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Thread: Henri Pescarolo's open letter to the ACO

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    I need a big favour

    Can a native French speaker translate this letter from Henri Pescarolo into English? I found it on Mulsanne's Corner and it is a letter regarding the 2007 ACO LMP1 regs.


    Lors des 24 Heures du Mans 2006, les concurrents utilisant des motorisations essence avaient eu tout le temps de constater que les équivalences définies par le règlement ACO n’étaient pas très justes. La presse s’en était d’ailleurs fait l’écho, et le public l’avait également compris. Cependant, certains ont pensé qu’il était tout à fait normal qu’une Audi Diesel soit en moyenne 3 à 4 secondes plus rapide sur un tour de circuit que la meilleure des voitures propulsées par un moteur essence. Pour eux, cette différence n’était due qu’à la différence colossale des moyens mis en œuvre par les uns et les autres. C’est faire peu de cas des ingénieurs aérodynamiciens qui ont étudié et réalisé les voitures engagées lors de la saison 2006. Ils ont entre autres à leurs « palmarès » la Peugeot 905 et la Toyota GT One (André de Cortanze), toutes les Courage (Paolo Catone), la Bentley Speed 8 (Peter Ellleray), la Cadillac et la Panoz (Claude Galopin), la Zytek et la Creation (Ben Wood), sans oublier les bureaux d’études de Dallara et Lola qui sont largement impliqués dans quelques grands projets actuels.

    De nombreuses simulations avaient cependant été réalisées, par différents bureaux d’études, et toutes arrivaient à la même conclusion que la motorisation Diesel était largement favorisée. Pour en avoir le cœur net, et se voulant prudent, l’Automobile Club de l’Ouest (ACO) a équipé toutes les voitures des 24 Heures d’un système d’acquisition de données enregistrant tous les paramètres sur un tour de circuit. Ces mesures ont été en partie publiées à l’issue de la course. La plus significative se situe dans le partiel n°1 - ligne droite des Tribunes – car si l’Audi est de 0,544seconde plus rapide sur l’ensemble du secteur, sur les 398 mètres d’accélération pure, il lui faut 0,1395 seconde de moins pour passer de 130 à 250 Km/h, que la meilleure essence. Rapporté aux 9 600 mètres d’accélération en ligne droite que comporte le circuit, cela ferait 3,36 secondes au tour. C’est assez proche de la réalité. Un calcul théorique permet d’évaluer qu’à pneumatiques identiques cet écart en accélération est généré par une différence de puissance de l’ordre de 57 chevaux. Là aussi on est proche des chiffres annoncés. Voyons le deuxième partiel – ligne droite des Hunaudières - : 1,19 seconde de mieux pour l’Audi. Comme les vitesses de pointe sont identiques, 325 contre 326 Km/h, il ne s’agit là encore que d’une différence d’accélération en ligne droite jusqu'à ce que la vitesse maximum soit stabilisée. Les deux chicanes étant prises sensiblement à la même vitesse. Le troisième secteur avec 1,34 seconde de mieux pour l’Audi confirme les deux précédentes analyses, mais dans les virages Porsche, c’est plus le couple que la puissance qui apporte un avantage. Par contre l’écart entre le meilleur tour en course de l’Audi et de la meilleure essence est tout à fait significatif : 4,4 secondes (3’31’’211 contre 3’35’’656) c’est énorme, et nous n’en sommes qu’au début du développement des moteurs Diesel !

    Une étude plus fine des temps partiels permet de constater que le gain en virage, de l’ordre de 1,5 seconde n’est pas négligeable, mais n’est pas indépendant de la puissance disponible. En effet pour une puissance supérieure, une vitesse de pointe identique, signifie un choix aérodynamique plus chargé, donc une meilleure tenue de route. Cela dit, il n’y avait pas besoin d’être polytechnicien pour prévoir qu’en application toute bête du rapport poids/puissance, une voiture Diesel développant 700 CV allait accélérer beaucoup plus fort à poids identique qu’une voiture essence ne disposant que de 640 CV !

    Le communiqué publié le 13 juillet dernier par l’ACO était pourtant clair : « seul un avantage lié à la performance du moteur peut nous amener à prendre des mesures afin de réduire la performance ». Au vu des chiffres précédents qui mettent nettement en évidence cet avantage lié a une motorisation Diesel, on pouvait donc s’attendre, et des promesses avaient été faites dans ce sens, à ce que de nouvelles équivalences soient appliquées pour 2007.

    Don Panoz a d’ailleurs montré la voie en American Le Mans Serie. En retirant 65 Kg des voitures essence, il a trouvé une réelle égalité entre les différents concurrents. Les dernières courses de la saison ont été passionnantes, et finalement si Audi a continué à gagner, ce qui paraît normal, c’est en se battant jusqu’au bout à armes égales, et cela est complètement nouveau.

