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Blue Supra
10-19-2004, 05:13 AM
thought it was time for a new thread fellas:D

Seriously though, how do you get started? How did Brock and all the other greats get their start? What kind of levels do you move up through? but really what is the starting point and how do you get into it?

10-19-2004, 05:16 AM
Generally, people like Schuey and other famous racers start out in go-karts when they're really really young (around 6 for Schuey I think!). From there, they progress to bigger forms of racing such as F3000 and from there, onto BIG things like F1, V8s etc. I'm not exactly sure where you'd go if you were to skip the go-karting phase though. :confused:

10-19-2004, 05:24 AM
i think its something like

GoKarts: state
Formula Ford: Australian Championship
Global Championship

then you can take a couple of different paths:

F3000 Carrera Cup Konica Minolta V8 Supercars
F1 V8 Supercars

Blue Supra
10-19-2004, 05:25 AM
thats all well and good, but how would someone... say me... go about entering in a base level state competitive track event?

10-19-2004, 05:31 AM
First think you should do is join a CAMS approved club that "actively" has track days

Blue Supra
10-19-2004, 05:33 AM
Do i need a specific kind of car? or is that what the clubs for?

10-19-2004, 05:40 AM
there'll be clubs out there that'll be car specific, but there should be plenty the Datto can go in :p

Blue Supra
10-19-2004, 05:43 AM
i was thinkn of rallyin it at one stage, but the suspensions set up wrong now, i had it made for track not dirt etc, sits too and is too soft for rallies.

im keen to race competitivly, i just need a car thatll be competetive now.

Matra et Alpine
10-19-2004, 05:46 AM
The MSA has a getting started guide on their UK web page at www.msauk.org . You'll get some good info there on the general approach and recommendations and then local club can guide you on best choices 'down under'.

mates son has just finished his first race after completing the british ARDS training course. He's starting in an Xr2 coz it's cheap and thinking about a Cosworth next and maybe then Caterham challenge. That works best in his budget and the races run at our local tracks. If it takes off he'll consider his next steps based on sponsorship and personal finances :)

Take one step at a time and think how to get going using the cheapest route.
It might be you find you don't have the skill or dedication to make it to the top. Woudl be crazy to spend LOTS of money to find that out :)

PS: on being competitive - he beat an Exige in the second race !!! "competitive" is a relative term and for many improving lap times is more a 'win' than winning the race - especially if in a formula where lots of money guarantees wins :(

10-19-2004, 05:50 AM
you've also said before Matra, how deep your pockets are can win you a race or lose you a race....going into a corner with the the chances of an impact at 100% and your only scraping through with funds, you wont have much luck

Blue Supra
10-19-2004, 05:50 AM
ill have to hunt down a local club then, i know of a local import club that goes out to wakefield park every now and again but i want some once a month style.

Blue Supra
10-19-2004, 05:51 AM
oh and that links no good btw.:)

Matra et Alpine
10-19-2004, 05:59 AM
oh and that links no good btw.:)
damn, I've edited it.

Also here's the link direct to the gettign started section http://www.msauk.org/Go_motorsport/go_motorsport.asp

Ratjher than one-make clubs you might be best finding a racing drivers club, it will give more opportunities for alternative routes in to racing and sometimes you can find someone short on funds who'll part share a full-on race car. You then get to compete in alternate events, or as mate does in hillclimbs -- mutlitple entries. he and his son compete AGAINST each other on the same day

10-19-2004, 06:02 AM
something thats just popped into my mind.....hows your fitness? half an hour of go karting left me with 2 dead arms almost, i'd be getting straight on the treadmill before getting serious into racing

Matra et Alpine
10-19-2004, 06:15 AM
something thats just popped into my mind.....hows your fitness? half an hour of go karting left me with 2 dead arms almost, i'd be getting straight on the treadmill before getting serious into racing
oh, yes, fitness is important.
karts are actually worse for a full grown guy than a car due to the smaller rack ratio.
BUT you learn to relax.
Starting out it's common to GRIP the wheel.
On race tracks it's a bit like the grip on a golf club. Firm but not tight.
I was lucky to sit with Tim Harvey for LOTS of laps and I was surprise how much he only used his fingertips on the wheel rather than a 'grip' - the vids up on UCP somewhere :)

Also - as in rallying - if you grip it too tight and with locked in thumbs you'll end up with a bad thumb injury first time you get wheel contact or hit the gravel.

I'm Ok for 20-30 mins of track - and to be honest unless you have a full-on race spec vehicle then IT is struggling too. On trackdays I do 20 on 20 off.

Rallying is another kettle of fish. Older guys just can't keep it up to be competitive - so we usually "retire" to classic rallies with slitghtly slower speeds and less grip :)

As well as strength you shoudl ensure you're exercising for supleness and speed. Especially if you're going into RWD, you need to be fast at correcting things if you're goign to stay ontrack at speed !!!!! Early, small, FAST movements get them back under control better.

10-19-2004, 06:20 AM
Since i played gran turismo my whole world has changed,,,, 1998 i remember yes..

10-19-2004, 06:20 AM
i think thats a mistake i made on the karts...despite the heavy steering, i still felt like the gokart would get tangled up if i let it do its own thing too much, so i gripped on for my life :p

Matra et Alpine
10-19-2004, 06:24 AM
i think thats a mistake i made on the karts...despite the heavy steering, i still felt like the gokart would get tangled up if i let it do its own thing too much, so i gripped on for my life :p
well before I get blamed for causing a pile-up in a corner next time you're out karting ....

karts take a LOT of force to turn in and keep them on line. So you tend to NEED to have a strongish grip. But on EVERY straight loosen your grip and your shoulders. Let the muscles relax and then prepare for the next corner.

Sorry, I jsut had a vision of you sitting in the traps cursing my name :)

10-19-2004, 06:26 AM
haha nah, why would i do that :p

i only spun out once and that was going in too hot through the hairpin and that was just a simple 180 just off racing line....

but the course they had setup at Eastern Creek, there was really only 1 major straight, the rest was full of switchbacks and the hairpin

Blue Supra
10-19-2004, 06:35 AM
wel my fitness is out the wazoo since i stopped playin footy, time to get running again!:)

10-19-2004, 06:38 AM
i think something you gotta focus on is like your breathing patterns and stuff, not so much the physical stuff, but things that'll help you conserve energy etc.

theres some rating for personal fitness, and Cam McConville (Matra wont know him, hes a V8 Supercar driver) has the same level as an iron man or professional cyclist

Blue Supra
10-19-2004, 06:38 AM
Karts really take it out of you, i was stuffed after a 20 minute session at Hume superkarts... had a great tussle with a mate, im heavier so i can take tighter corners witout slippin out, but he can take the straights at a higher speed, i nearly had him with 5 mins left i could tap his bumper, then i clipped the wall taking the hairpin too tight, put me 7 secs down and i couldnt catch that up in the remainin minutes, damn:o

Matra et Alpine
10-19-2004, 07:21 AM
i think something you gotta focus on is like your breathing patterns and stuff, not so much the physical stuff, but things that'll help you conserve energy etc.
yeah breathing patterns ... like getting the new guys to actually BREATHE :)
Seriously lots of newcomers actually tense up and hold their breath through corners. It's all a natural reflex seemingly. One which is counter-productive to fast driving :)

theres some rating for personal fitness, and Cam McConville (Matra wont know him, hes a V8 Supercar driver) has the same level as an iron man or professional cyclist
Don't know him, but a few years back a "superstarts' comp had soem top F1 and rally drivers in it and for their size were showing the big guys a run for their money. I bet todays drivers stamina is even higher. I know Colin McRae is a serious mountain biek rider to keep his strength and endurance up.
Most folks under-rate what it takes to drive a car fast until they've tried it :)

10-19-2004, 01:15 PM
I once tryed go-karts but i was to fat for them:( They had these little ones i sat in it but wasn't confy in the dam thing, The steering was to close and low not what i like, I was pissed, They need to make ones that suit everyone, I got the upper body strength fitness is about min:) I would love to make my own go-kart.

Blue Supra
10-19-2004, 05:17 PM
thatd be tops, we should all get karts and have a Australian UCP Kart Challenge day! Bathurst here we come!!!:D

10-20-2004, 12:13 AM
That would be cool man,,, But i need a head start weight disavantage :D:D

10-20-2004, 12:19 AM
My mate started in formula V's. (Unfortunately that turned him into a rather irritating VW fanboy!) They are about the cheapest. So the first thing you need is money or a benevolent sponsor. He now races club cars (or whatever the class is now called). You should check a the CAMMS website. Also go along to local race meets and talk to the drivers. If you are genuinely intersted they will put you in touch with the right organisations. My mate got a lot of help and they are communities within themselves. It is in their interest to nurture new drivers.

