View Full Version : 2002 mitsubishi mirage mods

10-16-2004, 06:27 AM
hey, just wondering if anyone could help me out here, im modifying my 2002 mitsubishi mirage hatch, but i dont know where i can get aero kits and other visual mods from, does anyone know of a good website that offers aero kits etc for my little baby?

10-16-2004, 07:07 AM
Im going to have to ask you what kind of perfomance your expecting from this car, cause your coming off as a ricer... It would probably be much more cost effective if you did not mod this car and go with something that was made for perfomance.

10-16-2004, 09:11 AM
...or he just wants his car to look nice? just because someone is visually upgrading his car doesn't mean it'll be bad, unless he does a bad job at it.

10-16-2004, 02:59 PM
...or he just wants his car to look nice? just because someone is visually upgrading his car doesn't mean it'll be bad, unless he does a bad job at it.
but the way he is saying it he sounds like a ricer.

Blue Supra
10-16-2004, 03:46 PM
Melbs aye? theres plenty of good body shops around in Melbs thatll be able to source aero kits for your Mirage. Please please please to more to then add a kit though, like at least put an exhaust system on it not just a muffler...

10-16-2004, 05:26 PM
Im going to have to ask you what kind of perfomance your expecting from this car, cause your coming off as a ricer... It would probably be much more cost effective if you did not mod this car and go with something that was made for perfomance.Give me a ricer anyday,than some big fat try hard in a 84 black corvette converible with the abligitory black skivvy,gold chains(bling,bling) and ditsy blonde air head,saw one yesterday, a sad sorry piece of work

Blue Supra
10-16-2004, 06:15 PM
LOL, i know what you mean... i see porsches and the like with 20yo girls glued to like 70 yo men, so gross:P

10-16-2004, 11:47 PM
blue supra, you said there were body shops in melb, any idea of names? i went to n-1 distribution (www.n-1.com.au) they virtually laughed at me. rest assured, i will do something for performance, but with my less than desirable part-time income, that wont be for a while. by the time i can afford huge mods, i'll be driving my dream s13 silvia anyway. thx blue

Blue Supra
10-17-2004, 12:42 AM
have a look on www.yellowpages.com.au
i dont live in melbs so im not sure beyond that sorry.:) glad to help mate, excuse the others here, they have a tendency to judge before they know the facts...