View Full Version : Another Bombing...

Blue Supra
09-09-2004, 08:41 PM
I dont know what the international covergage of this has been like but i thought id start a thread to let you know in case the coverage in your area is too poor to mention it. The Australian embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia was bombed yesterday, fortunately due to extremly tight security we had in place the bomber was forced to detonate it at the gates not in the building, thank God. 9 people were killed and 100s injured from the blast which shatered every window up to 500 metres away.


This is the second time we've been hit in indonesia, It just pisses me off that the indonesian government is not tough enough or secure enought to prevent these sorts of things. Next time theyll come to OUR cities.

09-09-2004, 08:47 PM
Isn't the embassy's country totally and wholly responsibly for the security of their building?

Blue Supra
09-09-2004, 08:50 PM
We are, thats why we wernt absolutly shredded, rather quite owned. The Indonesian gvt however should be stopping them before they get to us.

09-09-2004, 08:52 PM
So far no country has been good at stopping terrorist organizations.

Blue Supra
09-09-2004, 08:58 PM
So far, Australia hasnt had a terrorist attack on home soil, id say thats pretty effective.

Blue Supra
09-09-2004, 09:07 PM
Just found this, its gonna be a long spring/ summer by the looks of it.
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=16406 :mad:

Blue Supra
09-09-2004, 09:10 PM
and more:

09-09-2004, 09:21 PM
So far, Australia hasnt had a terrorist attack on home soil, id say thats pretty effective.

We hadn't either for a long time - we weren't so effective in hindsight.

Blue Supra
09-09-2004, 09:33 PM
My point of posting this thread was to let everyone know what happened. not to argue about whose responsibility the security was, and why we've never had one on home soil. Im dropping it now. :)

09-09-2004, 09:42 PM
So far, Australia hasnt had a terrorist attack on home soil, id say thats pretty effective.

That's not quite right, you see, an embassy is a sovereign extention of that countries terretory. So by bombming the embassy, these bastards did technicaly strike on Ausie terretory.

That's why as Matt said, it's the embassy's country responsible for it's security, because if another countries forces enter the embassy, it's considered a breach of that nations sovereignty.

09-09-2004, 09:47 PM
well, dats what u get if u hav a "western" office in a country where around 70% out of 200 million of the population r muslims. i'm indonesian, but i live in new zealand. lemme tell u, these muslims r totally crazy! they would do anything for their Allah... they would kill the "western" people for no reason at all... well, they assume that if they'r white, it means that they'r christians.

The muslims HATE the christians... so basically this whole bombing-around-the-world thing is about the muslims trying to kill the christians...

ps: sorry if i offend any muslims here, but i spent 14 years of my life there and i know wots been goin on wit the muslims...

Ferrari Tifosi
09-09-2004, 10:37 PM
well, dats what u get if u hav a "western" office in a country where around 70% out of 200 million of the population r muslims. i'm indonesian, but i live in new zealand. lemme tell u, these muslims r totally crazy! they would do anything for their Allah... they would kill the "western" people for no reason at all... well, they assume that if they'r white, it means that they'r christians.

The muslims HATE the christians... so basically this whole bombing-around-the-world thing is about the muslims trying to kill the christians...

ps: sorry if i offend any muslims here, but i spent 14 years of my life there and i know wots been goin on wit the muslims...

Muslims in whole DO NOT hate Christians, and that is a very wrong assumption on your part. I used to live in Dearborn Heights, Michigan which along with the city of Dearborn, has the largest muslim population of any area in the United States. I got along just fine with them, went to school with them, and were neighbors with them.

Anyways, terrible thing terrorism is, hopefully someday people will just stop hating and learn to see the good in every person.

09-09-2004, 11:18 PM
Muslims in whole DO NOT hate Christians, and that is a very wrong assumption on your part. I used to live in Dearborn Heights, Michigan which along with the city of Dearborn, has the largest muslim population of any area in the United States. I got along just fine with them, went to school with them, and were neighbors with them.

well okay... its not the WHOLE muslim community... but as i said, i've spent most of my life in indonesia and i've seen heaps of things dat these ppl did... they beat up, and kill the christians there, they also burn down thousands of churches and blew some of them up too...so basically if ur not muslim, ur not safe there.

