View Full Version : What Is The Greatest Country On Earth?

10-23-2004, 06:13 AM
This is something, ive been wondering for a while. What do you guys think?
Personally i think Canada, Britain, and Australia are all very close.

Based on stuff like.... general living, health care, education, history, industrial revolutions, Machinery ( cars ), empires, weather, leaders, democracy, politics, cultures, citizenship, milatarys, sport, food, freedom, accomidation...

Anything you can think of..

Explian why you think a country is great.

Dont worry about people calling you patriotic.

Edit: Some one change the title, ive typed 'country' wrong!

10-23-2004, 06:29 AM

Because you can always bribe the cops and get out of trouble, basically destroy anything without going to jail, Gas is only US $8 Cents per Gallon, Women are beautiful, the president is a smart guy...

I'm just kidding guys..

The day I visit every country on earth I'll give you my right answer Jim... But right now I'm gonna go ahead and say Canada and Switzerland.

I miss my country, here's a pic of me (Many years ago) at a Venezuelan island called "La tortuga"

10-23-2004, 06:42 AM
im voting australia, lol coz i live there, i luv the fact i live on 4 acres and a huge house instead of a cramped apartment like alot of people in china and other asian countries 2, plus we have beautiful weather, not like th dreary greys of britain, and its not cold all the time, e.g switzerland.

lol weve got kangaroos 2... :p :D

10-23-2004, 06:42 AM

perfect weather, awesome beaches, and probably the most relaxed attitute of any nation on earth. (the people that is, not the government)

10-23-2004, 07:13 AM
This is where many ppl go wrong, I even heard ppl calling netherlands a 3rd world country before (lol). But they did some test, I dont know the exact results of it, but I know that Australia, Canada, The netherlands finland and one other were in top 5, USA could barely keep up into the top 10.
I dont know 'much' about other countries as I havent been there yet :P. But I think many of u would be surprised when u see Holland. U cant bribe cops and stuff but u dont need to as it is hard to get in a lot of trouble, u almost get higher punishment for speeding then murder (kind of sucks). Also u can just buy weed here on like every streetcorner, yes legal (cant do that anywhere else). The weather is mostly shit here tho, 200 days of rain a year (same for britain). U are allowed to buy beer here when ur 16 (USA 21 UGH!). Things arent as cool as they used to be here like 5-10 years ago or I am getting old... but there's too much american influence here, and too many immigrants(no racist comment, but they make a mess of our country). I think there will be less and less cool countries in the future tho, more and more individualism, we're coming at these days that ppl even would sell their relatives for money if they could... me dont like it.

10-23-2004, 07:30 AM
The day I visit every country on earth I'll give you my right answer Jim...
called "La tortuga"
Thats a good point, you can only judge a country untill you have visited.
Btw, that beach looks fantastic. nice hole ;)

10-23-2004, 07:44 AM
i luv hawaii!!!!!!

10-23-2004, 07:54 AM
I live in the US. I really like it here. I live in the midwest. I wish I had some pics to show you of my little town, it's just beautiful. Government? I really can't say it's like horrible like I hear people say, I don't see too many effects of it here.

10-23-2004, 08:03 AM
Yes call me patriotic... and I am... Sri Lanka!! It is amaaaaazingly beautiful... words can't explain it... Marco Polo called it the pearl of the Indian Ocean: paradise on earth

10-23-2004, 08:16 AM
Belgium, we went there for a holiday, beautiful scenery, great people, the chocolate.... ooooooh yeah....
I'd move there, given half a chance.

10-23-2004, 08:28 AM
i luv hawaii!!!!!!
r u shittin me? thats not a country

10-23-2004, 08:36 AM
It's part of USA but too far away from it to count it as USA to live in I guess :P

10-23-2004, 08:47 AM
Australia... Melbourne's been voted the most liveable city in the world numerous times in a row now so that must be saying something. Australia has great people, great food, great lifestyle, great everything except great weather (Well, for Melbourne at least).

