Inspired by the discussion in thread "You will puke" I'd like to present a few quotes from our Minister of Education, for your entertainment.

About evolution
"The theory of evolution is a lie. For me it's just a science fiction story."

"The theory of evolution is just a loose concept of an elderly atheist guy, who was a vegetarian and therefore lacked the inner fire."

"Evolution is a controversial theory. When there are controversions, one should always look into the world's most ancient heritage - The Bible. For Christians it's been obvious for 2000 years that the right concept is the creationism - the true concept based on faith, repeated yet never qestioned through thousands of generations."

About homosexuals
"The world managed to survive without tolerance and it will survive further. We cannot allow a few tollerant maniacs to decide the faith of our civilization."

"It's the most drastic and harmful lie ever: that two people of the same sex can be together! Of course it happens, but we have to make sure it's illegal, because otherwise it will destroy our civilization."

(asked about the teachers who chose to teach the theory of evolution and tolerance for homosexuals) "The teachers are safe as long as they prove to be experienced tutors who understand their mission. But if they appear to be some rebels on a quest of depraving youth, I will react immediately!"

Somehow it makes me feel powerful. To think that I'm able to destroy the whole civilization . Paweł, you naughty tollerant evil maniac