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Thread: COVID 19

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    East Coast of the United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Kitdy View Post
    It really seems like, whatever Japan, the Republic of China, and South Korea did, we should have reached out, interfaced with them, and studied, and just copied everything they did.
    A sign of maturity is owning up to your weaknesses and mistakes. Something that our leader is sorely missing.

    Another sign of maturity is being able to realize your own strategy doesn't work and being able to admit to that. Actually, scratch that, our leader has no strategy at all, he just wings it. I don't think he even has the capacity to know other countries are doing better.

    The funny thing is, if he sorely wants to be re-elected, the smartest thing to do is to keep us all safe.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by NSXType-R View Post
    The funny thing is, if he sorely wants to be re-elected, the smartest thing to do is to keep us all safe.
    Well actually, probably, only the ones who voted for him...
    Lack of charisma can be fatal.
    Visca Catalunya!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    East Coast of the United States
    Well, seems like the US is voting the tangerine out.

    I hope there's a unified national plan to fight COVID now, as the virus has really exploded in rural areas of the US.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Wait, did something happen in the US?

    I thought I heard some noise in the basement for the past year or so. Can you guys turn down the music?

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Way Down South
    Yeah...sorry about that. The kegger got a little outta hand.
    Never own more cars than you can keep charged batteries in...

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Just cut that out for oh, I dunno, 4 more years or so.

    Surely whoever bought the house from the old owner will be at least a bit more responsible - if not bland - making no substantive or useful changes to really help the house?

  7. #22
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    East Coast of the United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Kitdy View Post
    Just cut that out for oh, I dunno, 4 more years or so.

    Surely whoever bought the house from the old owner will be at least a bit more responsible - if not bland - making no substantive or useful changes to really help the house?
    Seems like the President elect plans on instating some sort of national plan which would be more than Orange in Chief has done for us so far.

    I'm cautiously optimistic, as he doesn't control the senate so in many ways his hands are still tied. But at least it's a start.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    East Coast of the United States
    Just as an update, hope everyone is still doing well in the new year. I'm fully vaccinated now, courtesy of being a first responder with the Pfizer vaccine. First dose was fine, the second dose definitely made me tired and cranky for a day and a half. I feel almost fully back to normal now.

    My local hospital is overrun, I'm actually doing shifts there to cover for the hospitalists. Hope things are ok on your ends.

  9. #24
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by NSXType-R View Post
    Just as an update, hope everyone is still doing well in the new year. I'm fully vaccinated now, courtesy of being a first responder with the Pfizer vaccine. First dose was fine, the second dose definitely made me tired and cranky for a day and a half. I feel almost fully back to normal now.

    My local hospital is overrun, I'm actually doing shifts there to cover for the hospitalists. Hope things are ok on your ends.
    You are an OG. Keep it up man, hope you are well.

    Ontario is getting wrecked. Rules changed so many times and everyone tuned out the Premier. We all coulda clamped down on this early and been done New Zealand style, but no. A year late, incompetent government and self-absorbed people have left us with this.

  10. #25
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    East Coast of the United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Kitdy View Post
    You are an OG. Keep it up man, hope you are well.

    Ontario is getting wrecked. Rules changed so many times and everyone tuned out the Premier. We all coulda clamped down on this early and been done New Zealand style, but no. A year late, incompetent government and self-absorbed people have left us with this.
    Thanks, I appreciate the support!

    I know. I wish we had just locked down hard for 2 months, we'd be done with this. Instead we kept all borders and airports open. Even if Toronto is being hit hard, I think it's still nowhere near as bad as in Los Angeles. Ambulances are being told not to waste time picking up cardiac arrest cases because the wait for a bed at any ER would kill the patient.

    It boggles my mind that one county in the USA is almost as bad as the entirety of Canada as a country is doing.
    Last edited by NSXType-R; 01-15-2021 at 06:22 PM.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by NSXType-R View Post
    Ambulances are being told not to waste time picking up cardiac arrest cases because the wait for a bed at any ER would kill the patient.
    OMG That is really horrific.
    Here in the Netherlands the situation in the hospitals is at this moment pretty busy but bearable. (my sister works at the hospital, so we get some inside info sometimes)
    We hope that all restrictions (lockdown, evening curfew, etc) will keep the numbers a bit down. But with fear we are looking at England, where we see similar things.

    I can get pretty angry at all those people that are protesting against all the measurements like there is no pandemic!
    Off course I know they are just a small fraction, but still.... are they insane?

