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Thread: Russian motorsport history

  1. #91
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Klingenberg am Main
    Mercedes-Kegresse built in Russia (Ice-racing St. Petersburg-Kronstadt, 1913) my report in German - the car ant the 1:43 model (available!)

    Klick here:

    International Mercedes-Benz Club Forum :: View topic - Neu! Daimler 26/45 Kégresse "Schneewagen".

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Ivan Teffersfeld

    Quote Originally Posted by faksta View Post
    Two verst race with obstacles near Moscow.

    Two verst race with obstacles near Moscow.

    In the same 1913, on September 29, First Russian Automobile Club together with a military office have organized a very unusual competition near Moscow. (...) That didn’t prevent Teffersfeld from winning the event of his 12hp Ford within 4 minutes 42 seconds.
    The winner of this race was
    Ivan (Johannes Friedrich Karl) Teffersfeld
    10 August 1875 Mitau - 18 November 1929 Riga

    He was a cavalry officer who led the Russion Ford Agency in Moskau before the first world war. That is the reason why he drove Ford.

    He was my grand-grandfather.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Moscow, Russia
    Welcome, Triumph!
    Very interesting addition, thank you. Do you have any stories or pictures of your grand-grandfather's racing activities that you would like to share?

  4. #94
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Klingenberg am Main

    Haben Sie irgendwelche Unterlagen über Ihr Urgrossvater Herrn Teffersfeld? Fotos, Biographie u s.w.?
    Ich versuche seit Jahren die Biographien von bekannten Automobilisten des Russischen Kaiserreiches zu rekonstruiren. Ich koennte darueber (mit Ihrer Hilfe!) ein Bericht schreiben. Viele Nachkommen von russischen Rennfahrer halfen mir bereits.
    Schreiben Sie mir bitte unter:

    Ich danke Ihnen in Voraus!

    Gruss! Stanislav Kiriletz

    P.S. Generalvertreter fuer Ford war in SPb und Moskau ein Amerikaner - Herr M.S. Friede.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Hello from England, I run the Vauxhall 30-98 website: I would like to correspond with anyone who has information about Vauxhall in Russia in the period 1913-1917, especially the SPAK races in 1913/4. The story of drivers Novikov, Effron, Hollowell (GB), Ovsiannikoff would be very interesting, especially any photos. I found a very good article about Ovsiannikoff on the web a few years ago, but can no longer find it. Does anyone have a copy please? Also the Vauxhall branch in St Petersburg (Petrograd), on Nevksy Pr. would be of great interest. Thank you. David K

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