My rears clip a pothole the size of opera. spitting me sideways into the other (empty) lane of traffic. i catch it but dont manage to smooth out the slide, so as i attempted to get back straight it swaps ends on me and i spin 270 degrees ass first up an embankment and into a pole.

So here is my friend and I in our decent pub clothes trying to un-stick my car from being bogged in wet grass and cought in a ditch, after much more wheelspin - and pushing, we get the car unstuck, and i drive down the road and back up to check everythings fine, which it is, only a small patch of paint is lost from the rear bumper.

Being me and my friend we couldnt stop laughing all the way to the pub, at our own situation, or the look of my girlfriends face driving the car behind us :D
Hey it is life and death, With the GF behind seeing that:eek: Run run she didn't slap you did she?..

02-14-2008, 05:41 PM
It sounds bad like that:eek:.. My first op turned into a lengthy one also.

If i have a head ache i don't take pills as they are useless to me, And at the moment i'm on Voltaren for my knee, And half way through the jar the effects are wearing off:( it's like there not working anymore, I only found this out 4 years ago, I had this massive tooth ache it was 10/10 for pain i couldn't move i was drooling, I was given 2 of these super something pills by my nephew, They helped heaps felt much better, My sister came home and went off her head saying they knocked my brother out for hours just, He took 1, I'm like 1 tablet?? I drove home:D.

I'm only 31 and i have minor osteoarthritis already and god knows what else in this knee. I don't want an operation:(
it's alright slick in an emergency vets are authorized to operate on humans :D
i find doctors aren't 100% clear at times on whether you can drive home..after an eye test i drove home with blurry vision in one eye...looked in the mirror, my pupil had dilated to the sized of a 10c piece

02-14-2008, 06:00 PM
it's alright slick in an emergency vets are authorized to operate on humans :D
i find doctors aren't 100% clear at times on whether you can drive home..after an eye test i drove home with blurry vision in one eye...looked in the mirror, my pupil had dilated to the sized of a 10c piece

that wasnt an eye test.. that was the roofies and eccy kicking in... ;)

02-14-2008, 06:10 PM
I've had a few close ones. Some of them involve deer, some of them involve bad weather. Some of them just include me being stupid.

The closest I've ever come was probaby the time I left my house after a hard rain. Puddles all over. I'd made it about a 1/2 mile from my house when I was going down the long hill toward the slight left over the steel grate bridge. I ran through a puddle at about 70. Water splashed all over my serp belts, causing the power steering to not work. I knew what was happening, as it happens every now and then. (I'm missing an engine cover or six...) I started slowing down. Then the car stalled.

So now I'm heading down a hill at over 50mph with no power brakes and no power steering. And I was getting ever closer to a telephone pole. Ended up stopped about a foot from a pile of snow 3' tall with a concrete retaining wall behind it.

Refired the engine, backed up, and took off again. No one was the wiser.

02-14-2008, 06:14 PM
No one was the wiser.

Just the way I like it..

I thought Euro cars were infallible?

02-14-2008, 06:23 PM
Just the way I like it..

I thought Euro cars were infallible?

They are. There was a Japanese car that I drove past that was jealous of my Euro goodness and put a massive puddle in my way.

02-14-2008, 06:39 PM
scariest moment I've had in a car was in 2006 during one of the snow day on my way to work....I was on the highway doing about 100-110kph or so(mostly clear on the highway), then hit a snow patch during a long, gradual bend, I turn the wheel a bit a the car did nothing, all I can do was waiting for the car to slow enough on its own to turn....my heart skipped a beat when that happened....lol

Same day though later on the local road, the roads were not cleared at all, doing about 40kph when cresting a hill, the car just snapped side way and I just go full on opposite lock one way and the other(while seeing the driver's face on the lane next to mine at my 8:00 position, lol), while not letting go of the gas or slamming the brake at all(knowing doing so will spin the car for sure), just rode out the fishtailing and continued on my way....

02-14-2008, 06:41 PM
Snow is actually the only time I'm driving that I definitely won't dick aroudn. Unless I'm in a parking lot.

02-14-2008, 06:46 PM
Snow is actually the only time I'm driving that I definitely won't dick aroudn. Unless I'm in a parking lot.

We're two very, very different people. (I want it to snow more often ;))

02-14-2008, 06:49 PM
We're two very, very different people. (I want it to snow more often ;))

It's not me I so much woprrry about, as the 7000 pound SUV a lane over who thinks his four-dubya-dee wiht all seasons make him invincible.