10-23-2004, 08:55 AM
Australia... Melbourne's been voted the most liveable city in the world numerous times in a row now so that must be saying something. Australia has great people, great food, great lifestyle, great everything except great weather (Well, for Melbourne at least).

What food is great in Australia? Burgers? :D

10-23-2004, 08:55 AM

its clean, its beautiful, and there r heaps of places u can go to

10-23-2004, 09:02 AM

its clean, its beautiful, and there r heaps of places u can go to
Can you visit bilbo baggins? :D
Please change that avatar its giving me a head ache! ;)

10-23-2004, 09:04 AM
what the hell is bilbo baggins? :D if that's where u came from i'm sure we dont have such place here... lol

NOPE! the avatar is staying lol...

10-23-2004, 09:37 AM
HHAHAHA Bilbo Baggins is a character from Lord of the Rings. And seeing as the film was largely shot in New Zealand, he is telling you to go visit him. LOL :D

10-23-2004, 09:42 AM
We need to get over our tribal ways and realize that we'll either all live together or we'll all die together.

Politics aside, the place where I'd most like to live is Nova Scotia, Canada.

10-23-2004, 09:57 AM
Hey everyone,

I'm Canadian, and have only traveled around this country and parts of the US, so although I can't say anything about Australia, I do know one thing. Canada is far better a country that the US. I think the most obvious thing is the quality of the ppl, and what I mean is that (without any bias at all) Canadians are much nicer ppl, we look out for eachother, we aren't afriad of one another etc.......as for gov't....that's a given...we aren't trying to run the world and doing a bad job of it, our education is probably one of the best systems in the world, we actually care about the learning instead of feeding billions of dollars in sports which in the end only really help those kids that make it into the big leagues

10-23-2004, 10:45 AM
Hey everyone,

I'm Canadian, and have only traveled around this country and parts of the US, so although I can't say anything about Australia, I do know one thing. Canada is far better a country that the US. I think the most obvious thing is the quality of the ppl, and what I mean is that (without any bias at all) Canadians are much nicer ppl, we look out for eachother, we aren't afriad of one another etc.......as for gov't....that's a given...we aren't trying to run the world and doing a bad job of it, our education is probably one of the best systems in the world, we actually care about the learning instead of feeding billions of dollars in sports which in the end only really help those kids that make it into the big leagues
Agreed ;)

10-23-2004, 11:46 AM
What Is The Greatest Country On Earth?
If you put politics and economics aside, then all countries on earth are great.
Because all ordinary people feel same, think same etc. And what comes to beautiful locations, you can find them anywhere.
So IMHO there is no country that is superior to others (forget politics and economics for once).
I know, I sound like some old hippie fart... :D
However, there is one special little country that to me is far better than all others. Yes, it's the country where I live and have all my roots in - Estonia.
I think most of us feel same way about our homelands, so lots of patriotism here !


10-23-2004, 01:20 PM
If you put politics and economics aside, then all countries on earth are great.
Because all ordinary people feel same, think same etc. And what comes to beautiful locations, you can find them anywhere.
So IMHO there is no country that is superior to others (forget politics and economics for once).
I know, I sound like some old hippie fart... :D
However, there is one special little country that to me is far better than all others. Yes, it's the country where I live and have all my roots in - Estonia.
I think most of us feel same way about our homelands, so lots of patriotism here !


no one in this forum has ever said something so true... we all love our little country. putting pollitics and economics a side evry contry has nice people and great places.
I love my country , i can not say its the best in the WORLD but hey i love its corrupt governement and even though we lost in the EURO 2004 final i still love evry little corner of it. HOt chicks lots of car fans and good weather. Portugal might not be THE BEST IN THE WORLD but i love it. :D