    Well I'm happy my family and friends (also at UCP ) are still safe. Just keep your distance.
    And for all working in healthcare (like NSXType-R) I have great RESPECT, thank you!

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by Duell View Post
    I can get pretty angry at all those people that are protesting against all the measurements like there is no pandemic!
    Off course I know they are just a small fraction, but still.... are they insane?

    Well I'm happy my family and friends (also at UCP ) are still safe. Just keep your distance.
    And for all working in healthcare (like NSXType-R) I have great RESPECT, thank you!
    I have to agree with you. Yesterday there were very large riots in my city. From what I saw mostly it were bored 14-20 year old kids, almost only men. There were some genuine protesters but no more than 50 i'd say. And thanks to them we will stay on curfew for even longer. I'd have loved to fight WITH the police yesterday.

    For me the situation is getting hard psychologically to be honest. In 2019 I changed jobs as I went to live together with my girlfriend. Before I'd be out on the road testing cars every day. Getting back into the office environment full-time was already tough. Now I have been working from home since March and it's really getting on my nerves. It doesn't help that we have only a 2-room appartement. Half of our living room is filled with ECU's and all kinds of measurement equipment. But we will manage, we have to. Luckily so far we didn't get Covid-19.

    PS: Good to see that there is still some action here. I haven't posted in years but will visit more often in the future.

    PPS: The other day I found my old UCP-shirt. Do you guys still have them too?

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    East Coast of the United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Duell View Post
    OMG That is really horrific.
    Here in the Netherlands the situation in the hospitals is at this moment pretty busy but bearable. (my sister works at the hospital, so we get some inside info sometimes)
    We hope that all restrictions (lockdown, evening curfew, etc) will keep the numbers a bit down. But with fear we are looking at England, where we see similar things.

    I can get pretty angry at all those people that are protesting against all the measurements like there is no pandemic!
    Off course I know they are just a small fraction, but still.... are they insane?

    Well I'm happy my family and friends (also at UCP ) are still safe. Just keep your distance.
    And for all working in healthcare (like NSXType-R) I have great RESPECT, thank you!
    Thanks for the support!

    Numbers are looking better but the state and city are looking into relaxing quarantines already. we'll see how it goes. Vaccine uptake is still low.

    Quote Originally Posted by drakkie View Post
    I have to agree with you. Yesterday there were very large riots in my city. From what I saw mostly it were bored 14-20 year old kids, almost only men. There were some genuine protesters but no more than 50 i'd say. And thanks to them we will stay on curfew for even longer. I'd have loved to fight WITH the police yesterday.

    For me the situation is getting hard psychologically to be honest. In 2019 I changed jobs as I went to live together with my girlfriend. Before I'd be out on the road testing cars every day. Getting back into the office environment full-time was already tough. Now I have been working from home since March and it's really getting on my nerves. It doesn't help that we have only a 2-room appartement. Half of our living room is filled with ECU's and all kinds of measurement equipment. But we will manage, we have to. Luckily so far we didn't get Covid-19.

    PS: Good to see that there is still some action here. I haven't posted in years but will visit more often in the future.

    PPS: The other day I found my old UCP-shirt. Do you guys still have them too?
    Hope you stay safe. Scary times all over the world now.

    I never picked up a T-shirt haha. I'm always amazed at how long some of us have been on this forum.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    East Coast of the United States

    Finally coming off the COVID unit to some extent, they're cutting my hours there so I can go back into the offices. My parents got a 2nd dose earlier this week. I hope everyone who wants vaccine can get one.

    One thing that really grinds my gears though is how can a state overturn a presidential mask mandate? Doesn't a federal mandate quash any state mandate? I'm looking at Texas in particular.

    How's the COVID situation in your respective countries?

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    The Netherlands
    Well, speaking about myself I can't complain (still).

    Meaning I am healthy, so is my wife and our children. I still don't know someone personally who has caught the virus.

    At work, in a logistics company, the work still continues for over a year now, with minimum impact. For the (non-food) stores, restaurants and other business it is a completely different story though. I am in doubt our economy will recover from this.

    Ah yes and the vaccins are spreading finally. But still not everyone is happy with them. There is also a fair group who refuses the vaccin, as they don't trust it (either the mixture or short development time of the vaccin). I'm no expert either.

    I sort of miss my (group) sport moments and simple things like going out for dinner. On the other hand I know these are not the most important things in life ...

    I feel lucky in these difficult times. Hope everyone is doing OK!
    Last edited by Man of Steel; 03-14-2021 at 04:59 AM.

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