10-20-2004, 12:24 AM
VW Fanboy :eek::D

Blue Supra
10-20-2004, 12:43 AM
ill check out the cams website, im goin to buy a helmet and fire extingusher tommorow, theyre a requirement for racing at any level.

10-20-2004, 02:25 AM
If you have lots and lots of money you can get into motoracing really easily, you can skip the go karting step etc. These days teams seem to go moreso for people with money that cant drive then a skilled driver with not much money :S

Go-Karting is leet!! FPV do you go on the Hire Karts or do u have ur own go-kart? If you dont have ur own get ur own and go race its so much better then hire go-karts ;)

10-20-2004, 03:39 AM
i only went on the hire carts once, but i want to make my own kind of go kart, ive got this 105cc engine, a rear axle and a pair of rear wheels all from this 3 wheeler motorbike i ripped apart :p

10-20-2004, 03:42 AM
hehe good luck _b ;)

10-20-2004, 04:37 AM
well its going to be like 1.5 times the length of a normal gokart, mostly cause of how the engines gunna sit and i cant sit it BEHIND the axle as it'll turn the wheels the wrong way. plus i gotta get a new chain for it as the motorbike chains F*CKED, it got stuck between the sprocket on the axle and the bike chassis more than a few times as it never had the tension gear put on

i need to find a pair of front wheels and figure out a steering solution before anything'll happen, then i need the time :p

10-20-2004, 02:21 PM
We should start a remote control championship:D

Blue Supra
10-20-2004, 11:05 PM
LOL, or an AFX car champion ship on the bathurst track:p

Seriously, i went and bought a CAMS approved helmet today, its blue and black with silver flecks through it, ill take a pic and post it up when i get home, im goin to be out at the hillclimb on the 7th so any local boys are welcome to come see me! now i just need to get a fire extinguisher, bout 30 -40 bucks and pay my rego and ill be sweet!:)

10-20-2004, 11:13 PM
sounds pretty good, now how're your performance shifts in the datto? :p

Blue Supra
10-20-2004, 11:15 PM
Not bad, since i cut the shifter down heaps its been really easy with the much shorter throws. i doubt ill get it past 3rd gear but, the course is only like 1.1km:p

10-20-2004, 11:17 PM
well you never know, when you get into the rhythm of it all, you'll get used to all the corners and layout properly and know when you can afford to keep it floored. hopefully you'll be able to keep carrying more speed through the corners as well

Blue Supra
10-20-2004, 11:20 PM
well im getting the strut brace for it on saturday, maybe a 2" exhaust next week, so itll be fighting fit and rearin to go!

Blue Supra
10-20-2004, 11:21 PM
Oh and i did see an awesome lookin race seat, 450 bucks not fitted, turns out thats CHEAP:eek:

10-20-2004, 11:44 PM
that'll be pretty sweet, bit of a bummer about the seat though..i suppose though if it holds onto you tight so your not floating around in the car you'll feel more comfortable on the hill climbs at least

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 06:34 AM
i think so, i roll around in the standard seat alot, there just no sides to it at all, this first runs gunna be interesting:o

10-21-2004, 06:36 AM
yeah, sounds like you definately need to get something with the chunky side bolsters.....no good doing the twisty courses if you cant sit straight :p

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 07:15 AM
zactly, im gunna take the back seats out for it, they go in and out easy enough, i had to do it when i put my stereo in and was running wires, just for that bit less in the back...:)

10-21-2004, 07:17 AM
haha yeah and its unlikely your gunnna be taking people on scenic tours around the courses :p

is there a carpet or anything else you can take out while your at it :p

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 07:19 AM
there is, but its all one piece for front and back so itll stay, theres a heap of crap in the boot, 5L tin of petrol, brake fluid, spare wheel nuts, spare tyre, paddle (dont ask) etc

10-21-2004, 07:24 AM
i reckon just for the sake of it, just try and take as much of the interior out as you can....it might just be a few kilo's, but just for safety's sake and god forbid, if you need to put that fire extinguisher to use, theres less to catch alight at least :p

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 07:29 AM
its too much hassle id have to take out the fron seats and all kindsa rubbish, then itd slide around when i put it back in...

10-21-2004, 07:35 AM
well still, if you done it, you'd have more of that "true" race car feel, even if its still a Datto at the end of the day :p

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 07:44 AM
yeh, but its still my road car too:)

10-21-2004, 07:55 AM
well then maybe the back seats will be enough, i suppose you dont want to be spending half the day stripping your car down, then fixing it :p

more time on track, the better :D

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 07:59 AM
yes indeedy, need to improve skills and give new mods a run in properly :)

10-21-2004, 08:09 AM
haha, gunna loosen up that 2" exhaust and strut brace :p

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 08:11 AM
yeh man, ill wear em in good and proper:)
went to one shop while i was out getn my helmet, they quoted $375 for the exhaust
went to a place within walkin distance of my workplace $260 :confused:

10-21-2004, 08:13 AM
yeah thats one thing about exhausts, theyre not consistent in the prices :p

i suppose thats not a bad price though, like some people will pay almost a grand for an exhaust, although that'd be lik full cat back sortathings with the mandrel bends

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 08:15 AM
well this includes warrantly, chrome tip, harmonic resonator? and fitting:)

10-21-2004, 07:17 PM
You racer you lol

10-21-2004, 07:49 PM
thats a pretty good deal, maybe its so cheap cause its on a Datto :p

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 08:24 PM
well ive got in booked in to be put on on wednesday. do u think its worth puttin extractors on for an extra $250?

10-21-2004, 08:26 PM
Stick NOS in :D go the hole hog:)

10-21-2004, 08:30 PM
thats pretty cheap for extractors, if its a good design (all the tubes ar equal length and look about as straight as you'd get them) then i'd go for it, thats where your gunna get the most power out of the exhaust

10-21-2004, 08:31 PM
I would love exstracketers on my mum cars:D

Catch you guys later:D

10-21-2004, 08:36 PM
they can be good for about 10% more power, some designs will be 15-20% with a full exhaust

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 08:43 PM
ill get up to 100horses:D

10-21-2004, 08:51 PM
haha, how much does the car weigh :p

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 08:52 PM
not much, prolly 1200kgs... (without me in it:p)
what do extractors actually do?

10-21-2004, 08:55 PM
the way theyre designed, the flow of exhaust out of one port "extracts" the exhaust out of the next one, and so on and so forth...so they just suck the exhaust out a bit

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 08:55 PM
faster flow kinda thing?

10-21-2004, 09:03 PM
yeah pretty much......the faster you can get the air and petrol in and get the exhaust out, the more power you'll have

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 09:05 PM
mmm, what do you rekin ill get out of a wider exhaust beside a better note?

10-21-2004, 09:20 PM
well the exhaust can be less restrictive, but if you go too wide it can be a negative effect. you'll get a nicer note as the wider the exhaust, the more the exhaust is echo-ing, causing the sound, but theres LESS flow, so theres F all trying to PUSH the exhaust out....so you gotta find something thats not restrictive, but still is a bit so that theres that pressure pushing the exhaust out

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 10:07 PM
i asked the guy, he said no bigger then 2" or id lose power, this one will do a 2L engine so im happy with that if u go up to that later on.

10-21-2004, 10:16 PM
that sounds about right.....i know for the XR6T, i dont know what its got standard, maybe only a 2.5 inch but APS fit a 3.5 inch and with the boost wound up to 9 psi, its about just right.....its that bit too free flowing on the stock 6 psi

Blue Supra
10-21-2004, 10:23 PM
wind the boost up to 25 psi, lets get some REAL turbo kick then:)

10-22-2004, 03:05 AM
Wouldnt 2 medium pipes be better than 1 big pipe?

OW 25psi, thats pushing it, LITERRALY!!! lol ;):p

Blue Supra
10-22-2004, 05:31 AM
i wasnt serious, it would explode without SERIOUS internal engine work.