10-23-2004, 01:45 PM

its a small country, but still a country:)
can you imagine that in monaco there is no unemployment? thats beacuse only the prince of this country can tell you if you can live there or you have to get yourself outta there:D

switzerland is great as well although they've got very stupid laws there, for example in switzerland you can't use air conditioner in money exchange point or eat cheese on mondays:confused:

i dont have any opinion of australia because i havent been there and i dont know very much about culture and so on

living in china can be interesting

10-23-2004, 02:22 PM
I'll Say Australia, Reason 1, It's the only country i have been in,
Great food, Clean, Beaches, Sport, Cars, Weather, The people are helpful, Schools are good, Shopping centres are close by, the country is a great place to go it's so peaceful fresh air it's amazing, Great vacation spots, Melbourne is the worlds most livable city 2 years straight, And one thing we Melbourne people get bagged about is our weather, And the biggest reason we got the worlds most liveable city again was our weather, If you were born here you can pick the weather very easy, Outsiders don't have a clue.
They say its sunny then cold then sunny hot then rain then sunny then rain,
Tell you one thing, It goes like this wake up it's sunny you think you might go on a picknick, about 11AM its raining, then sun brakes through what do you do ?? Answer don't go out just yet, You think it's clear it isn't, It will rain again you just don't see it, Wait 1-2 hours pack the car and off you go, On the drive the sun will come out for 2 hours dry the place up and you can have you picknick, Then get home cause the rain will hit soon, That's Melbourne weather, Victorians know it, Some places will start with rain then sunny then rain all day and there goes the day, Not Melbourne the sun will always come out and give you a chance to do what ever you want:D
Australia is a very multicultural country, You can go down to the city and pick up any food from all over the world,:D

Matra et Alpine
10-23-2004, 02:31 PM
Country makes it a bit hard - especially for US, Australia, South Africa and probably even Russia. And of course Great Britain. Scotland is as different to Southern England or the Channel Islands as Alaska is to California !!

Washington State one of my favourite US places - Mt Cougar outside Everett near Washington and over to Lake Chelen (sp?) BEAUTIFUL. Oregan really stunning too.
The US is a winner for having the diversity in one country.

Same with OZ, but I've not experienced it first hand :(

Switzerland if you're rich and naturalised. Without that it's just a clean France :)

Sweden for the lifestyle and people.

Finland for the clubbing and drinking :) and crazy party people ( close tie with Iceland :) )

Jo'burg, SA for the weather, country and the bries - but not so sure now, friends are saying it's getting worse :(

But I'm being honest ( and it's not patriotism ) that Scotland is the overal best. I've been lucky to have had the opportunities to work in and chose to stay in many places all over the world. What we have here is a caring society, a willingness to put others first and an attitude to work bloody hard and fight for what we've got. Plenty of water, plenty of energy, plenty of whisky :) And whilst we complain about the weahter, it's the temperate variability that makes it a fun palce - no boring here :)

10-23-2004, 02:35 PM
are you joking scotland is one big field with lots of sheep

10-23-2004, 02:39 PM
No thats NZ:p

10-23-2004, 02:41 PM
are you joking scotland is one big field with lots of sheep

:p theres no telling that your Jimbo's brother :p

10-23-2004, 03:01 PM
I've never been outside of the US so I can't say that the US is the best country in the world. The US does have a great amount of variety. You can go to southern Florida where the weather is always nice or you could go to northern Alaska where there are no people and the weather is always cold. The US has some of the highest mountains, we also got vast areas that are almost completly flat, and even deserts. I could never live in a country that always had the same weather or had no mountains or oceans.

Matra et Alpine
10-23-2004, 03:11 PM
are you joking scotland is one big field with lots of sheep
what a plonker :)

it's got the highest bloody mountains in Britain, so how can it be a big field ?
it's got the deepest water in Britain, so how can it be a big field ?

Learn before posting, or keep quiet.
There's a serious discussion going on and someone is interested in knowing and learning a bit more.

