Please vote in both threads!!!

The GP of Spain is this weeks highlight, and on thursday this pic was taken:

Ferrari team members unloading some Shell fuel barrels, but they look like they are getting busted on something they aren't allowed to do, what is it?

'Michael Schumacher can't get enough of Shell's new high-energy drink!'

"Guy with sunglasses: Wow, these bathtubs really are spacious. Get them in the truck, we need more privacy!"


"Man with glasses: QUICK get me out of this thing! They've spotted me!
Man in blue: You're on your own mate"

Guy with glasses- " This is all the fuel that was bad"
Shell Guy- "Quickly lets get on board so we can sell it has "good" fuel
Tie Guy- "Yes lets"

"Guy in white shirt: "See I DO do work - I'm preventing these barrels from falling"

"Guy in shirt to the guy in red - Oh my god!!! One of them's still alive!!! Quick! Get me something to hit him with!!!!!"

"Ok guys, this are the presents from George W. Bush. Real Iraqi fuel!"

"Hurry up with loading the barrels, someone is bound to find out that Alonso is missing any moment now!"


"shell's new 'ligher than air' fuel needs 3 people to hold it down"

"guy on red - I think I dropped my cigar!
guy in blue - quickly looks for it!
guy in glasses - where f*cked (with a nervous laugh)"