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Thread: A few quotes from our Minister of Education

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by silverhawk
    i just dont support it.
    That's not quite (understatement) what the quotes in the first post say though. The minister seems to call for actions against homosexuals, who he believes destroy civilization.
    If you should see a man walking down a crowded street talking aloud to himself, don't run in the opposite direction, but run towards him, because he's a poet. You have nothing to fear from the poet - but the truth.

    (Ted Joans)

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Wichita, Kansas USA
    Quote Originally Posted by silverhawk
    i have the as much right to express my views as anyone else here. you might think that im narrow minded but i dont relate homosexuality with evil or religeon, i just dont support it.
    I don't need your support. You are inconsequential.
    I'm going to eat breakfast. And then I'm going to change the world.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by go.pawel
    Inspired by the discussion in thread "You will puke" I'd like to present a few quotes from our Minister of Education, for your entertainment.

    About evolution
    "The theory of evolution is a lie. For me it's just a science fiction story."

    "The theory of evolution is just a loose concept of an elderly atheist guy, who was a vegetarian and therefore lacked the inner fire."

    "Evolution is a controversial theory. When there are controversions, one should always look into the world's most ancient heritage - The Bible. For Christians it's been obvious for 2000 years that the right concept is the creationism - the true concept based on faith, repeated yet never qestioned through thousands of generations."

    About homosexuals
    "The world managed to survive without tolerance and it will survive further. We cannot allow a few tollerant maniacs to decide the faith of our civilization."

    "It's the most drastic and harmful lie ever: that two people of the same sex can be together! Of course it happens, but we have to make sure it's illegal, because otherwise it will destroy our civilization."

    (asked about the teachers who chose to teach the theory of evolution and tolerance for homosexuals) "The teachers are safe as long as they prove to be experienced tutors who understand their mission. But if they appear to be some rebels on a quest of depraving youth, I will react immediately!"

    Somehow it makes me feel powerful. To think that I'm able to destroy the whole civilization . Paweł, you naughty tollerant evil maniac
    If you think this is scandalous, homophobic, and shocking, you should see what the legislators/senators/congressmen/congresswomen/president say on a daily basis. They say things like "oh, homosexuals are sinners, they go against our morals, they shouldn't be allowed marrage, vote Nancy Pelosi and she'll (gasp) undo everything we've done, and bring in her (again gasp) San Francisco values"
    I'm dropping out to create a company that starts with motorcycles, then cars, and forty years later signs a legendary Brazilian driver who has a public and expensive feud with his French teammate.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by kingofthering
    If you think this is scandalous, homophobic, and shocking, you should see what the legislators/senators/congressmen/congresswomen/president say on a daily basis. They say things like "oh, homosexuals are sinners, they go against our morals, they shouldn't be allowed marrage, vote Nancy Pelosi and she'll (gasp) undo everything we've done, and bring in her (again gasp) San Francisco values"
    yep, sort of reminds you of third world countries in which people are ruled by emotions, fear and mass hysteria.
    Once fanboyism infects you it impares all your judgement.
    It's like being drunk, you lack common sense and everyone laughs at you.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Gdynia, Poland
    Quote Originally Posted by silverhawk
    i have the as much right to express my views as anyone else here. you might think that im narrow minded but i dont relate homosexuality with evil or religeon, i just dont support it.
    Luckily, I can live alright without your support, thank you very much.
    It's not denial. I'm just very selective about the reality I accept.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scotland, UK
    Update on the creationism vs evolution debate:

    The story goes like this: In Kenya - Africa archaeologists discovered the most complete skeleton of a prehistoric human ever found.

    This gives significant scientific input to the field, but some local people seem to have a different opinion, although they are not scientifically qualified to express their opinion: "I did not evolve from Turkana Boy or anything like it," says Bishop Boniface Adoyo, head of Kenya's 35 evangelical denominations, which he claims have 10 million followers. "These sorts of silly views are killing our faith."

    Against him is one of the planet's best-known fossil hunters, Richard Leakey, whose team unearthed the bones at Nariokotome in West Turkana, in the desolate, far northern reaches of Kenya in 1984.

    "Whether the bishop likes it or not, Turkana Boy is a distant relation of his," Leakey, who founded the museum's prehistory department, told The Associated Press. "The bishop is descended from the apes and these fossils tell how he evolved." (owned)
    Minimising losses can maximise net gains

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by silverhawk
    i have the as much right to express my views as anyone else here. you might think that im narrow minded but i dont relate homosexuality with evil or religeon, i just dont support it.
    How about homosexual behavior between all God's creatures great & small - does your non-support extend to that aspect of life too?

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    True North
    Quote Originally Posted by kigango123
    yep, sort of reminds you of third world countries in which people are ruled by emotions, fear and mass hysteria.
    Sounds like the U.S

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Porto - Portugal
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Canuck
    Sounds like the U.S
    OOOHH!! Don't start that fire!
    "Religious belief is the “path of least resistance”, says Boyer, while disbelief requires effort."

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    too far man! i am poisoned for life..

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    The creationism vs. evolution argument is a stupid one. The idea of god is that it is all powerful. If it exists, which is unproveable, then it could manipulate the evidence to look like there was evolution for some reason unbeknownst to us. Arguing against creationists is near impossible. I fyou look at things from a totally neutral perspective, no matter all the fact in the world, there is always the possibility that something could happen. All the physical laws that we know could just change for no reason at any time - we have no reason to believe otherwise. God could exist or not - it matters not. However, to function properly, it could be argued that it is best to operate under what the status quo is not to make things more complex: sure the laws of physics could change any moment, but we operate under the proviso that they will remain constant. Many of us also operate under the proviso that we once started out as fish and eventually grew legs. All of this could be BS - so it is best to leave room for question marks. Hell, we could all be in The Matrix! Or we only I could exist and the rest of you are all just fakes! It is impossible to know, but it is helpful sometimes to operate under the understanding that thigs ARE what they seem.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scotland, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Kitdy
    The creationism vs. evolution argument is a stupid one
    This argument represents a bigger analogy. The debate between science and religion lies beneath.

    Traditionally religion tried to give explanations concerning the world and how it works. These answers were made by philosophers-theologists who were very smart people, but knew little about the topic that they were discussing.

    An example of the above is that it was believed by the church that the earth is in the middle of what is known now as our solar system.

    Biblic explanations are just general philosophical beliefs that are there for thousands of years. They can be interpreted in a million ways because they are non specific.

    Modern scientific journal do not publish that kind of general content because they do not offer anything to the already acquired knowledge.

    Therefore for me, this argument represents the new world vs the old world of mysticism - Knowledge vs ignorance - education vs slavery.
    Minimising losses can maximise net gains

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Evolution: Makes sence and doesnt just say "hey this is what i was taught so ill teach it to you and just believe it ok?" Gives some proof as apposed to just believe it or your out of our club.

    Homosexuals: Their life, let them live fine with homosexuals. Just dont touch me. People who try to ban homosexuality need to use their free time more wisely.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    In the shed
    recently our state tried to pass legislation to allow same sex marriage but before it was even publicly announced (second time around) the attorney general smashed it saying

    I agree, same sex marriage. No. I dont have a problem with gay couples or whatever but marriage is for a man/woman combo. Nothing else. Dont get me started on adoption though.
    The Datto will rage again...

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