View Full Version : Canada vs USA

09-16-2004, 06:03 PM
There was this video of a fight between some American guys and some Canadians at a hotel in Canada. And the replies from everybody at the SVT forum where just retarded (I don't like using the word "retarded" as an insult, but it just feels like the best word right now to describe it)

This was a reply from some guy:

"""Dumb Canadians! What were they thinking!? Everyone knows Americans are better, faster, stronger, and smarter! I mean America is the best! Those Canadians are lucky the USA didnt bomb them. Im sure those Canadians have weapons of mass destruction or something else that makes them bombable!"""

I couldn't stand this guy and had to reply something to his moronic message.

I was talking to my mom the other day about stuff like this (Fights between Americans and Canadians) because I really don't understand what the problem is, I've met some Canadians at college and you couldn't even tell wether they were Canadians or Americans.. And all my mom said was that bording countries always end up having this ridiculous issues.

But should this really happen between 2 great countries? I understand South American countries talking crap about each other but come on, the US and Canada?

The vid has a lot of bad words and a small physical fight at the end, I'll await for a moderator's approval to post it, if not you can go get it at the SVT forum, which site I rather don't even give cause the ppl is just too ignorant and stupid.

Here are some American replies in the same thread:

If there's on thing more priceless in the world than watching that Canadian get knocked out, it's the seemingly infinite amount of times it can get posted and apparently every Canadian with internet access comes to go nuts on America

I have to go to the bathroom and take a Canadian, I'll be right back.

canook got KNOCKED THE **** OUT!!

thats priceless.. what a bunch of idiots north of the border

What a bunch of dumb canucks....

that was awesome,....america 1, canucks 0....lol

And here are some Canadian replies:

and as far as 'redneck canadians' go, im willing to bet the united states has a much higher percentage(not comparing population size, but %) of rednecks than canada does

Red necks???? Sorry i guess you must live in the northern states cause most of the south lives in homes on wheels and stuff but you wouldn't know that because your American you only see yourself as ****ing superman. Buddy look down and take a peak at your d*ck it ain't bigger than the next guy sit down and realize you live in a country that most of the world hates. Say what you want i would rather live in Canada any day. Btw just to show what a disgusting hole you guys live in turn on Jerry sometime and see ur sister ****ing your dad. ***ing useless Americans.

1. Canada has been ranked as the best country to live in by UN year after year.

2. Shouldn't you be typing in Spanish? USA is like little Mexico for christ sakes!

3. We don't need an army, we don't piss off every country in the world so we spend our money elsewhere, on our people, healthcare etc.

4. Were not stupid, we know that if anyone else attacks Canada the USA will protect us! Hows it feel knowing your tax dollars protect us Canuks? we really appreciate it ;)

Where has you big bad army gotten you? IN DEBT! The US dollar is falling so fast and your economy is going down the drain.

There's plenty of more...... Is just sad.

I received a PM asking me to edit something in my post, so I just did. It wasn't from a moderator.

09-16-2004, 06:08 PM
Least this proves that both sides has its morons.

09-16-2004, 06:10 PM
BTW I don't want to start an argument, just want your thoughts regarding this. Everybody at UCP is pretty smart and decent, so let's just talk about it a bit.

And no Sandwich, this is not another "Hate the USA" kind of thread... I'm from South America and I'm just intrigued and want to know why do stuff like this happens.

09-16-2004, 06:28 PM
theres a lot of sterotyping in the media about canada in the us. for example, and as evidence, the show 'south park' (for those of you who dont know, is highly controversial) constantly rags on canada. also, the movie 'canadian bacon', which im sure some of us have seen (its with john candy). A lot of americans think of canadians and they think about them as overly polite people who say eh a lot. This is true, but really only in one region, atlantic canada (nova scotia, new brunswick, prince edward island).

likewise canadians see americans as hillbillys. Now this isnt true at all. they see america as the deep south, like alabama, mississippi...

so i think that you could say that a lot of tension comes from regional sterotyping

09-16-2004, 06:36 PM
Has this fight been going on forever?

Yeah I've seen south park, they make a lot of fun of Canadians.

Matra et Alpine
09-16-2004, 06:38 PM
Agree with your mom's view.

Some Scots and English just want to fight anytime.
They had to cancel an annual football match because it was so bad.
Rioting in the streets, stabbings, beatings, gang fights :(

On-line forums get full of idiots with nationalistic jingoism taking over from common sense. Often forums get shut down over here because the English v Scottish v Welshv Irish stupidity starts up.

There are bigots in all nations and todays media are able to bring it to our desks and make it look as if it's the whole nation :(

Also, sterotypes have always existed and always will for as long as we've humour.
American Rednecks, Scotish tight-wads, Canadian simplcity but then within nations it's the same Canadians rag on 'newfies' - Newfoundland. Scots rag on Aberdonians, etc. etc.