10-23-2004, 03:18 PM
Matra, I thought you wouldv'e posted something along the lines of this to put TreVor in his place

10-23-2004, 03:19 PM


Matra et Alpine
10-23-2004, 03:51 PM
Nice to see you've all got poics of Edinburgh to hand.

but it's not the prettiest part, we keep Edinburgh for the toursits and the rest for us :)

AND THANK God, nobody posted a picture of our 450million pound parliament building. The embarrasment for Scottish democracy :(

10-23-2004, 04:48 PM
Is that the one designed by Gehry? I dunno, I think it's a needed change from Edinburough's countless identical streets. Every city has their sore thumb, but they come to be appreciated. NY used to have the WTC (the subject of LOADS of ridicule when they were bulit), Chicago has the Jelly Bean in millenium park, milwaukee has the Art Museum addition (which is praised NOW but when planned everybody HATED it), San Francisco has the Transamerica building, the list goes on. Every city needs to have an odd icon, it helps stir up the city a bit.

10-23-2004, 06:43 PM
I honestly think New Zealand is a dream place to live. Extremely friendly place to live, beautiful scenery, comfortable no extremes interms of weather, few disasters, and most of the towns are no longer than 1 hour from a beach!! It really is just an awesome place to live. Luuuuuuurvely food here aswell, whitebait fritters and pavlova are heavenly!

Matra et Alpine
10-23-2004, 10:34 PM
Is that the one designed by Gehry? I dunno, I think it's a needed change from Edinburough's countless identical streets.
have you visited Edinburgh ?

'Sadly' what you describe as "countless identical" is the finest example of Georgian architecture and was the work of the Adams brothers in the 1700s.
Known as "the new town", it is one of the most protected styles of architecture in Britain and gneerally is viewed as beautiful :)

New isnt' always better and certainly when you look at Glasgows' "lost" Victorian arcgutecture, replaced by office blocks, "design" buildings of the 20th century an 4 lane motorways plowed throguh the city centre the comparison can bring tears to the eyes :(

The new Scottish parliament building.
It's noy so much the design which needs to "grow" on most folks, but it's the cost.
A country of 5 million people and we spend 90 pounds PER PERSON on a building when we could be increasing our support for pensioners and students and open new hospitals etc etc.
It was OK when it was going to cost 40 million pounds !!!!

To return to thread, I think I missed out NZ - Scotland with more interesting extremes :) Lots of friends have emigrated there and none have regretted it.

10-23-2004, 10:58 PM
are you joking scotland is one big field with lots of sheep

awsome avatar!

Call me patriotic, but the U.S., i've lived here all my life, and i love it.

Australia and Canada (USA Jr.) are also great countries.


10-24-2004, 03:05 AM
This thread is very intresting, which i and you can learn from.
I think trevor doesnt know whats serious and not. Ban him.

The Tuner
10-24-2004, 04:36 AM
how old is trevor? mebe he jus a kid, mebe he jus foolin around...u cant ban him after being here for sucha a short time...it gona look like a military regime here! :D

dubai...rather...U.A.E.!! no taxes, everythin available here, fuel is relatively cheap, nice cars...and the ladies...WOW!
after this, probably canada. jus been there once, but it was hard not to fall in luv wit immediately. specially toronto...luvd the palce.

florida (in da US, FYI :D)...but then again, didnt stay there long.

10-24-2004, 11:02 AM
Well, saying 'countless identical' streets was a bit of an exaggeration, but i'm just trying to say that Edinburgh, besides Castle Rock, has no real identfiable landmark that sticks an image once you've seen it. To a tourist the streets al look rather the same. To a foreigner, all the streets of New York would look the same, but the WTC's open plaza and soaring towers wouldv'e left a lasting impression. And yes, I do understand that price is a bit concerning, but I'm talking design wise, I think that much was a good decision.

Egg Nog
10-24-2004, 01:40 PM
I think if I had to pick one, I'd go with Iceland.

How does a completely sustainable national energy policy sound? :)

Iceland is a country that actually puts decent radical ideas into action. They will be completely free of fossil fuels within the next 50 years. No other country in the world can come anywhere near saying something like that.

10-24-2004, 01:44 PM
I think greenland, you get to speek Greenish!

