View Full Version : Coke or Pepsi

09-17-2004, 07:03 PM
I wanna see who here perfers coke or Pepsi. for those who haven't heard of them (which I doubt) here;s the websites.

coke (http://www.coke.com/flashIndex1.html)

Pepsi (http://www.pepsi.com)

09-17-2004, 07:07 PM
I cant stand coke, plus pepsi has the god of all sodas,,,,
Mountain Dew!

09-17-2004, 07:11 PM
Coke over Pepsi, but Pepsi products (Mt Dew) over Coke products.

Barq's root beer is exempt from this poll, as it is the King of all sodas. It tastes so good with pizza.

09-17-2004, 07:13 PM
yes I like pepsi and you are just like me, All for Mountain Dew :D :big thumbs up:

09-17-2004, 07:15 PM
Coke over Pepsi, but Pepsi products (Mt Dew) over Coke products.

Barq's root beer is exempt from this poll, as it is the King of all sodas. It tastes so good with pizza.
Had Barq's root beer a and pizza for dinner tonight It is the God of sodas

BTW coke definately

09-17-2004, 07:17 PM
Coke and Sprite. no mountain dew or anyfin else.
except for big red and those "big k" grape soda.

09-17-2004, 07:38 PM

Big fan of Schweppes Lemon, Lime and Bitters.

They make a better Lemonade than either of those two.

09-17-2004, 07:41 PM
why does everyone keep making this thread! its like the 3rd or 4th time!

09-17-2004, 07:50 PM
Coke i rekon! I cant stand pepsi max or diet coke they are HORRID!!
Mountain Dew!!!! i love that stuff!!! They used to have it over here in england but i havent seen it for years :(

09-17-2004, 08:22 PM
mmmm..... Lemon, Lime and Bitters

I think coke, but L,L&B is superior!!!! :)

Oh and Schweppes owns Pepsi

09-17-2004, 08:38 PM
Coca Cola for me!! specially Vanilla coke. I hate Pepsi, I find it too sweet.

09-17-2004, 09:54 PM
Coke all the way

09-18-2004, 12:20 AM
Coke, the way they sell it in germany, stronger as out here!!!It cant beat a good beer though.....

Blue Supra
09-18-2004, 12:29 AM
Coke owns Pepsi, around my mates coke is referrred to as nerd juice (in joke)

09-18-2004, 12:37 AM
OMG.... this thread is so pointless.... who cares about coke or pepsi... hav u guys noticed dat karrman has been makin all the polls about food or drink in this forum?

:D karrman... think of a better topic next time man!

09-18-2004, 01:10 AM
Coke i rekon! I cant stand pepsi max or diet coke they are HORRID!!
Mountain Dew!!!! i love that stuff!!! They used to have it over here in england but i havent seen it for years :(
U still have pepsi max!? Didnt pepsi take it out of the market like 5 years ago? check the expiary dates man just to be on the safe side!
I don't like either... I'm healthy, not wealthy at all and kinda wise. WATER ALL THE WAY!! ;)

09-18-2004, 01:45 AM
Pepsi rocks.... its nicer than Coca Cola... havnt tried Mountain Dew unfortunately

09-18-2004, 02:23 AM
Karrman this thread has been done about 3 times before

09-18-2004, 05:33 AM
theres an energy drink called Pespi X here. it tasted funny at first but i soon got used to it. im with pepsi all the way coz it tastes better than coke. i also love M Dew too.
does pepsi own 7UP? here their distributor is the same so im not sure. also the distributor for coke & sprite [ a drink like 7up] here are the same. does coke own sprite?

09-18-2004, 05:40 AM
yes sprite is a coke product (the coke version of Mountain Dew)

09-18-2004, 05:51 AM
get a load of this!

I learned on the history Channel that when Pepsi was young, it had major finical troubles, coke could of bought them out and forced them bankrupt, but they decided not to and now they are Cokes biggest competeter!!

09-18-2004, 06:27 AM
Pepsi Rulz!!! it is the best soda in the world I, it even has its own video game realesed for playstation 1!!!! :D :D
Ocean View Condos (http://pattayaluxurycondos.com)

09-18-2004, 06:28 AM
pepsi has a video game? what's it called?

09-18-2004, 07:52 AM
this thread again ?!!?

09-18-2004, 08:20 AM
this thread again ?!!?

Tell me about it... No one cares about doing a little search before posting.


My vote goes to Pepsi, it just tastes better.

09-18-2004, 09:10 AM
I think Karmann just wants to drive up his post numbers with pointless stuff.

Anywho, i voted for pepsi.

09-18-2004, 09:11 AM
did you see the date of that thread? it was in 2003, it was before I was around

09-18-2004, 09:14 AM
did you see the date of that thread? it was in 2003, it was before I was around

But it would still come up in seach results.

Pepsi over coke anyday

09-18-2004, 09:30 AM
well I thought this would make a good thread when I saw a pepsi commerical