View Full Version : A paint that explodes into 8 colors

05-21-2004, 01:43 PM
Hey Guys, Just sprayed the spray chrome .I am not kidding with you . Its amazing .i sprayed my wheels and top coated with Alsa’s chrome . it is the closest thing I have seen to real chrome as yet.check out their website . they have really cool stuff

05-21-2004, 03:20 PM
what the hell are you talking about?

05-21-2004, 04:06 PM
what the hell are you talking about?

he made this thread, only a little different, in the european forum, and i'm still not quite sure what he is talking about :confused:

Egg Nog
05-21-2004, 05:10 PM
It's as if he's spamming for some company, and then doesn't post any links to their site :)

05-22-2004, 12:20 AM
weird shit

Matra et Alpine
05-22-2004, 02:46 AM
hey guys, I think it's a bit tough, maybe.

red has posted an experience he/she has had with using a product.
He/she DIDN"T post a link, but has named the company and frankly the produts they offer ARE nice and I'm going to look into for my bike :)

I'll not post the link I found as some may over-react and think I'm spamming :) but a search for "alsa chrome" WILL bring it up for those interested.

red's new to UCP so he/she has to learn our ways, the etiquette of being a UCPer and the best forum to use for a topic.

I hope he/she does come back and enjoy sharing even after this possibly bad inital experience to his/her input.

Lighten up guys please !!

05-23-2004, 12:35 AM
whatever it is, it sounds prettty strange,but if it works.........

05-23-2004, 12:42 AM
no, it's a spammer.

notice the way the full stops in the post always have a space at the end, like so .And start here, it's like a telegram, and a very odd way of typing to begin with, so unless your a computer spamming it is too unnatural.

I appreciate you trying to be a bit liberal here Matra, but it is a spammer, your defending a computer.