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Thread: Supreme Court, Automobiles, and Global Warming

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    For Tax Purposes, Cayman Islands
    Cars are an easy, visible, and responsible scapegoat for a plethora of the worlds problems - from global warming to global politics. somehow it's the Automobile industries fault for just about everything thats gone wrong in the world for the past 100 years.

    While i agree efficiency is always a plus (and i don't like breathing in toxic fumes) the alternative - where transport is limited due to the fact we all ride bicycles and practice Hippie Pagan rituals - does not bear thought.

    so, in conclusion, until they find a solution that is both efficient and doesn't cost more long term than the current product (Hybrids cost more to produce, cost more to dispose of, and end up doing more harm then good) i shall continue to use petroleum.
    <cough> </cough>

  2. #17
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    Apr 2004
    Stop looking at me! Look at me! Stop looking at me!
    Quote Originally Posted by henk4 View Post
    but will the EPA exercise its just obtained authority?
    Actually, the EPA was specifically not exercising it's authority, and that's why they got sued. According to the 'clean air act' which was created in the 60s, and amended in the 90's (the part that is important to this case) the EPA is supposed to be regulating any pollutants it finds are hazardous to air quality. (by the way, this doesn't only pertain to cars)

    Well, Bush' stacked EPA hasn't been. They've made the excuse they have no power to legislate in this area, and so they got sued, and the Supreme court said 'start doing your job, jerkoffs'

    The decision was passed 5 to 4, with the 4 standard right-wingers opposing the EPA doing its job.
    Last edited by digitalcraft; 04-02-2007 at 09:02 PM.
    I dont if I'll make home tonight
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    under the Tahitian moon

  3. #18
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    Sydney, Down Under
    Remember everybody, suing is the solution to everything. In this case, suing auto makers, tying up their resources defeding themselves and wasting their money, money that could used in R&D to perhaps develop cleaner, more efficent car.

    Save the world, buy a motorbike.

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    For Tax Purposes, Cayman Islands
    Save yourself - drive a car
    <cough> </cough>

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by IBrake4Rainbows View Post
    Cars are an easy, visible, and responsible scapegoat for a plethora of the worlds problems...(Hybrids cost more to produce, cost more to dispose of, and end up doing more harm then good) i shall continue to use petroleum.
    Thank you for someone stating the obvious. In the end you probably put more CO2 into the atmosphere by just living in your home with energy consuming appliances and buying your usual consumer products then driving a passenger car around a few kilometers a day.

    Hybrids are not very environmentally friendly either as Rainbow mentioned. They take more energy to produce and much of the car is not recyclable after it's lifetime is over. Additionally they don't last as long as other cars (the Prius's battery pack only lasts 100,000 miles/160,000 km).

  6. #21
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    Rozenburg, Holland
    Quote Originally Posted by digitalcraft View Post
    The decision was passed 5 to 4, with the 4 standard right-wingers opposing the EPA doing its job.
    so that would indeed mean that EPA has a say (and will use that) in the quantity of the emissions? (Then I can see where the opposition to EPA is coming from...)
    "I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting, but it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously." Douglas Adams

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    Rozenburg, Holland
    Quote Originally Posted by IBrake4Rainbows View Post
    transport is limited due to the fact we all ride bicycles and practice Hippie Pagan rituals
    I don't think that combination of activities is valid in all cases.....I can perfectly ride a bicycle without any Hippie rituals, and I think by making this combo you put an undeserved label on the use of the bicycle....
    "I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting, but it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously." Douglas Adams

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    USA, Colorado, Vallecito Lake
    I think the most viable and constructive plan for the government is to invest billions into buying each household a Tesla Roadster. People would stop buying sports cars and large LS7 motors, and enjoy a top down, fresh blast of air from the open topped roadster. That would be a tax raise to look forward to.
    "Horsepower sells motor cars, but torque wins motor races."
    -Carrol Shelby

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sledgehammer View Post
    I think the most viable and constructive plan for the government is to invest billions into buying each household a Tesla Roadster. People would stop buying sports cars and large LS7 motors, and enjoy a top down, fresh blast of air from the open topped roadster. That would be a tax raise to look forward to.
    No thanks. Paying for one car is enough

  10. #25
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    For Tax Purposes, Cayman Islands
    Quote Originally Posted by henk4 View Post
    I don't think that combination of activities is valid in all cases.....I can perfectly ride a bicycle without any Hippie rituals, and I think by making this combo you put an undeserved label on the use of the bicycle....
    I'm happy to admit I may be unduly harsh on the bicycle, but the idea that the car has done more to connect the world and it's people than most man-made objects is not something i'll back down from.