10-24-2004, 01:45 PM
easy, USA

10-24-2004, 01:55 PM
easy, USA
back it up, I think that goes to prove how ignorant americans are. I seriously hope you're kidding, we have loads of Viagra and a shortage of flu vaccine! We're taxed to the bone! We can't even get a handle on government corruptoins!

10-24-2004, 02:24 PM
back it up, I think that goes to prove how ignorant americans are. I seriously hope you're kidding, we have loads of Viagra and a shortage of flu vaccine! We're taxed to the bone! We can't even get a handle on government corruptoins!
Man im so sick of stereotypes, why dont you just call him fat too for being american? Because one person says america that makes everyone from there ignorant?
What alot of people dont realize about america is if we dont like our govornment we the people can change it as we see fit. (ha, i did learn something in US govornment class ;) )

10-24-2004, 02:26 PM
Hey man, don't get me wrong, we are very lucky to live in as free a country as this, but I can tell you right now that our government is SERIOUSLY ****ed up.

10-24-2004, 05:28 PM
we have john howard, lol hes different from otha prime ministers and presidents, goes for a walk every morning around town :confused:

10-25-2004, 12:46 AM
I would put NZ ahead of Australia in terms of countryside and living standards (Australian Hospitals in all honesty are not that flash, better than Ghana, but thats not hard) and their Pm isn't a US Lapdog. But the land is a bit shaky and the towns are a bit too small, you need to really get to know your neighbours......

But other than that, i can live without a beach.

10-25-2004, 01:05 AM
having seen quite a number of countries, although not all of them in great depth, it becomes obvious that no country combines all the nice things that you would to have around.
Best compromises would be Canada, in particular the west coast, and from a countryside point of view that would continue into the USA, oregon and washington, but not from a political point of view.
In Europe Northern Atlantic Spain, the French Alps or the German Eiffel are very attractive, but what is more important is the social climate of a country, which is IMHO the best in Scandinavian countries in particular Sweden and Danmark and in Holland. Being Dutch also helps a lot in determining my choice for the Netherlands, in spite of its absence of any mountains and the chance that in 50-100 years from now large parts of the countery may have been swallowed by the sea due to global warming.

10-25-2004, 01:15 AM
Well, to be honest, i always thought a major part of Holland has been below sea level for a long time, only saved by Dykes and the like. To blame it all on global warming would be to deny the fact that Holland was living on borrowed time for a little while now. From what i've heard and seen though, most of Europe, steeped in such history, would be excellent.

10-25-2004, 01:26 AM
Well, to be honest, i always thought a major part of Holland has been below sea level for a long time, only saved by Dykes and the like. To blame it all on global warming would be to deny the fact that Holland was living on borrowed time for a little while now. From what i've heard and seen though, most of Europe, steeped in such history, would be excellent.

The outer border of the land, the dunes allowed the country to form itself, you can see how that process is still going on from our northern islands. and yes, a great number of former lakes have been dried (polders) which are below the sea level. Many rivers and sea arms have been closed off to prevent flooding due to high water (we had a major disaster in 1953, where more than 1800 people lost their lives) but there are limits as to how high you can go. It is expected that with a one metre rise of the sealevel a significant part of the country has to be given back, and probably the dunes will be washed away.

10-25-2004, 01:34 AM
The most bueatiful Place ive ever visited _ The lake district - England

http://www.lakesapplegarth.co.uk/images/lake_district_hotels_large_lake_windermere.jpg Activites (http://www.lakedistrictoutdoors.co.uk/)
The Lake District National Park is in the North West of England, in the county of Cumbria. The landscape is 500 million years old and is varied and dramatic. It has mountains, moors, woodland as well as lakes and rocky and sandy coasts. The Lake District National Park is a local Government body which has two purposes: To conserve and enhance the natural beauty , wildlife and cultural heritage of the Lake District; The Lake District is well known for its rough glacial landscapes and views. Its is one of the wettest parts of the UK, because of its position in the west of Britain and because of the mountains which are found there. The Lake District is the largest of the National Parks and covers 2,292km in area.http://www.search-cumbria.com/panoramas/
http://www.mountain-images.co.uk/gallery_images/lakes/ml025.jpg http://www.mountain-images.co.uk/2004_print_images/038.jpg http://www.mountain-images.co.uk/gallery_images/lakes/ml003.jpg http://www.mountain-images.co.uk/2004_print_images/062.jpg http://www.mountain-images.co.uk/2004_print_images/052.jpg http://www.mountain-images.co.uk/gallery_images/lakes/ml026.jpg