10-22-2004, 07:35 AM
I seen this dummy in a VL, He had the exhaust missing, He really did think it sounded great, But the funny thing was he might have hurt performence by having the exhaust like that:D
I got a thought so look out lol:D I really belive the most popular car on the road is a VL Calais. I have been driving my sisters car around a bit and am shocked at the amount of people that will stop to look or drive past and almost run up a cars rear to have a good look, As a passanger i notice this even more, Cars come from nowhere to sit next to it and they gork and gork, She has had people stop and ask her does she wanna sell it, It's not turbo but it is 100% real:D. Had a car full of 18-20 year olds stop at the lights and everyone of them was looking back at it, I get embarrased till the chicks have a look:eek: then i'm happy:)

Blue Supra
10-22-2004, 07:43 PM
She could sell that car for so much! i know guys whod kill for a VL Calais, even if its non turbo. she could get 6k+ easy:)

Blue Supra
10-23-2004, 02:54 AM
I signed up to out local motorsport club today, applied for a CAMS license, and entered into the next race day, the 7th of november! then two weeks after that im goin to wakefield park for a day! its gunna be awesome!

10-23-2004, 03:02 AM
She could sell that car for so much! i know guys whod kill for a VL Calais, even if its non turbo. she could get 6k+ easy:)
One bloke said $7k right here right now she said no i have just had the front end fix and i waited 9 Months to get it on the road, He almost cryed:D

10-23-2004, 04:15 AM
Wouldnt 2 medium pipes be better than 1 big pipe?

OW 25psi, thats pushing it, LITERRALY!!! lol ;):p

depends on the situation.....cars like V8's will get a good compromise of power/noise with either a single 3.5 inch or dual 2.5 inch (some people have stuch dual 3" on BA's though) but then it also depends on the engine.....Vee's you could get away with duals, wouldnt bother with inlines

10-23-2004, 01:53 PM
Seen a mustang, Don't know what it was, But i'll try discribe it to you, It was red had some striped white i think, Looked very plastic sqaure, Maybe white wheels ? Reminded me of the Walkinshaw a car that didn't fit in with whats around it, Couldnt hear a note from it ?:(

10-23-2004, 03:45 PM
thought it was time for a new thread fellas:D

Seriously though, how do you get started? How did Brock and all the other greats get their start? What kind of levels do you move up through? but really what is the starting point and how do you get into it?

start from here http://www.racerfactory.com/ but first you have to
move to U.S.... :D

Blue Supra
10-23-2004, 05:46 PM
well, ive been told that the 2L i was lookin at puttin in is not good for racing coz it has a long stroke and as such wont rev hard,which is essentially what you want isnt it:) so im going for a 1.8L outta a 180B and im going to rebuild it with a mates dad:) Ive found a really great source of help and knowledge in him. He'll fit racing seats for me and advise me on all my technical stuff and when i get it all he'll help me fit it all:) SCORE! Oktoberfest was awesome BTW:D

10-23-2004, 05:56 PM
well the exhaust can be less restrictive, but if you go too wide it can be a negative effect. you'll get a nicer note as the wider the exhaust, the more the exhaust is echo-ing, causing the sound, but theres LESS flow, so theres F all trying to PUSH the exhaust out....so you gotta find something thats not restrictive, but still is a bit so that theres that pressure pushing the exhaust out
This are the mistakes that most ricers in thier honda civics make.....as the old saying goes bigger is not always better blah blah.....Bout also dont forget a larger engine (ie a big v8 like fpv was talking about or forced aspirated 4 banger or 6) can make better use of a huge exaust system.....the biggest limitation withan 8 is sound.....wouzers and neighbours get upset by them....

And slick that could of been a v6 gt....i dunno if they came out of the factory like that or some habib added it on but we have a green local one like that....the only current v8 muzzo i have seen here is the N/A cobra one of the execs at McGrath Ford used to cruise around in (andf it was a sweet ride :D )...And as for VLs i was gonna buy a VL exec get a set of SS mags (advantages of holden parts rooms...and quickfit sell me tyres and fitting at trade) and get a smick paint job (another advantage our parts room are PPG dealers) for it and even if it was an exec and auto the $900 (Phoenix Auto sales phillip wholesalers) i would of payed for the car $1000 odd for the rims and about thesame for the paint job morethen likly wouldof been all profit if i slapped on say $4.5k on it.....and i can assure you there would of been some habib who would of payed for it!

Blue Supra
10-23-2004, 06:00 PM
Defintely someone would pay 4.5k for it with that done. If they were smart theyd wanna know why you were selling it so quick though:D

10-23-2004, 06:25 PM
I heard a Ford Mustang, it was fairly recent, convertible too, and you could hear it from a mile away, had a nice note. Oh and I heard a VY SS ute too, the guy mightve been half throttle, and it had a nice Deep hum too it, sounded hot! Now that sounded like a V8!

Blue Supra
10-23-2004, 09:12 PM
cant say iv herd a stang. not very common here.:(

10-23-2004, 10:02 PM
Yeh well ive only seen like 2, but this one was LOUD!

Matra et Alpine
10-23-2004, 10:59 PM
well, ive been told that the 2L i was lookin at puttin in is not good for racing coz it has a long stroke and as such wont rev hard,which is essentially what you want isnt it:)
Not sure what you'd race against - yep, it won't hold it's own on a long long strahjy against a 7l beast :0

BUT, the Pinto engine is an easy to upgrade tune engine and can be foudn in many Mk2 Escorts competing against WRC cars in national rallies here in the UK and some beating them :) The Irish especially are mad !!!

It's got nice torque and can be lightened and tuned out to 11-12K in race trim.

So it's a not-bad engine for anyone on a low-ish budget.
Course prices may vary CONSIDERABLY in other countries where there aren't thousands of theseengines sitting in scrappies :)

Blue Supra
10-23-2004, 11:50 PM
im competing in stage 1/2, which is road legal cars/ 0 -1600 cc. At the moment. when i go to the 1.8L itll be 2/2 road legal - 1605 - 2000 cc cars. so im at no great disadvantage. Ive also been told that a Lexus 4L V8 would go nicely instead of a SR20DET. hooked up to a Supra 5 speed.:) Cheaper too! Id sooo turbo it! V8 Turbo in in 1100kg car:D awesome!

10-24-2004, 12:15 AM
Have you heard of the SS Bullet? I think thats the name anyway, its an Aussie-built MX-5 bodyshell with a Lexus 4 litre and a Sprintex Supercharger (hence the SS tag), 320kw of supercharged V8 in a lightweight rear drive convertible....

Blue Supra
10-24-2004, 01:16 AM
Bullet Roadster SS V8 (Sprintex Special)
PRICE: RRP $118,000.00*
*Recommended retail price, excluding Dealer Delivery, Transfer Fees and Stamp Duty

K maybe i wanna spend that much on an MX5!:eek:

10-24-2004, 01:23 AM
They've made a concerted effort at trying to differentiate it from an MX-5, i guess it was the best car platform available. i think the performance is enough to make it worth the price

10-24-2004, 02:36 AM
Defintely someone would pay 4.5k for it with that done. If they were smart theyd wanna know why you were selling it so quick though:D
Well it was a fairlydecent car....alot of clicks but the interior was unmarked (my time in detialing would of done it good) and the paint was a flakeing with a good paint job and rims it would of been a fairly good car....but im more in it for the money :P

There are a few advantages to working in the phillip area.....you get to have a good look around the joint sometimes and you get to know mostly everyone in the industry which has itsbonuses :) I also saw a mercuary couger at mchgraths it was a flash looking little thing and would of been a very good car to own ifit wasnt so expensive...

10-24-2004, 02:42 AM
They've made a concerted effort at trying to differentiate it from an MX-5, i guess it was the best car platform available. i think the performance is enough to make it worth the price

i think they just wanted the AC Cobra-esque styling, they made a completely new tubular spaceframe chassis to handle the 550nm of the V8 AND handle brilliantly

10-24-2004, 02:45 AM
Yeah I guess the rest is just cost-cutting.

Since noone seems to have answered when i asked in another thread, how do you make a poll?

10-24-2004, 02:50 AM
its in the options when you make an extended response to a thread i guess you could say it....just click on post reply instead of quick reply, and one of the options down the bottom will have a number for poll options, around that should be a box you can tick which should make the poll......after you finish the thread, it'll show the options for the poll and like what you want the titles to be etc.