    You may be able to ride it now, but just wait till you decide to grow your hair long to let it flow in the breeze when you ride. soon you'll wear tie-dye and sandals, preach "Free Love" and smoke weed.

    Come to think of it, it's no wonder the Dutch love bicycles.

    *Please don't consider this to be anything than it is - i like Bikes, I like the Dutch.
    <cough> </cough>

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    re:effect of global warming

    Global warming makes the temperature of the earth warmer what does it leads to?
    - Ice melting, the water level will rise, lesser land, land price go up, scientist will come up something to life on water or under. It would deffently change the economy, like some island as HongKong a big economy will go down will change a lot of things.

    - Warmer earth means the seawater will vaporize more, that means there will be more heavy long storms. While some places will have heavy storms, some places will never have storm and the land will try up. As some places will dry up and plants die, the desert will spread. Deserts are like a plage the only way to stop it is having planting plants, trees and the like (i’m not so sure about the desert stuff, you should check it out), forest fire will go up

    - Some river comes from constant melting of ice on mountains, as on point 1, those ice melt and rivers will dry up, some transport that rely on rivers will go down, some tribes that rely on those rivers have to move, … (i’m stuck here)

    - Some animal cant stand the sudden temperature change and will die out, or animals that live on those ice places like the polar bear. As some animals will die out the chain of nature will be broken, some animal that rely on those animal for food will die out to.

    - as the land will be drying there will be more earthquake because drying up the land will make it easyer to crack.

    - Global warming is caused by burning fuel and creates CO2 this is also what happends before the iceage, before iceage… volcano’s put CO2 in the air, but in a longer periode, so that animals could adobt it, but now we dug up those fuel back up and firing all those back in the air in just 100 year.

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Wichita, Kansas USA
    Obviously most of the above scenario could possibly take place over hundreds, or even thousands of years. The earthquake, no. That's not how earthquakes work.

    MRR, you say cars only contribute to 15-20% of the CO2 released into the air. While I don't have an independently verified source to back that up, let's run with it. That 15-20% is only released when driving. What about the manufacturing process of the millions of cars that are built each year? What about the refining process of the billions (trillions?) of barrels of oil each year solely for the use of automobiles? What about the manufacturing of the millions of tires that are produced each year for these automobiles? And the production of the concrete and asphalt used to make and maintain the millions of miles of roads we drive on each year? It all adds up, and quickly. And after all that is added up, look at the fact that India and China are going to be exponentially increasing the number of cars on their roads in the next 50 years. The overall car industry and the industries supporting the car industry and the drivers of these cars together are the biggest contributors to CO2.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I'm a petrolhead like the rest of you. I love the smell of the oil, gas and tires at the racetrack. It's like being in an abusive relationship. I know it's bad, but I still love it. I also believe it's going to have to change. But, I don't think the change is all bad. We're just on the cusp of the diesel, hybrid and electric revolution. Yes, it seems like we've heard about them forever, but in the overall picture they've just begun. It's going to be decades before they become the mainstream. And the people who design them, build them and drive them will still be the same people. And we'll still buy those cars for the same reasons. So, the driving experience, the driving fun, the dramatic styling we all want will have to still be there. These companies that are building and will have to build more of these more efficient cars are still businesses. And they know their customers. They will find a way to build vehicles that are charismatic, fun and still efficient. I have faith in that.
    Last edited by Matt; 06-25-2010 at 06:54 AM.
    I'm going to eat breakfast. And then I'm going to change the world.

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