09-16-2004, 06:38 PM
Has this fight been going on forever?

Yeah I've seen south park, they make a lot of fun of Canadians.

honestly, yes!

i remember that during the middle and later 1800s there was a lot of tension between americans and canadians over boundary issues, especially in north western U.S., near washington and montana

09-16-2004, 06:55 PM
Same thing Venezuela and Colombia Peter. We just talk so much trash about them and they talk so much trash about us... Then I moved to the US and since there are so many international students here I've met some Colombians and they are great guys.

That thread just reflects a lot of ignorance. You have to either live at the country you criticize or know a lot of ppl from that country to have some valid points.

09-16-2004, 07:02 PM
i dont really belive that australia has any thing like this happening... it has state vs state etc and club vs club rivalrys etc, but nothing along the lines of that hate...

most compeditive would be NZ, both are great places (nz is a bit boring where i go) but has natural beauty. (so does aust) aust is like NZ, but abit more multicultural and warmer weather...

also more diverce climate and surroundings, but aukland and sydney are very alike in my oppinion.

09-16-2004, 07:24 PM
Same thing Venezuela and Colombia Peter. We just talk so much trash about them and they talk so much trash about us... Then I moved to the US and since there are so many international students here I've met some Colombians and they are great guys.

I think partly its gang mentality, the nation puts out a stereotypical view and people don't bother asking why, they just go along with it. The thing between Colombia and Venezuela has partly to do with oilfields near the border and disputes as to who owns them. I have to admit that Venezuela is known in Colombia for having very beatiful women and I agree. So there is no real ill feeling there. One of the only things that South American countries agree on, is how much they all dislike Argentina.

Blue Supra
09-16-2004, 07:53 PM
I dunno whiteballz, South Africas pretty high on many Assies list of countries they dont like, simply because of their rubbish union refs and cheating, dirty playing teams. i dont hold anything against the people, just their football teams.

But i agree Australia vs New Zealand would be the equivalent of described above, they call us rednecked Aussies, we call them sheep shaggin Kiwis, its all in good fun until someone picks on a big maori. BIG MISTAKE!

09-16-2004, 08:45 PM
I think partly its gang mentality, the nation puts out a stereotypical view and people don't bother asking why, they just go along with it. The thing between Colombia and Venezuela has partly to do with oilfields near the border and disputes as to who owns them. I have to admit that Venezuela is known in Colombia for having very beatiful women and I agree. So there is no real ill feeling there. One of the only things that South American countries agree on, is how much they all dislike Argentina.

Every South American country makes fun of Argentina, that's true. They criticize its habitants. I never met any Argentinians in my life untill I moved here to the US, and I used to make jokes about them all the time. When I got here and met some, some where nice and very good persons and some of them made me realize where all the jokes came from.

Colombia already stole enough Venezuelan land and so did Brasil, but the oilfields would be impossible to get.. I think. Although maybe it could be good, cause as far as I know the oil barrel has reached its maximum price lately and Venezuela keeps getting poorer... damn president and his followers get richer everyday while the country doesn't see one penny of that oil money. Maybe Colombia could do something better with it :rolleyes:

Fabio Ferrari
09-16-2004, 11:47 PM
I was raised in Canada, and I think it is a great country, and so is the United States for that matter, they are just great countries in different ways, Canada is a great country to immigrate to and raise a family, while the United States is a strong powerfull country who does not need anything from anybody. As I said I think they are both really good countries to live in. It is just that Americans enjoy insaulting Canada and Canadians enjoy insaulting Ammerica, I do not see the point in this because it does not get anyone anywhere. I have noticed that most countries which are near to each other do not like each other for example England and France, England and Scotland, England and Ireland, England and Italy, England and Germany, Italy and France, Switzerland and all of Europe, Australia and New Zealand, Spain and Portugal, I do not understand why Countries hate other countries like this, it is rather childish, sure I can understand back in the Middle ages when countries were constantly at war with eachother, but now most of the World is in a non war state. Owell there is no point trying to change people's ideas because it will never happen, just try changing my opinion of Ferrari, it will never happen lol.

09-17-2004, 12:28 AM
It all comes down to ignorance, these people are what I like to call nationalistic fanboys. There's nothing wrong with loving the country you come from, but it takes an uneducated fanboy to insult another nationality or country with no real reason. Just like some folks who say, "this car rules and the one you like sucks". We will always either read about, see on TV or even have the misfortune of meeting people like these in person. All one has to remember is: "This dude is a fool, who cares what he says."