10-24-2004, 02:51 AM
Awesome thanks
I didnt really wanna start one, screw it up and look like a Jackass

10-24-2004, 02:53 AM
i think thats happened to all of us.....i know ive gone to set up a thread, wanting a pole, and forgotten to tick the box for it so i had to ask a mod to fix it all up :p

10-24-2004, 04:03 AM
thought it was time for a new thread fellas:D

Seriously though, how do you get started? How did Brock and all the other greats get their start? What kind of levels do you move up through? but really what is the starting point and how do you get into it?My nephews just sold their first club car 4 months back,would have been a perfect starting point ke 10 coupe corolla 1300,twin webers,gemini valves,lumpy cam redline 7500,cams approved rollcage,6 inch minilites,locked diff,110 mph down the back chute of mallala,faster round mallala than my nephews 99wrx sold it for $2750.Would have been a fantastic staring point for you Supra .Sold it on the net in 2 days

Blue Supra
10-24-2004, 05:13 AM
My nephews just sold their first club car 4 months back,would have been a perfect starting point ke 10 coupe corolla 1300,twin webers,gemini valves,lumpy cam redline 7500,cams approved rollcage,6 inch minilites,locked diff,110 mph down the back chute of mallala,faster round mallala than my nephews 99wrx sold it for $2750.Would have been a fantastic staring point for you Supra .Sold it on the net in 2 days

Where you at in Aus mate? you should put it in your profile so we know and then that helps the info network a whole lot!:) Sounds like a bloody nice little car. anyways iv tracked down a racing seat (see pic) and ill put of pics of my helmet too:)

10-24-2004, 05:14 AM
hes up near crisis's neck of the woods :p

Blue Supra
10-24-2004, 06:09 PM
Thats way too far to go to get ANY car!:D
Ive been to adelaide a few times in my life, didnt like the water:p

10-24-2004, 06:12 PM
Nice helmet, Does it fit, I have a big head and most dont fit me:p

Blue Supra
10-24-2004, 06:27 PM
Its an XL, i put it on my 4 year old niece, its wider then her shoulders:D
Soooo funny!

10-24-2004, 07:54 PM
I just got a pic of my niece and i, The ford boys would love it, She has her little SBR ambrose top on,,, YUk:p

Blue Supra
10-24-2004, 08:07 PM
uncle slick! uncle slick! i want a shoulder ride uncle slick!
my niece loves being on mine, makes her 7" up!:D

i just went out then in my lunch break and bought ther seat, ill see if i can fit it tonight:)

10-24-2004, 08:30 PM
Yeah i always get that and left me up touch the roof :D
She could kick me in the nuts and a would smile at her love her she is sweet:D:D:D only 2 her names jessica:D she has uncles number :p

Which one you get mate ? The one you in the pic ?

Blue Supra
10-24-2004, 09:04 PM
Yeh i got it cept in red and black trim to match my interior, sooo comfy!
My niece has got my round her little finger, shes 5 on the 1st of Jan, millenium baby;) anyways she gets just about anything from me:) funny how that works hey:D

10-24-2004, 09:07 PM
I know they always get the uncles with a little smile :D

Thats a nice seat mate looks comfy, Iwouldnt mind one of them myself, I go around corners sometimes i slip to the left i hate that.:D

Blue Supra
10-24-2004, 09:14 PM
Yeh its reeeeeal nice:) i slide all over the shop in my car atm, it has NO lateral support whatsoever! this'll all go away with this now:)

10-24-2004, 09:37 PM
Car makers now try to ad things like that but the old cars, lol Dont even have a/c lol:D

Blue Supra
10-24-2004, 09:50 PM
my car sucks in thes summer, ive burnt my hands on the steering wheel!:eek: it has a black dash which i swear you could cook food on, it gets to i rekin damn near 50 in there on a hot 35ish day. thats the ONLY complaint i have about the dear old thing:):p

10-24-2004, 09:54 PM
Yep i know what you talking about there mate, Old cars have A/C.... Just put the windows down :D
In the heat old cars lose power:(
I like the nights about 13deg no rain woohoo they go:D

Blue Supra
10-24-2004, 09:56 PM
ooo yeh thats when you can just unleash, wind the windows down and have fun:)

10-24-2004, 10:07 PM
Melt the ice cream, And yell at the kids eat it faster keep it off the leather dam it!
Feet down watch the trim dont wipe your hands on the carpert :D This will be me in a new car :p

Thanks bluey:D
Now come on mate your next 2000

10-24-2004, 11:57 PM
my car sucks in thes summer, ive burnt my hands on the steering wheel!:eek: it has a black dash which i swear you could cook food on, it gets to i rekin damn near 50 in there on a hot 35ish day. thats the ONLY complaint i have about the dear old thing:):p

you should see some of the cabin temperatures when the V8's are at Adelaide and Darwin....Darwin's so hot cause they race there in the summer, and Adelaide's got the concrete barrier's trapping all the heat from the exhaust, BJR actually started using refrigerated suits in the cars this year, with the tubes of water running all over them :p

10-25-2004, 12:09 AM
Doesnt it get close to like 80 degrees in those cabins, i heard that somewhere? It doesnt sound right tho, like i think ud die at those temperatures.

10-25-2004, 12:21 AM
you'd get knocked out upwards of 60 degrees i reckon, but i think its 200 degrees or so that your body will cark it....

usually the most they get is 50, so now Paul Morris has his air conditioner and JB and BJ have their cool suits :p

10-25-2004, 01:09 AM
Those cool suits dont sound like a bad idea, i wonder how well they work.

10-25-2004, 01:26 AM
just me being random (actually on topic but random)

1 way to get in - get on your knees

10-25-2004, 03:10 AM
you'd get knocked out upwards of 60 degrees i reckon, but i think its 200 degrees or so that your body will cark it....

usually the most they get is 50, so now Paul Morris has his air conditioner and JB and BJ have their cool suits :p
The cool suits have been in irculation for a whilenow...but usually only in rare occasions ie bathurst....Also paul radasich has always had an air filter in his car as he doesnt take some of the bad air you get in the cabin very well (and with all the crap coupled with the heat you can see why)

In 02 marcos ambrose and mark skaife got fines because after the race during their paradelaps they took off their helemts,gloves,fire retardent gear and loosened up their suits to cool down faster in the 60+ degree temps they where driveing in....

10-25-2004, 03:12 AM
thats a bit of a fair cop, but i can see their reasoning....

i think most people have adopted the anit CO2 filters though, i remember watching bathurst 02 with the images of Lowndes hooked up to the O2 bottle to keep him fit for his next stint considering all the CO2 he'd been breathing in..

10-25-2004, 03:20 AM
in the dubRC cabin temp can rise to 55 degrees. in NZ and on a morning stage :shocked:

10-25-2004, 03:22 AM
thats a bit of a fair cop, but i can see their reasoning....

i think most people have adopted the anit CO2 filters though, i remember watching bathurst 02 with the images of Lowndes hooked up to the O2 bottle to keep him fit for his next stint considering all the CO2 he'd been breathing in..
Well paul was the first to have an air filtration system in his car that i know of....its actually quite the norm nowdays but i thought it was worth mentioning.
And lowndes doing that would of benn to get some good air in....not only would he of been fresher c02 aint the best for your health to say the least...what do you think cigarette smoke contains?

Also they are useing other such similar meansd to get better sooner for example the BJR drivers at sandown and bathurst where useing drips to rehydrate them selves quicker. You have to wonder what theyd use next?

10-25-2004, 03:28 AM
well i suppose that the drip's are gunna get used more frequently before someone comes up with another radical idea....perhaps incar drips? or would that be too much harm in the case of an accident :confused:

10-25-2004, 03:37 AM
incar drips? that would take too much time in driver swap
not to mention to change the needles in bathurst and if not changing the needles. hep C?

10-25-2004, 03:39 AM
fair point, unless they just want to have it so its a plug in your arm that the tube goes into, so you just replace the plugs when its your turn to lounge around the pits....

10-25-2004, 03:40 AM
i duno.... there would be some amount of risk in there somewhere.

10-25-2004, 03:47 AM
yeah, as always i suppose....but you'd think its a longical enough solution that someone else involved with the series is bound to be thinking about

10-25-2004, 04:12 AM
i duno.... there would be some amount of risk in there somewhere.
And not to mention fart arseing around with changeing needles....but still fullpoints for thinking outside the square....what where considerd radical ideas a few years ago are the norm now....

