View Full Version : drunk communicators

03-06-2008, 06:21 AM
as if it needed any scientific proof, but this may help to adopt further measures to reduce traffic casualties...

PistonHeads Headlines (http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default.asp?storyId=17710)

03-06-2008, 08:37 AM
In Norway all "hands-free" devices is banned, excepts for integrated cellphones, with a button for answering the phone on the steering wheel. 625 euro fine if you get caught.

03-06-2008, 08:40 AM
In Norway all "hands-free" devices is banned, excepts for integrated cellphones, with a button for answering the phone on the steering wheel. 625 euro fine if you get caught.

and that, combined with your prices for alcohol, has turned Norway into the safest country to drive:D

03-06-2008, 09:23 AM
Norway.... "Fantastic Economy" comes to mind :)

03-06-2008, 09:31 AM
and that, combined with your prices for alcohol, has turned Norway into the safest country to drive:D
Fred's avatar is a bit ironic...

03-06-2008, 10:56 AM
NY has a law that says you cannot legally drive and talk on a cellphone. I believe the first offense is a $50 fine, but that doesn't stop ANYONE, even the cops.

03-06-2008, 10:59 AM
NY has a law that says you cannot legally drive and talk on a cellphone. I believe the first offense is a $50 fine, but that doesn't stop ANYONE, even the cops.

talking with a hand held is not allowed here either, but in stead handsfree talking has been promoted. Now the evidence is there that this is also rather distracting and dangerous.

03-06-2008, 03:40 PM
Co is SUPPOSED to have a law banning cell phone use UNLESS it has a hands free device, yet i see more cops than citizens talking on thier cell phones without a hands free device. They SHOULD just ban cell phone use in automobiles ALL TOGETHER!!!...

Matra et Alpine
03-06-2008, 04:09 PM
Like with speed, banning hands-free is penalising all because some people have not learned how to drive properly.
Hands-free is no different to having a passenger or kids in the back and conversing with them !
When I'm on hands-free -- and when I used to be hand-held -- then there were times I'd delay the conversation or ask people to repeat things because the road conditions required more of my attention.

Being a bad driver who doesn't pay attention is NOT the fault of a mobile phone !! It just makes the likelihood of it happening higher.

03-06-2008, 04:21 PM
Texting while driving ftmfw.

03-06-2008, 06:27 PM
...yet i see more cops than citizens talking on thier cell phones without a hands free device. .
Are you sure it wasn't a radio?

Texting while driving ftmfw.
Texting with both hands off the wheel in the middle of a corner is the true ftmfw.

Blue Supra
03-07-2008, 09:33 AM
Ive always been of the same line of thought as Matra on this. Its not hard to drive safely and talk to someone, ive been more distracted changing CDs then i have been on my phone.

3 points and $335 here for using a phone whilst driving. Hands free is legal.

Txting whilst driving is for the l33t amogst us... *high fives Quiggs*


*washes hand* :p

03-07-2008, 10:29 AM
I always answer it on my ear and say let me put you on speaker. Then I punch the radio to shut up and put the speaker on automatically. Not distracted from the road at all. I call a awful lot for business mostly and I did notice it distracts you even while being "handsfree". That's exactly the reason why I dont answer it whilst driving in the city or under bad conditions or whatever that needs extra focus on driving. On a motorway cruise it doesn't really harm I guess..

By the way, the article is very vague. They didn't even name the University.. sighs..

03-07-2008, 11:40 AM
Are you sure it wasn't a radio?

Texting with both hands off the wheel in the middle of a corner is the true ftmfw.

Positive, you can tell A. by the size and shape and B. the way its held. The opinion that the law is punishing all because of a few is COMPLETELY incorrect, NO ONE can give the sufficient attention needed to operate a vehicle while ALSO giving the sufficient attention needed to communicate on or operate a phone, thats why they give the majority of the attention to the phone, because they feel communicating with someone is more important than giving their ENTIRE attention to operating the vehicle, they also feel that their ARE in fact COMPLETELY in control of the vehicle, even if something DOES go wrong. Its just people thinking they are capable of more than what the human body is capable of...


03-07-2008, 01:49 PM
NY has a law that says you cannot legally drive and talk on a cellphone. I believe the first offense is a $50 fine, but that doesn't stop ANYONE, even the cops.

Yup. Wish it were better enforced though. Lots of crazy people as it is. We don't need soccer moms on their cell phones in their massive Suburbans not concentrating on the road with 7 kids in the vehicle.

Like with speed, banning hands-free is penalising all because some people have not learned how to drive properly.
Hands-free is no different to having a passenger or kids in the back and conversing with them !
When I'm on hands-free -- and when I used to be hand-held -- then there were times I'd delay the conversation or ask people to repeat things because the road conditions required more of my attention.

Being a bad driver who doesn't pay attention is NOT the fault of a mobile phone !! It just makes the likelihood of it happening higher.

While I agree that cell phone usage is distracting, you try to do it in a safe way, so I guess it's safe that way though. However, not everyone will delay the call and etc. The easiest way to deal with it would be just banning it for everyone. Sucks, but the way I see it, any distraction (radio, passengers, etc.) can be potentially deadly for the driver.

Just wondering, how is the problem handled in Scotland and England?

Texting while driving ftmfw.

I've seen a couple crashes online because the driver was texting. Not pretty sights.

03-07-2008, 02:38 PM
I've seen a couple crashes online because the driver was texting. Not pretty sights.

I've got a couple of friends that have crashed their cars while texting... most often it's rear-ending at a stoplight...

Nothing about women's driving capabilities but... all of these friends that have crashed while texting are ladies... :rolleyes: Some of them are already downright scary to drive with when they aren't distracted by their stupid phones... Phones just make it worse...

phones while driving = stupid
texting while driving = more stupid
women texting while driving = don't go there... :D

03-07-2008, 04:07 PM
I've seen a couple crashes online because the driver was texting. Not pretty sights.

It's a good thing I'm an infallible driver then.

03-07-2008, 05:39 PM
I've seen cellular jammers on Ebay for about $250. I've been tempted to buy one just so all drivers within 100 meters of me will get off their phones.

03-07-2008, 05:46 PM
Federal felonies ftw.

03-10-2008, 11:42 PM
I talk to people in my car, thats fine.

I has a CD stacker, so changing CD's involves pushing a button.

But Generally I don't answer my phone while i drive. If it's important they'll either call back, leave a message or it wasn't worth talking about.

and using a Bluetooth Earpiece either makes you look like a Dad or a Tool. Possibly both.

03-10-2008, 11:44 PM
and using a Bluetooth Earpiece either makes you look like a Dad or a Tool. Possibly both.

it makes you look like the Borg: Resistence is futile....

03-10-2008, 11:46 PM
It's a good thing I'm an infallible driver then.
I don't think the owner of the Accord thinks that way.

03-10-2008, 11:46 PM
the other thing is i can't get over the sneaking suspicion someone is secretly feeding me information through the earpiece.

The voices tell me things.

03-11-2008, 11:04 AM
I've seen cellular jammers on Ebay for about $250. I've been tempted to buy one just so all drivers within 100 meters of me will get off their phones.

It's illegal to sell those things. Could eBay get in a lot of shit for that?

03-11-2008, 12:52 PM
It's illegal to sell those things. Could eBay get in a lot of shit for that?
Not eBay, but the seller, yes.