I have summer tires on my summer wheels, and summer tires on my winter wheels. <3

02-14-2008, 06:55 PM
that wasnt an eye test.. that was the roofies and eccy kicking in... ;)

i had a close call with your mother on valentines day.
but seriously, those eye tests are messed up. same with the blood tests, didn't say a thing about not being able to drive

02-14-2008, 10:16 PM
What's scary about LA is how little it actually takes. Last night as I was pulling out from a t-junction, I looked and thought the three lanes I had to cross were clear (which was unusual come to think of it) as I pulled out a Saturn emerged from the blind-spot the A-pillar on my grilfriend's Tiburon causes... He stopped all of three feet from my door.

02-14-2008, 11:22 PM
Driving in sub zero temperatures half of the year has made me had some pretty damn close ones.

The first week i had my car, about a year ago, there was a MASSIVE snowstorm, maybe the biggest of the season. I was still pretty inexperienced. Was driving about 30-40km/h on a side street, as i aproach a junction with stops at all 4 directions i start to break and the wheels lock up. I was useed to dive in my Dads car which has abs, my civic does not. Anyways, as i com to the intersection, a car that was going in a direction perpendicular to mine, having made his stop starts advancing. As my wheels lock up, i know i am never making this stop on time and i see him coming into my field of vision. (remember the concept of pumping is still a blur in my mind) I froze! My car sliding towards this car passing in front of me! Just as he cleared the intersection i passed ! I must have been a few centimeters from his bumper!!!! I could have done a lot of damage to his and my car.

And to think some people still drive in winter with 4 season tyres and summer tires! If I had 4 seasons i would have hit him on his door at about 20km/h! PHEW!

Blue Supra
02-15-2008, 05:44 AM
My most recent testicle tightener (ahem) happened a few months ago during a late-night fang along the Monaro Hwy - see typical Pic (http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125/nota_photo/MonaroHwy6.jpg) - your average rural (very) two-lane which winds itself through the low hills, rising towards the snowfields. My car had just gotten its first proper tune-up so I decided to celebrate by 'stretching its legs' on a short country squirt of about 50 miles to see how she went.

I know the road well which as expected was virtually deserted with no cops around so there I was, bopping along nicely at about 130-140 km/h with the high-beams showing the way against the blacktop road surface on an otherwise very dark and moon-less night. This road is a bit of a kangaroo lottery but I've improved my headlights and they're pretty decent, and thought my speed was still (fairly sort of) within their range

Everything was calm & serene, I'd just dipped my lights for an oncoming car which I don't think returned the favour, then back onto main-beam and up to speed as I crested a slight rise .. when I thought I saw .. something .. which in sudden mega-panic realisation turned out to be one eyeball of a completely black cow that was standing there broadside and looking stupid, right in front of me, right in the middle of the roadway, and far too impossibly close to stop in time

I honestly couldn't see it until I made out the white of its eye, at what seemed like only 30 yards away, from a genuine 130 km/h. The distance is probably an exaggeration but by gee it was close. Anyway, nothing for it but to instinctually STAND on the brake pedal and hope to wash off some speed before the inevitable happened. This is my first car with ABS and thank heaven for that! And for those very powerful Benz brakes. I've never stopped so fast before - the car just stood on its nose with major groaning noises and lost speed in dramatically short style, by some miracle enabling me to swerve at almost the last second before impact, still doing about 50 km/h as I drifted by in a slight oversteer correction, with two wheels in the grass

Pant! Puff! Phew! :eek:

dead-set If I'd been in our other car (non-ABS Falcon) I would've been history

Mate I know that bit of road well too, its a pretty rare to get Roos, im more worried about pigs if you catch my drift ;) But i have scared the crap out of myself on Kings hwy on the way down the Clyde mountain in the old 200.

I determined i would set a new personal best of canberra to batemans bay which is roughly 120ish kays with a SERIOUS downhill section near the end. Good fun, Left Canberra at 11.30pm and got to the mountain around 12.00am (yeh i was going quick) smashing it down the hill, using all the tyres and suspension had to give was AWESOME fun until... and ive NEVER seen one on the mountain before, a friggin black wallaby! i SHAT myself, put my foot through the firewall and planted the horn. Luckily the thing bolted or it wouldve been through my front mount for sure :o

Still made it Berra to the Bay in 52 minutes. Rather proud but will never attempt it again ;)

02-15-2008, 02:48 PM
it's alright slick in an emergency vets are authorized to operate on humans :D
i find doctors aren't 100% clear at times on whether you can drive home..after an eye test i drove home with blurry vision in one eye...looked in the mirror, my pupil had dilated to the sized of a 10c piece
I'm the size of a cow:p..

I trust you if I'm dying:D.. Because your the only doc on the island:D.