10-25-2004, 04:21 AM
they'll always be trying to get the pits done quicker and quicker....like tyres etc, a couple of years ago with the super heavy rattle guns probably took about 10 seconds a stop, nowadays, SBR have been able to get the odd 6 second stop, but most are 8 seconds....you saw at bathurst this year more drivers willing to do the race on 3 sets of pads (i guess considering cause its now considered a 1000km sprint).

but i guess things to do with the driver are alot different....im sure now theyve gone all out on the driver ventilation systems, its added a bit more error to driver changes

10-25-2004, 04:41 AM
they'll always be trying to get the pits done quicker and quicker....like tyres etc, a couple of years ago with the super heavy rattle guns probably took about 10 seconds a stop, nowadays, SBR have been able to get the odd 6 second stop, but most are 8 seconds....you saw at bathurst this year more drivers willing to do the race on 3 sets of pads (i guess considering cause its now considered a 1000km sprint).

but i guess things to do with the driver are alot different....im sure now theyve gone all out on the driver ventilation systems, its added a bit more error to driver changes
Well its just a pipe into the helmet and sometimes a pipe into the suite...but itall adds up....

also AVESCO abnned the usage of ultra light compontants for the internals of the rattle guns....alot of the biggest teams in recent years have been experimenting with titatium internals in the guns to lighten them up...

10-25-2004, 04:46 AM
thats a bit of a shit....those things can get damned heavy and theyre chucked around like nothing, but i suppose the likes of SBR didnt simply pull the blokes away from the local auto one to have a pitcrew

10-25-2004, 04:53 AM
Well most teams nowdays have lead wheels to train with.....and the magnesium wheels are heavy enoughas it is :eek:

10-25-2004, 04:57 AM
yeah they reckon a fully inflated dry wheel is 11kg whilst the wet's are 12kg.....at least thats what dunlop says, it may or may not be with the rim but you'd think so

10-25-2004, 05:59 AM
yeah they reckon a fully inflated dry wheel is 11kg whilst the wet's are 12kg.....at least thats what dunlop says, it may or may not be with the rim but you'd think so
I think that may be without the rim....it a be a genuine mag (mags where called that because of being made of magnesium a looooong time ago) but its still 17x10 thats still a huge bloody rim...ive heard stories of around 25 kilos race ready....imreally nottoo shure...

Blue Supra
10-25-2004, 06:07 AM
:eek: should get some for the datto:p
anyways i just spent the last 6 or so hours customising the fittings for this bloody seat! i just took it for a spin, it feels really good but coz of the standard brackets being an inch too short i had to add in some extras to make it fit AND be solid, now it sits an inch higher, now i need a smaller steering wheel:mad: it rubs against my thighs when i drive and i cant hook the wheel easily, think ill have to go see a man about a seat with a case in my boot:D

10-25-2004, 10:06 AM
I used to work in a bakery, And in summer it was bloody hot, We couldn't have A/C or doors open, Cause the bread would go crusty. I lost some weight then but the good pizza rolls help put it all back on:D. 34deg Over night about double that inside. Lucky it was night work.

Blue Supra
10-25-2004, 06:29 PM
thats hardcore, my brace should be ready by thursday next week:) im seeing a bloke about fitting this seat soonish... might give him a ring now actually:)

10-25-2004, 06:33 PM
Get the ball rolling:D

Blue Supra
10-25-2004, 06:37 PM
Im goin round to his place tomorrow arvo to get it all fixed up. Hopefully he wont laugh at the bodgy job i did:D

10-25-2004, 06:37 PM
Not if he wants to get payed for it :D

Blue Supra
10-25-2004, 06:41 PM
hes a mates dad, so im paying for parts but hes doing it as a favor to me and also he wants to encourage me in my motorsport pursuits, i mean in its the clubs interest to have competitive drivers after all:)

Blue Supra
10-25-2004, 07:27 PM
see pics of it here...

10-25-2004, 08:16 PM
Looks great mate, All you need now is a F1 steering and your off:D
Good idea racing in something thats not 200-400KW of power learn and get confident first and move up and up:D

Blue Supra
10-25-2004, 08:32 PM
thats it slick, im starting off in a 1.6L then im goin to 1.8L then im going to 4L then im goin to 4L TT, or at least thats the plan, i need a smaller steering wheel but i cant afford one atm:( so ill have to deal with it until i get the seat fixed up tomoz, i can drive it better now. i just had to change to way i sit in it. i can take turns that usually had me gripping the wheel for dear life like a slow bend now:D its awesome!

10-25-2004, 08:34 PM
Is it hard for you to get over the wheel for full control with 10 foot legs ??

Blue Supra
10-25-2004, 08:38 PM
if i dont sit right the steering wheels rubs into my thighs and makes it very diff to drive, like takin roundabouts quickly etc where you need to turn the wheel quick, but its just annoying, it doesnt feel right you know? if i sit differntly i can get about 1 cm of clearence which is enough but its still annoying, and with a helmet on i simply wont fit, my head will bump off the roof:eek:

10-25-2004, 08:42 PM
Head ache,, Ooch..
I like leg room when i drive and i dont like to be to close to the wheel,,, But it is a little easyer when closer, But as you said my thighs get closer to the wheel the closer i move forward, then the knees hurt :eek:
But i have found that my old gemini was great some leg room to the peddles, But it was the steerin clearence that was great it was high over my legs it was perfect, But i did sit almost on the floor the seats were very low,
Getting out was a pain in the Arse:p

Blue Supra
10-25-2004, 08:44 PM
lol, i drove my car out of the garage yesterday with no seat in it, thats as low as im ever going to drive:p

same with the standard seat, although i had to put the clutch in the get my leg under the wheel once i was in it was perfect height and distance for everything:)

10-25-2004, 08:47 PM
A race car would be perfect for you, Place the steering where you wanted it low high forward back, Then the seat to your leg length, New cars like my baby the VYII Calais are inbetween, I had to lower the seat which i was greatful for or the wheel would hit my legs, So down goes the seat, And up goes the steering and all the way back then im comfy:D

Blue Supra
10-25-2004, 08:57 PM
unfortunately the dato has none of those tings:( when i get into the car after my GF been driving it i have to put the seat all the way down and all the way back and then roll it back, we have completely opposite driving positions. A monaro with its ability to "remember" drivers preferences would be super!:)

10-25-2004, 08:59 PM
Shit yeah Like my mum she drive seat forward and back forward cause of her bad back.
I hope the VYII Calais has memory also:D

Blue Supra
10-25-2004, 09:01 PM
i rekin it would, its a calais after all! it should have everything!:)

10-25-2004, 09:03 PM
That would make me happy one key for me:D one for mum and thats it the rest can get stuffed lol:p i dont trust anyone else hehehe:p

Blue Supra
10-25-2004, 09:19 PM
awwww cmon, you know you want an extra one for old bluey:D;)

10-26-2004, 02:01 AM
the way i drive's a bit weird....ive said it before, but my legs are probably a bit short so when im comfortably close to the pedals, my arms feel like theyre bent too much, so i gotta increase the rake on the back rest

Blue Supra
10-26-2004, 05:40 AM
js roll the seat back, thats what i do and it works perfectly:)

10-26-2004, 07:38 AM
yeah but then i dont feel right with the pedals, im not confident if i cant at least push the clutch to the floor and have a bit left.....

Blue Supra
10-26-2004, 08:33 PM
im lucky that mine has such a high pick-up point (in my clutch) by the time it on the floor ive thrown it into the next gear. but i see your point, when i was little and muckin around in the paddocks with my uncles ute i couldnt reach the pedals properly, not very confidence inspiring:(

Blue Supra
10-26-2004, 11:16 PM
Just got the car back and drive it like 500 metres from the exhaust shop to the parking area at my work. Sounds soooo meaty! im in love with it, i cant stop smiling! damit still another half hour of work till i can take it for a real drive:( chrome tip looks nice too:D even when i punhed it in 2nd theres a bit more pep, not much but some.

10-27-2004, 01:10 AM
haha now if only all those damned ricers realised what they were missing out on :p

Blue Supra
10-27-2004, 01:14 AM
im just worried that ill be put on the same shelf as them:(

10-27-2004, 01:18 AM
well unless youve got some fat can on the arse of your car leading from the stock 1" exhaust and the car sounds like its farting, then dont worry :p

Blue Supra
10-27-2004, 01:47 AM
its sounds tough, but i think the average person wont have the ear to pick that:( theyll just think, knob:eek:

10-27-2004, 02:20 AM
maybe, maybe not.....your probably just proud it sounds alot better than what it did stock :p

10-27-2004, 03:22 AM
Cant wait till i get a new exhaust on the car :)

10-27-2004, 03:23 AM
who are you looking at getting it done?