the population the muslims in the area u used to live in i guess wasnt as big as the population of the city that i used to live in. There are NO atheist... not a single one... very little of the populations r christians... the rest??? Muslims... almost everything in indonesia has at least a little bit of islam involved, even ur freedom. lemme just give u SOME examples:
- no supermarket sells pork meat
- at school, u HAVE to come to ISLAM study
- if u hav dogs as pets, often they would kill ur dogs
- i know this sounds stupid but... NO BOOBIES on tv, or they'd burn down the tv station.
- restaurants have to close when its fasting time for the muslims
- u have to deal wit their very loud praying at the mosque every 6 pm for about 1 hour... they put on speakers so evryone in the area can hear them

do these things happen at ur place? i dont think so

09-10-2004, 01:19 AM
Hmmm, I can agree with most major religions going around because the way I see it (as an ex-Christian) they mostly seem to have the same basic ground rules, Do the right thing, Play by the rules, Go to heaven blah blah. I have no problem with that whatsoever. But let's take an example with Christianity (as a whole). If all Christians went around following the exact teachings of the bible, we'd be in a whole lot of strife, with everyone trying to cast down sinners and stuff. But the majority of the churches have allowed a rather large margin for interpretation in the teachings of the bible so that those who choose to follow it can co-exist with those of every religion quite easily and everyones happy. However....
If a religion chooses not to go with the flow (so to speak) then it doesnt really gel with everthing else and, as we've seen, has the potential to become downright dangerous. Extremist points of view lose perspective, and judgement can't be made soundly. And when you become so self-contained in a belief system, stupid ideas don't sound so stupid anymore, and people then start doing stupid things.

09-10-2004, 06:42 PM
The muslims HATE the christians... so basically this whole bombing-around-the-world thing is about the muslims trying to kill the christians... ...

i am sorry, but the ignorance demonstrated in this post is beyond my grasp.
i have to declare this poster as "extremely ignorant".

and yes, that neg rep point is from me, and i WILL sign it in case u dont understand.

09-10-2004, 08:58 PM
i am sorry, but the ignorance demonstrated in this post is beyond my grasp.
i have to declare this poster as "extremely ignorant".

and yes, that neg rep point is from me, and i WILL sign it in case u dont understand.

oh, well okay misho... since ur so smart... and u knwo wots wrong at wots not... and since u really know wots goin on wit the muslims y dont u tell us ur view on this?

:mad: about the negative rep.... i dont like it but i'm not gonna act childish and take a rep off of u for dat... but i did say sorry if i offend anyone!

09-10-2004, 09:03 PM
oh, well okay misho... since ur so smart... and u knwo wots wrong at wots not... and since u really know wots goin on wit the muslims y dont u tell us ur view on this?

Misho's balanced views can be found on this site in earlier threads about politics. He had very lively debates with Crisis at that time and it may be worthwhile to sit down for a couple of hours and read those. :)

09-11-2004, 02:34 AM
Censerd Censerd Censerd Censerd :mad: :mad: :mad:

Blue Supra
09-12-2004, 04:12 PM
If all Christians went around following the exact teachings of the bible, we'd be in a whole lot of strife, with everyone trying to cast down sinners and stuff.

I dont know what church you went to or who tried to teach you that that all Christians do is go around pulling down sinners. But you're wrong, you say you're an ex-christian, maybe you should learn what being Christian is really all about before you throw it away.

09-12-2004, 04:46 PM
Hey r1ckst4,

if u r really interested in knowing my views, u can free urself for a while and read the original politics thread as Henk kindly mentioned. it is too much for me post again and extremely boring for many users! so here is the link http://www.ultimatecarpage.com/forum/showthread.php?t=457&highlight=politics

i dont think that apologising frees you from the responsibility of what u posted. ur post was offensive, stereotyping and is based on false information, thats why i strongly beleive that u deserved a neg rep for it. i did not give it to you for having an opposing point of view like many users do. i am very open for discussions.

as for not simply returning my neg rep, i guess it demonstartes ur proper understanding of how to use the rep system correctly.

09-12-2004, 06:42 PM
While r1ckst4 has targetted Mulsims unfailry, his experience living in a somewhat oppresive Muslim society may understandably colour his judgment. The succession of bombings, beheadings and murders perpertrated by these psycos in the name of Islam will also bring constant grief to peaceful muslims. These idiots actions seem designed purely to ensure that muslims and christians engage in endless hostilities. It will take a lot of restraint on the part of reasonable people to ensure their wishes are not met. It is worth non muslims noting that these people are killing muslims increasingly in these attacks.

09-13-2004, 01:35 AM
Where all these beliefs come from ?. When killing it's killing that's it:(
No religion just killing.