10-25-2004, 01:35 AM
Global warming is a big issue in the Pacific also, with islands like Samoa and Fiji under threat of being left with only the very heights of their mountains. Holland is not alone, if, for example, the sea level rose 3 metres, 1/3 of NZ would be underwater, including my old house. However, it would still be hard to prevent what already underway, especially with such countries ad the US and Australia failing to Ratify such measures as the Kyoto Agreement.

10-25-2004, 01:37 AM
The costs of Britain will be swaped dramacticy with the rise in glacier melting in greenland and cold places....we are all going to die.....In australia isnt there a high risk of skin cancer? ( ozone damage- sun rays)

10-25-2004, 01:40 AM
Also in NZ. But it's more prevalent in NZ because they are right under the Ozone Hole. In Australia it's not so much the hole as the fact we are always outside, at the beach, at work, at play.......

When we try and keep cool, we leave ourselves open to the sun.

10-25-2004, 01:42 AM
The most bueatiful Place ive ever visited _ The lake district - England

The problem is that it is in the UK. This is not meant as a joke, but prices are about 30% higher over there than on the Continent.

10-25-2004, 01:48 AM
The problem is that it is in the UK. This is not meant as a joke, but prices are about 30% higher over there than on the Continent.
So what! your getting 30% more bueaty! :D

Its nice in the snow too, click on the link ^^
and see 'rayrigg road'...

10-25-2004, 01:49 AM
And 30% more Brits per square Km/Mile! :p

I'd like to visit europe in my lifetime, if all goes to plan i shall soon be seeing you guys.

10-25-2004, 02:01 AM
And 30% more Brits per square Km/Mile! :p

I'd like to visit europe in my lifetime, if all goes to plan i shall soon be seeing you guys.

I'll try to be around :)

10-25-2004, 02:03 AM
I'll try to be around :)
we can join up Henk and meet together, Ill bring you a present :p

10-25-2004, 02:04 AM
we can join up Henk and meet together, Ill bring you a present :p

that should really be something :)

10-25-2004, 02:06 AM
that should really be something :)
What the present? Ill bring you a 24 pack.

10-25-2004, 02:09 AM
that should really be something :)

much appreciated but I think the best beer you can buy in the UK is imprted Grolsch from Holland :)

10-25-2004, 02:13 AM
much appreciated but I think the best beer you can buy in the UK is imprted Grolsch from Holland :)
Haha, Ill bring you some of Manchesters finest 'Boddingtons' ;)

10-25-2004, 02:15 AM
[QUOTE=UK CARS]Haha, Ill bring you some of Manchesters finest 'Boddingtons' ;)[/QUOT

could be interesting

10-25-2004, 02:15 AM
[QUOTE=UK CARS]Haha, Ill bring you some of Manchesters finest 'Boddingtons' ;)[/QUOT

could be interesting
Ever herd of it?

10-25-2004, 02:17 AM
Ever herd of it?

Nope, but I'll be going now.

Wouter Melissen
10-25-2004, 02:17 AM
You do know it's illegal to supply beer to elderly people right?

10-25-2004, 02:18 AM
wow, you guys could almost be good spammers.


although, noone really TRYS to spam. other then SOME *cough*blue_supra*cough* members

10-25-2004, 02:19 AM
You do know it's illegal to supply beer to elderly people right?

10-25-2004, 02:19 AM
You do know it's illegal to supply beer to elderly people right?

There will be one can left for you, don't worry

10-25-2004, 02:20 AM
There will be one can left for you, don't worry
Is Wouter a girly man? On the barcardi breezers? :D