10-27-2004, 04:04 AM
The company is called Walker or theres some sub-company inside them called SMB. Its definately not herrod though. They are releasing a new exhaust system for the GT or falcons in general.

10-27-2004, 04:07 AM
Is it just me or has the forum changed in aperence ??

10-27-2004, 04:09 AM
The company is called Walker or theres some sub-company inside them called SMB. Its definately not herrod though. They are releasing a new exhaust system for the GT or falcons in general.

dual pipe or single pipe?

10-27-2004, 04:13 AM
DUAL!! i believe :D
I heard something about herrod only have one pipe that goes under the diff or something where these exhausts have two.

10-27-2004, 04:24 AM
they go 2 pipes into 1 into 2......the part where its 1 is for clearence issues around the diff and past the fuel tank.....if your going full 2, make sure they provide the heat shielding on the fuel tank

10-27-2004, 10:06 AM
Didnt someone say the twin exhaust dual pipes on a holden they fibaglass one half of the tank ? Can't that be done on a Ford ?

10-27-2004, 05:23 PM
its sounds tough, but i think the average person wont have the ear to pick that:( theyll just think, knob:eek:
Probably achieved its aim if you like it. When I took the resonator off my LS1 my mechanic (my brother in law!) said it sounded no different. It did to me but the amazing thing is that it got louder and more defined over the next few weeks. Like you i dont know if it was pyscological or not but my mate , who likes everything loud, creamed himself when I caned it next to his warehouse one day saying it sounded almost perfect. Naturally he would have liked it still louder but he drives racing cars and must be excused.

Blue Supra
10-27-2004, 06:02 PM
Is it just me or has the forum changed in aperence ??

yes wouters changed the settings, not permanent though hopefully as i liked it the other way:)

Probably achieved its aim if you like it. When I took the resonator off my LS1 my mechanic (my brother in law!) said it sounded no different. It did to me but the amazing thing is that it got louder and more defined over the next few weeks. Like you i dont know if it was pyscological or not but my mate , who likes everything loud, creamed himself when I caned it next to his warehouse one day saying it sounded almost perfect. Naturally he would have liked it still louder but he drives racing cars and must be excused.

Damn straight. its still putting out this weird smell. apparently all new exhausts do it when they first get put in though so im not worried. I love the way it sounds now. Im not sure if its a psychological thing but i normally have music way up, now i have it way down:D

10-27-2004, 10:13 PM
Thats way too far to go to get ANY car!:D
Ive been to adelaide a few times in my life, didnt like the water:pDont worry about the water,worry when people try and stuff you in a 44 gallon drum :D Heres a pic of my nephews new car went to NSW to get it its a little stinker(Dont be scared to Travel u save money).Also what not to do at aclub day with a Soarer :D

Blue Supra
10-27-2004, 10:40 PM
OUCH! that sucks!
im sure if there was a Supra for sale in WA 10k cheaper then avg with nothing wrong with it id go and get it!:D what kinda car is it? looks like a datsun coupe or gemini coupe of sorts.

10-27-2004, 11:11 PM
that pic reminds me of this yellow supra i saw when i went up to bathurst one time, nothing major, but it liked like he'd clipped the rear end somewhere.....very suspicious being up at bathurst and all :p :D

Blue Supra
10-27-2004, 11:19 PM
well i just saw a supra in the servo accross the road and stopped an stared for a bit... then i went back on here:p

10-27-2004, 11:33 PM

just had to do that :p

the bloke who used to live across the street from me, his brother owned a BA XR8 with a new exhaust and gold alloy's in blueprint, and someone else had i think it was either a purple or dark blue one and i used to always gawk at them. the guy came past to get his mail one time after he just moved and he showed up in a white with blue stripes GT-P.....rich bastard

10-27-2004, 11:40 PM
OUCH! that sucks!
im sure if there was a Supra for sale in WA 10k cheaper then avg with nothing wrong with it id go and get it!:D what kinda car is it? looks like a datsun coupe or gemini coupe of sorts.Its a ke55 corolla coupe with a 3sgte engine,mini spool rear end ,konis,200kw at the rear treads,Guy in the supra was very sad,nephew was behind him when he lost it on the kink on the back straight of Mallala,big tail wag over correction straight into the concrete wall(OUCH!!)Blue Supra image for you with a sr20 det Dato 1200 this is an absolute rocket this is Adam Alans car from Alan Engineering has the Lap record at Mallala 1.15.77 :D

10-27-2004, 11:44 PM
that over correcting always seems to catch people out

Blue Supra
10-28-2004, 12:57 AM
it gets me a few times, i wanted to put an SR20DET into my car at 1st, but then was told a 4L Lexus V8 would go in easier and cheaper:p go figure:rolleyes:

thats a helluva quick car though, those things weight like 900kilos:eek:

10-28-2004, 01:53 AM
thats a fairly common conversion, between that and the FJ20

10-28-2004, 04:06 AM
[QUOTE=Blue Supra]it gets me a few times, i wanted to put an SR20DET into my car at 1st, but then was told a 4L Lexus V8 would go in easier and cheaper:p go figure:rolleyes:

thats a helluva quick car though, those things weight like 900kilos:eek:[/QUOTe

The dato about 800kg the corolla a little more,about 280 flat chat,11 sec quarters,completely insane ,search for improved production on the web and check out the cars for sa,vic,nsw etc,huge diversity from Valiant Pacers to ex Glen Seaton EB supercar with 700-800 hp,although when he came to Mallala Adams Datto absolutely caned him :D

10-28-2004, 04:10 AM
the 4L lexus motors can get serious power with a turbo or two only running standard internals

10-28-2004, 04:21 AM
most Jap engines are built stock to handle pretty much anything thrown at him, i guess the manufacturers have a pretty good understanding of the Japanese underground tuning world

what did they do to the 5L to give it about 50% more power?

10-28-2004, 04:33 AM
the 4L lexus motors can get serious power with a turbo or two only running standard internals
Yeah a prime example the guru from WA he built a 10 sec twin tourboed 4l lexus on a very smallbudget (well he done most of the machine work himself so he saved a packet there) there alot of potential in them but id rather gomore main stream in all realisum for something thatfast (unless you have alotof time and an enginering backround and not to mention tools) itll be cheaper.

10-28-2004, 04:35 AM
Stone brothers built a 6 litre engine for him with all the works and jerks(buckets of money),Adam beat him at Mallala but couldnt at Phillip Is,that thing has more pull than a 14 year old boy down the main straight

10-28-2004, 04:39 AM
so basically it wasnt the original 500hp 5L anymore.....800hp seems a bit much though for an extra L, like ts 25% more power than the current engines with 20% more capacity

10-28-2004, 04:56 AM
Dont worry about the water,worry when people try and stuff you in a 44 gallon drum :D Heres a pic of my nephews new car went to NSW to get it its a little stinker(Dont be scared to Travel u save money).Also what not to do at aclub day with a Soarer :D
Is that yours in the middle:p

10-28-2004, 05:00 AM
so basically it wasnt the original 500hp 5L anymore.....800hp seems a bit much though for an extra L, like ts 25% more power than the current engines with 20% more capacityNo rev limiter,wilder cam,massive injectors,rev = more hp,thats why the supercars are limited to 7500 and they run fairly mild cams ,heads,injectors etc.

10-28-2004, 05:01 AM
so basically it wasnt the original 500hp 5L anymore.....800hp seems a bit much though for an extra L, like ts 25% more power than the current engines with 20% more capacity
Well there are a fewkey factors here V8 supercars couldmake more hp :) BUT.....(drumroll) they need to be made more reliable so at teh cost of reliability they tune it more softly :) these cars that charged are talking about may only have to last say 10 or so laps at a time (please correct me if im wrong) there fore longevity isnt much of an issue...also its 1 litre bigger which helps to say the least...