02-15-2008, 05:32 PM
Snow, ****ing snow. I was in my neighborhood when the back end on my Saturn, a front wheel drive car, came around. I ended up switching directions and only about a foot from a parked car...

02-15-2008, 07:12 PM
I've never seen snow before.. Come to think of it, It's been that dry i cant remember what rain looks like now:(.

02-16-2008, 01:35 AM
Mate I know that bit of road well too, its a pretty rare to get Roos, im more worried about pigs if you catch my drift ;) But i have scared the crap out of myself on Kings hwy on the way down the Clyde mountain in the old 200.

I determined i would set a new personal best of canberra to batemans bay which is roughly 120ish kays with a SERIOUS downhill section near the end. Good fun, Left Canberra at 11.30pm and got to the mountain around 12.00am (yeh i was going quick) smashing it down the hill, using all the tyres and suspension had to give was AWESOME fun until... and ive NEVER seen one on the mountain before, a friggin black wallaby! i SHAT myself, put my foot through the firewall and planted the horn. Luckily the thing bolted or it wouldve been through my front mount for sure :o

Still made it Berra to the Bay in 52 minutes. Rather proud but will never attempt it again ;)

Nothing more fun than to set a new best time. I did the same once on a section of rural land. About 20 km's long with gravel roads, very narrow dikes even my car doesnt fit on and more of that stuff. On one of those dikes, my wheels got into a dip badly and i swerved a little bit over the roads. Very scary when your doing 120 km/h with 10 cm space to your right. Managed to hold it and set a new LB(local best), heard i'll get a challenger this weekend. We basically are a group of young car owners having a laugh in the weekends on empty roads. Doing road trips with 20 car convoys and such stuff :)

02-16-2008, 04:20 AM
I feel like such a dick, my closest call was probably just the numerous times I've run out infront of traffic while I've been in a rush

quick, someone get me in a proper accident!

02-16-2008, 06:42 AM
and I can drive it blind..

You had your eyes open this time then ??

Blue Supra
02-16-2008, 07:04 AM
dont feel bad Spaz. You have plenty of time to make your own mega fk ups! :D

02-16-2008, 07:40 AM
Nothing more fun than to set a new best time. I did the same once on a section of rural land. About 20 km's long with gravel roads, very narrow dikes even my car doesnt fit on and more of that stuff. On one of those dikes, my wheels got into a dip badly and i swerved a little bit over the roads. Very scary when your doing 120 km/h with 10 cm space to your right. Managed to hold it and set a new LB(local best), heard i'll get a challenger this weekend. We basically are a group of young car owners having a laugh in the weekends on empty roads. Doing road trips with 20 car convoys and such stuff :)

What on earth are you trying to proof? That you are an idiot? I didn't think we needed more proof of that, but this is the cream on the cake. .

02-16-2008, 09:34 AM
I am not sure why this thread lives?

This thread: OLD THREAD ABOUT SAME SUBJECT (http://www.ultimatecarpage.com/forum/car-comparison/938-automotive-idiot-stories.html)

Keep it going in there maybe?
Drakkie, you really don't need this negative attention you are always poring all over yourself.

02-16-2008, 09:59 AM
I was driving back from my friend's house at around 1:30am, alone. I knew I was sleepy, but 99% of the time I'd be awake as soon as I got in the car (i know it was stupid of me to do so..) On the way back, there was virtually no one on the road, so I decided to speed up to get back sooner. So I drove for the most part quite fast. No speed cameras nor were there policemen looking to get you. Was really sure of that..hehe :D Little did i know something else was gonna get to me.. :o

The road that I had to go through, i knew really well, as i virtually drive through it at least twice a day. On the way back, in my Dad's 1992 Mitsu Pajero, going 120KM/H, i dozed off...for like 2 seconds... :o The second i woke up, i was fast approaching a corner and a concrete median in between the roads..I managed to turn the corner in time for anything serious to happen..had i woken up a second later, i'd have been on the other side of the road and God knows what else would've happened.. :eek: Lucky for me I only had like 2 minutes of driving left till i got back home..One of the most scariest things that i have ever experienced in my life..

02-18-2008, 03:39 AM
dont feel bad Spaz. You have plenty of time to make your own mega fk ups! :D

I'll just drive like Drakkie, i'll be shitting myself in no time!

02-18-2008, 03:40 AM
I'll just drive like Drakkie, i'll be shitting myself in no time!

you could also just have a go in my car in the wet..

02-18-2008, 03:46 AM
I was thinking about that actually "wait a minute, I know someone with an old RWD Porsche, why am I sitting here with all my limbs attached like a sucker"