The term 'Canadian style' is news to me

Lots of ostensibly unaddictive things can be 'addictive' to certain people. Eg sex, or exercise, buying shoes to excess or being in an abusive relationship. So addiction is not purely related to a substance

I've seen/known plenty of people who abused and overused cannabis enough that you'd categorise it as dependancy (this without tobacco) while other users go through life unaffected. So I guess its down to the individual user and how susceptible they are (or make themselves vulnerable to) addiction - whatever that may be

There are some very interesting discoveries currently being made about genes, in particular 'addiction genes' which make certain people vulnerable to various addictions. So its not all just psychological. Some people through their genes are physically at greater risk of being addicted to alcohol, or to nicotine, and there might be a particular gene that makes some of us especially vulnerable to a combination of alcohol & nicotine

Btw to anyone who smokes dope but is not yet addicted to nicotine, please don't mix them. Combining the two is a sure fire way into tobacco addiction