10-28-2004, 05:02 AM
Is that yours in the middle:pNo ive got a gutless diesel 4wd,but if you want to buy it,its going cheap just needs a good cut and polish to get rid of the scratches :D

10-28-2004, 05:04 AM
reliability would be out the window.....the OHV valvegear can barely handle the 7500rpm they do now, you hear crompton always going on about the issues when theres an overrev from a missed gear....i'd say maybe 300km before the engine would need looking at if you drove it to its limits

10-28-2004, 05:09 AM
reliability would be out the window.....the OHV valvegear can barely handle the 7500rpm they do now, you hear crompton always going on about the issues when theres an overrev from a missed gear....i'd say maybe 300km before the engine would need looking at if you drove it to its limitsThis guy has buckets of money,the races are between 5-10 laps max usually 2-4 races a weekend meet,and probably only 6 races a year,so there is plenty of time the freshen up the top end if need be.His motor alone would be worth six of my nephews corollas!!!

10-28-2004, 05:20 AM
easily.....V8 Supercars are $350K and $100K of thats just in the engine......NASCAR's are only $US100K just to put it into perspective i guess

10-28-2004, 05:24 AM
No ive got a gutless diesel 4wd,but if you want to buy it,its going cheap just needs a good cut and polish to get rid of the scratches :D
No thanks i'm buying a mini:D

10-28-2004, 05:26 AM
This guy has buckets of money,the races are between 5-10 laps max usually 2-4 races a weekend meet,and probably only 6 races a year,so there is plenty of time the freshen up the top end if need be.His motor alone would be worth six of my nephews corollas!!!
Carolloas are cheap and incredibly popular to mod...at the Queanbeyan swap meet i was yarning with one bloke who imports variousjap engines (rotarys are not one of them...cant find them for a price that meets his stamp of approval) And he also spends alot of time modifying engine...in his photo album nearly 9 in 10 carshes done up where corollas the reason for a suprisngly small fistfullof dollars astong 1/4 or track combo can be made :)

So charged exactly what calss is this anyways...After hearing the stones are involved it sounds fiarly professional (or occupied by alotof middle aged men with large wallets or possibly both like most cotigorys) and most certainly sounds alot more high tech then the super srpints im pondering on getting in lol.

Matra et Alpine
10-28-2004, 05:26 AM
easily.....V8 Supercars are $350K and $100K of thats just in the engine......NASCAR's are only $US100K just to put it into perspective i guess
I don't think the NASCAR figure is right.

IIRC it's $101K and $100K spent on the engine.
Clearly they don't spend the money on handling :)

After all it doesn't cost a lot to bend some tubes and bolt in 1960s suspension :)

10-28-2004, 05:28 AM
easily.....V8 Supercars are $350K and $100K of thats just in the engine......NASCAR's are only $US100K just to put it into perspective i guessYeah big money all right,a guy at Mallala has just bought a ex Team Kiwi VX cost him 280k,still has to rebuild a motor,box,brakes etc,he is going to run in Konicas next year his name is Papendell.Had an old future tourer ex Gibson VS Commode,ran in improved prod couple of months ago,went from slicks to Advan control tyre and lost 10 sec a lap.Tyres make a huge difference,when Adam runs slicks gains 8 secs a lap without changing the suspension set up.Nascars rev a lot harder than Supercars but run carbies I think

10-28-2004, 05:29 AM
easily.....V8 Supercars are $350K and $100K of thats just in the engine......NASCAR's are only $US100K just to put it into perspective i guessAlsodont forget they are carbied and have alot of controlled items...alsosaying that for OHV engines they can top 10,000 rpm they are nigh on bullet proof too...of late the ford community in australia has been importing used nascar blocks and putting them in various falcons....that XB at the nats pinned on 10k was something tohear...i hope hes comming nest nats...also i hope i get a decent camera by then :)

10-28-2004, 05:30 AM
well it was a figure i pulled from this US TV show Monster Garage, so i dare say, yeah its unreliable :p

10-28-2004, 05:33 AM
Yeah big money all right,a guy at Mallala has just bought a ex Team Kiwi VX cost him 280k,still has to rebuild a motor,box,brakes etc,he is going to run in Konicas next year his name is Papendell.Had an old future tourer ex Gibson VS Commode,ran in improved prod couple of months ago,went from slicks to Advan control tyre and lost 10 sec a lap.Tyres make a huge difference,when Adam runs slicks gains 8 secs a lap without changing the suspension set up.Nascars rev a lot harder than Supercars but run carbies I think

i think he paid too much for it personally.....i reckon, say if SBR were to get together with Orrcon and SER for next year and say "hey, how about WE make you the cars", they could probably walk away with a profit by charging between $300K-$350K, you'd think thered be SOMEWHERE that it'd be cheaper by making 6 rather than 2

10-28-2004, 05:34 AM
Carolloas are cheap and incredibly popular to mod...at the Queanbeyan swap meet i was yarning with one bloke who imports variousjap engines (rotarys are not one of them...cant find them for a price that meets his stamp of approval) And he also spends alot of time modifying engine...in his photo album nearly 9 in 10 carshes done up where corollas the reason for a suprisngly small fistfullof dollars astong 1/4 or track combo can be made :)

So charged exactly what calss is this anyways...After hearing the stones are involved it sounds fiarly professional (or occupied by alotof middle aged men with large wallets or possibly both like most cotigorys) and most certainly sounds alot more high tech then the super srpints im pondering on getting in lol.Its called improved production,you can spend as little( nephews cars) or as much as you like(Leanne Ferrier Garth Tanders Squeeze)theres certain regs to follow.Eg turbo cars must run a restrictor 36mm etc,you can go to the Cams site or look up Improved production on the net.Top little class can go under or over 2 litre,modern class etc.

10-28-2004, 05:35 AM
My sisters friend has just bought a Corrolla 2000 some rally thing SE ? He says it get in 3rd and has some big extra boost of power?

10-28-2004, 05:37 AM
i think he paid too much for it personally.....i reckon, say if SBR were to get together with Orrcon and SER for next year and say "hey, how about WE make you the cars", they could probably walk away with a profit by charging between $300K-$350K, you'd think thered be SOMEWHERE that it'd be cheaper by making 6 rather than 2A fool and his money are soon parted :D

10-28-2004, 05:38 AM
well it was a figure i pulled from this US TV show Monster Garage, so i dare say, yeah its unreliable :p
LOL ive heard stories about that show...and if it is ture and is produced by MTV nothingelse needs to be said right? ;)

10-28-2004, 05:46 AM
its pretty good really, good for a laugh....that particular one, someone "donated" a NASCAR to be modified into a street sweeper that looked "stock" on the outside.....

ive seen a fox mustang turned into a lawnmower, an explorer turned into a garbage truck, a new beetle turned into a florida fan boat.....some others.....but i think the most recent was a PT Cruiser turned into a woodchipper...

10-28-2004, 05:50 AM
Its called improved production,you can spend as little( nephews cars) or as much as you like(Leanne Ferrier Garth Tanders Squeeze)theres certain regs to follow.Eg turbo cars must run a restrictor 36mm etc,you can go to the Cams site or look up Improved production on the net.Top little class can go under or over 2 litre,modern class etc.
Oh im aware of this class though i only getb the local NSW titels on sbs (for some odd reason....and what a shock it breaks up sbs' regular good family minded programing :) ) i rember the commintators babbling (wayne auger :mad: ) about how powerful this red VN that was traling series 2 rx7s untill he oversteered and went into the kitty litter...the bloody thing didnt have a hsv grille....the only thing that seperated it from any other Very Nasty was the v8 super car grille (it even had p plates to topit off :p ...and before you correct me yeah raceing ps) but it seemed like good fun.

Also quick Q wha level of cams liscence is required? im guessing level 2 R or level 3?

And as for fpv thats all well and good but what about the avalible manpower and the time it takes to engineer a car?and what about SER and Orrcon Budgets and also thier staffs futres if thier useing full stone brothers cars why not just say the stones effectivly have a 5 car team?

10-28-2004, 05:52 AM
Sounds better than Pimp my Ride. Is it just me or do the engine guys in that show know absolutely jack about cars. I think the most descriptive term I've ever heard when theyre talking about what theyre gonna do to the engine was along the lines of 'put a really, really big turbo on it.' Fantastic guys, I see how you got your jobs, apart from being the token hispanics. And some of the ideas are just stupid. 'We got a water container behind your seat so if you get thirsty you can take a drink' Thats the best you could come up with this week?
But the worst part about the show is easily everytime Xzibit says his name its 'X to tha Z Xzibit'. He says it every goddamn time.