Ferrari Tifosi
09-17-2004, 12:39 AM
The real funny thing about South Park is that the creators are Canadian (sorry is someone already posted this). My opinion: Canadians are cool, why? HOCKEY, the greatest sport in the world, imo. Also they are very nice, decent people, that I like. I lived in Detroit (right across the border from Canada) and have run into many Canadians, and I've also been to Windsor and Toronto a few times. In fact one of the coolest persons I've ever met is Canadian, he was a friend of my Mom's, and he was great. When I was 8 years old he gave me his old hockey jersey and a brand new goalie stick. Sure I give 'em a little hell from time to time, but its all in good fun, but in reality Canadians are great people and well, are just plain cool. :)

By the way congrats to Canada on winning the World Cup of Hockey by beating Finland 3-2. :) Great series that was, America did pretty well too. :D

09-17-2004, 01:15 AM
Isn't eveyone the same ??

Ferrari Tifosi
09-17-2004, 01:19 AM
Isn't eveyone the same ??

No because you guys (Australians) talk in an accent different to us Americans. :D

09-17-2004, 03:44 AM
But i agree Australia vs New Zealand would be the equivalent of described above, they call us rednecked Aussies, we call them sheep shaggin Kiwis, its all in good fun until someone picks on a big maori. BIG MISTAKE!


Theres this great new program on in NZ, called Brotown, takin the piss outta Maoris. All in good fun though, its made by Maoris. A quote from in it.

"How'd you damn kuds track me down"
"Daad, we live here!"

BTW, You Aussies Go Back To Hide In Your Kangaraa Pouches, and play your freakin Digieeriiiiddoooooo thingymjajiggy stick. GOOOOOOO THE ALLLLLLL BLACKS!

Its funny in New Zealand. Just today I saw a Hilux Double cab, about 5 or 6 lil Maori kids shoved in the back seat, and big guy driving up the front.


Moving on from my little Aussie Bashing Session

Personally, the replies the Canadians said, were a WHOOOOOOOOLE lot more intelligent than what those stupid Rednecks said. Justified and Dignified. I'd love living in Canada, and i'm actually thinking of moving there when I grow older. I will definitly take a holiday there.

Blue Supra
09-17-2004, 05:23 AM
Ill get my cuzins to smasssshh yous bro! you might have seen Fat Pizza? Its made by these Ethnic stand up comedians andits all based around the pizza shop they work in. its hilarious!

Why do kiwis put sheep on cliff edges? they push back harder! :D:D:D
Carn the Wallabies!!! Carn the Brumbies!!!

09-17-2004, 07:31 AM
I lived in Buffalo, NY for 14 years, Southern Ontario was right across the Niagara River. Been into Canada more times than I can count, to the clubs in Fort Erie, to the Canadian side of the Falls, up to Toronto, etc. And we had a lot of Canadians running around Western NY, working, shopping, etc. Living in Buffalo at any given time one can dig into their pocket and approx. 1/3 of their change will be Canadian, most places take it at face value (change only of course). But the vending machines won't take it.

Living so close there was a lot of ribbing and insults thrown back and forth, our morning radio guys would play pranks on their morning radio guys and vice versa, people would joke that Ontario was the 51st state, when someone would ask, "what's $XXX Canadian in American dollars?" The automatic answer was, "About a nickel."

But this wall all good-natured, almost like sibling rivalry on a national scale. The national anthems of both nations were always played at NHL games, they were always respectful of our anthem and we of theirs. And one of the biggest events every summer was the Friendship Festival, a weekend-long cross-border celebration of the friendship between the US and Canada, it included concerts, an air show, all sorts of stuff.

Yes, the fact that the US Military is and always will be committed to defending Canada enables them to spend a lot less on defense, but that's fine, if we can't cover our own continent we're not much of a superpower. And it's good for them, too, since they have a whole lot of land but a ridiculously low population density, smaller population and hence a smaller GDP, so it might be tough for their economy to support a military of sufficient strength to defend all that territory. And it lets them experiment with foolish ideas like socialized healthcare, so we can look to the north and learn what NOT to do. ;)

Overall, I think sharing the longest undefended border in the world is something both nations can be quite proud of.

09-17-2004, 12:00 PM
My opinion: Canadians are cool, why? HOCKEY, the greatest sport in the world, imo. :D

not that that really matters right now, im sure you heard that the nhl locked out all their players for this season
probably no more nhl...

09-17-2004, 12:15 PM
I dont see whats wrong with canadians. I literaly right next to canada, Infact I could walk there right now in about 10 munites. Yes we do rag on each but its not to often.

09-17-2004, 12:45 PM
There are stupid people in every nation. I say if you want to fight, go fight some REAL jerks like Usama bin Laden...go join the army and defend your country!