10-28-2004, 05:55 AM
its pretty good really, good for a laugh....that particular one, someone "donated" a NASCAR to be modified into a street sweeper that looked "stock" on the outside.....

ive seen a fox mustang turned into a lawnmower, an explorer turned into a garbage truck, a new beetle turned into a florida fan boat.....some others.....but i think the most recent was a PT Cruiser turned into a woodchipper...
Wellother then the foxbody muzzo(unless it wasa 4 banger) they turned other wise usless cars into something useful ;) j/k

And dont they have lessons on riceing up rides as well?

10-28-2004, 05:57 AM
Oh im aware of this class though i only getb the local NSW titels on sbs (for some odd reason....and what a shock it breaks up sbs' regular good family minded programing :) ) i rember the commintators babbling (wayne auger :mad: ) about how powerful this red VN that was traling series 2 rx7s untill he oversteered and went into the kitty litter...the bloody thing didnt have a hsv grille....the only thing that seperated it from any other Very Nasty was the v8 super car grille (it even had p plates to topit off :p ...and before you correct me yeah raceing ps) but it seemed like good fun.

Also quick Q wha level of cams liscence is required? im guessing level 2 R or level 3?

And as for fpv thats all well and good but what about the avalible manpower and the time it takes to engineer a car?and what about SER and Orrcon Budgets and also thier staffs futres if thier useing full stone brothers cars why not just say the stones effectivly have a 5 car team? Level 3 Cams Lic

10-28-2004, 06:00 AM
it was a 302 mustang alright....they wanted it to have those old style push mower things dropping from the doors as well as the electric thing dropping out from the rear bumper, but only the latter idea got off the ground...

10-28-2004, 06:02 AM
Level 3 Cams Lic
ahh ok then...also you can delete the rest of my drivel if you want...no need to post a wole quote when an exerht would do :)

the funny thing is our state champinship of it only really is rotarys and v8 powerd locals..anything else is few and far apart (im thinking a triumph tr8 with a 4.4 p76 engine sounds like a good way to be diffrent....)

10-28-2004, 06:06 AM
it was a 302 mustang alright....they wanted it to have those old style push mower things dropping from the doors as well as the electric thing dropping out from the rear bumper, but only the latter idea got off the ground...
Well worse things have been said about lawn mowers and fords....just after the sandown race a paint rep said his wife wanted to hire the wps team over to mow thier lawns :D both ford fans mind you :P

10-28-2004, 06:13 AM
man forget them mowing the lawns, i need the turf lifted on my front lawn :p

Blue Supra
10-28-2004, 08:39 PM
i have a CAMS 2S license, how do you move up to level 3?

10-28-2004, 09:19 PM
I think a tr7 would be classed as a sports car,u will have to check the regs,over here there are only a couple of v8s, pacer,a9x torry,mostly rotors and turbo 4s.to get a cams 3 you need a medical ,written test,etc only for interstate and state champ events,medicals pretty full o0n from what I hear.

Blue Supra
10-28-2004, 09:37 PM
theres about 8 series 2 and 3 RX7s at my local track and man they hoooooooooon.

funnily enough the fastest record is held by a 1600 Gemini Coupe:eek:

10-28-2004, 09:58 PM
Cant get enough air into the rotors with the 36 mill restrictor on the turbo,thats why the 1600 is quicker.The Rx7 have fatastic turn in Ive been told,Adam who has the Dato 1200 coupe says if you could put a sr20det in a Rx 7 it would be unbeatable in improved production racing

Blue Supra
10-28-2004, 10:06 PM
ive seen a SR20DET in a 32GTS-T:confused: dont know why youd want to do that?

10-28-2004, 10:14 PM
Dont know the rb26 is agreat little inline 6,maybe he did it for something different or has too much money :D

Blue Supra
10-28-2004, 10:43 PM
or some strange combination of the 2 plus being an idiot:D

10-28-2004, 11:36 PM
Cant get enough air into the rotors with the 36 mill restrictor on the turbo,thats why the 1600 is quicker.The Rx7 have fatastic turn in Ive been told,Adam who has the Dato 1200 coupe says if you could put a sr20det in a Rx 7 it would be unbeatable in improved production racing

maybe they should just have a completely unique class for the rotary's. no one seems to be able say what their equivalent displacement is, and that restrictor size seems to take all the poke out of them

10-29-2004, 12:36 AM
a lot of the guys dont run turbos,some are 13b-bp,pp or 12a bridge or perif port,by god they scream their little lungs out though,allan engineering rekons u can get 350 very reliable hp out of a 13b bridge port,theyve designed their own special seals,never have to touch them.One of their customer cars is a ex 24 hr endurance rx7 series 6,silver,dry break fillers all the good gear(Sex on Wheels).The guy leaves it at their workshop,he lives in Melbourne,flys over,tests the car flys back,never races it just toys round with it,apparently hes loaded,one of their best customers!!

10-29-2004, 12:38 AM
i think thats just more proof to my previous idea.....what other engine would get 350hp out of 1.3L....or 2.6L in some eyes (some claim its equivalent to 3.9L, by which time its no big deal i guess)

10-29-2004, 12:44 AM
I think with turbo engined they multiply displacement by 1.3 or 1.6,I think they do the same with Rotors not sure though,have to with my nephews about that

10-29-2004, 12:49 AM
so then basically a 1.3L twin rotor or 2L triple rotor would go up against a 2L turbo or 1.3L turbo then

Blue Supra
10-29-2004, 08:15 AM
rotar would kill it, easy. if that was the way it was surely.

10-29-2004, 08:16 AM
you cant really predict how a rotary'll go, youve probably heard about all the gains a ood port job will do, then theres the thing with its equivalent displacemet and bla bla bla bla bla.....i know it used to be raced against 6 cylinder cars in this racing series i was watching AGES ago

Blue Supra
10-29-2004, 08:20 AM
well theres a triple rotar in the states that makes over 600hp i think. and the 4 rotar used at le mans i think made over 800...:eek: insane!

10-29-2004, 08:26 AM
yeah, the good old 787B.....now they went and banned rotaries from competing :p

Blue Supra
10-29-2004, 06:12 PM
sux hey. maybe they should have rotory division... thatd be l33t.

10-29-2004, 06:17 PM
that would kick a$$!

10-29-2004, 08:42 PM
My sisters ex boyfriend had a rotary engine in his old mazda rx4. Did a 1/4 in 13.9 sec.
Keeped over heating, It had a bonnet scoop, If was facing towards the window like he bought it, It would fog the window and heat smoke would go all over and you couldnt see, So they turned it around then it had some good cooling and no more fog on the windows:) thats when he got the 13.9 time:)

10-29-2004, 10:36 PM
i wouldnt be surprised if after all the playing around with the scoop, the radiator still wasnt big enough :p i wouldve been half tempted to just strap an electronic fan under the bonnet where the scoop is :p

i know in LeMans, most of the classes just specify what homologation, what body style etc. like if its open top, single seater, etc etc but i dont know whether they'd go for a rotary class, it'd be a one horsed race with only mazda engines really being competitive

10-30-2004, 12:20 AM
This car was ment to have a 302 as we were told, But it didnt sound like it.

10-30-2004, 12:57 AM
you said it was a 13B though didnt u

Blue Supra
10-30-2004, 07:11 AM

10-30-2004, 06:46 PM
I've been watching Bathurst for a while now, I don't have a car yet (only 14) but watching awesome cars gets me going. :cool:

10-30-2004, 07:44 PM
You'll need way more than that before you want to get serious about motorsport. ever gone karting?

10-30-2004, 11:00 PM
Yup. The most fun I have ever had. 75 km/h on some corners.

10-31-2004, 01:01 AM
Where bouts did you go? I went to Eastern Creek Karts for my 16th, best venue in the Southern Hemisphere they reckon

10-31-2004, 02:04 AM
Better hurry up and win a titel kid...everyone in v8s usually start a 6 and have titels and drives in formula fords by the time thier 14....and unless your parents are very rich individuals id only look upon it as a hobby. Im wellpast my shelf life unless i can win a formula ford titel(bit hard when you dont have one also lol)

10-31-2004, 02:05 AM
Unless he's content with the likes of GT-P, then i suppose he just needs the money and the CAMS license

10-31-2004, 02:29 AM
I think with turbo engined they multiply displacement by 1.3 or 1.6,I think they do the same with Rotors not sure though,have to with my nephews about thatNephews told me yhere is a under 2 litre calss and a over 2 litre class all rotors and iline4,6,turbos run inthat class,the under 2 litre class is for escorts with cossies and datsuns with atmo fj 20 etc.