    La publication récente du règlement des 24 Heures 2007 laisse apparaître avec clarté, que l’ACO a choisi de préserver un avantage substantiel à la motorisation diesel. Or seuls les deux constructeurs présents en LMP1 peuvent en disposer. Est-ce un hasard ? si tel n’est pas le cas, c’est grave. Car cela signifie que l’ACO désire que personne ne puisse venir troubler le jeu des deux grands. Si l’on assiste à une huitième victoire consécutive du groupe VAG aux prochaines 24 Heures du Mans sans qu’il y ait une réelle opposition, l’ACO aura des comptes à rendre au public et aux médias en juin prochain.

    Il y a toutefois une lueur d’espoir, une petite concession a été faite : la contenance des réservoirs de gasoil a été réduite de 9 litres afin que toutes les voitures s’arrêtent en même temps pour ravitailler. Ceci représente 0,7 secondes au tour sur 24 heures, ce qui est loin d’être suffisant. Mais c’est peut-être le signe que certains sont en train de se rendre compte, à l’ACO, que le premier devoir d’un club aussi innovant dans le domaine technique est d’instituer une équité parfaite et d’harmoniser les puissances entre les différentes motorisations admises dans ses épreuves, diesel, essence ou hybrides quels qu’en soient les utilisateurs. Et alors, comme le stipulait le communiqué ACO de juillet 2006 : « tous les autres éléments de la voiture étant construits avec le même cahier des charges, il appartient donc aux constructeurs de réaliser la meilleure voiture »

    En attendant, par respect pour les amoureux des 24 Heures du Mans, et avec de nouveau je l’espère, le soutien du public, Pescarolo Sport relèvera quand même ce nouveau défi. Plus motivée que jamais, l’écurie sarthoise engagera deux nouvelles voitures, à l’aérodynamique évoluée, fermement persuadée que même dans l’univers du sport, quelque fois, la morale peut triompher.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand
    Go on one of them free translation websites
    I am a New Zealander, and I hate Greg Murphy. Yes, we exist.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Monty_Burns
    Go on one of them free translation websites
    Those sites aren't accurate

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    i translated it for u

    LETTER OPEN TO IN LOVE THE 24 HOURS OF THE MANS BY HENRI PESCAROLO At the time the 24 Hours of Mans 2006, the competitors using of the motorizations gasoline had had all the time to note that the equivalences defined by payment ACO were not very right. The press had been made the echo besides of it, and the public had also included/understood it. However, some thought that it was completely normal that Audi Diesel is on average 3 to 4 seconds faster on a lathe of circuit than the best of the cars propelled by an engine gasoline. For them, this difference was due only to the colossal difference of the means put in?uvre by all and sundry. It is to make little case of the engineers aerodynamicists who studied and built the cars engaged at the time of the season 2006. They have inter alia with their "prize lists" Peugeot 905 and the Toyota WP One (Andre de Cortanze), all Courage (Paolo Catone), Bentley Speed 8 (Peter Ellleray), Cadillac and Panoz (Claude Galopin), Zytek and Creation (Ben Wood), without forgetting the engineering and design departments of Dallara and Lola which are largely implied in some great current projects. Many simulations had however been carried out, by various engineering and design departments, and all arrived at the same conclusion that the Diesel motorization was largely favoured. To have the c?ur Net of it, and wanting to be careful, the Car Club of West (ACO) equipped all the the 24 Hour old cars of a system of data acquisition recording all the parameters on a lathe of circuit. These measurements were partly published at the end of the race. Most significant in partial the n°1 - straight line of the Platforms is located - because if Audi is of 0,544seconde faster on the whole of the sector, on the 398 meters of pure acceleration, it is necessary 0,1395 for him second of less to pass from 130 to 250 Km/h, that best gasoline. Paid to the 9 600 meters of acceleration in straight line that the circuit comprises, that would make 3,36 seconds with the turn. It is rather close to reality. A theoretical calculation makes it possible to evaluate that with identical tires this variation in acceleration is generated by a difference in power of about 57 horses. There too one is close to the announced figures. Let us see the second partial one - straight line of Hunaudières -: 1,19 second of better for Audi. As the dash speeds are identical, 325 against 326 Km/h, it acts there still only of one difference in acceleration in straight line until maximum speed is stabilized. Two baffles being taken appreciably at the same speed. The third sector with 1,34 second of better for Audi confirms the two preceding analyses, but in the Porsche turns, it is more the couple than the power which brings an advantage. On the other hand the difference between the best turn in race of Audi and the best gasoline is completely significant: 4,4 seconds (3' 31' ' 211 against 3' 35' ' 656) it is enormous, and let us be we only at the beginning of the development of the diesel engines! A finer study of partial times makes it possible to note than the profit in turn, about 1,5 second is not negligible, but is not independent of the power available. Indeed for a higher power, a dash speed identical, means aerodynamic choice charged, therefore the best handling. However, there did not need to be a polytechnician to provide that in very stupid application of the poids/puissance report/ratio, a Diesel car developing 700 CV was going to accelerate much more extremely with identical weight than a car gasoline having only 640 CV! The official statement published on last 13 July by the ACO was however clear: "only an advantage related to the performance of the engine can lead us to take measures in order to reduce the performance". Within sight of the preceding figures which highlight clearly this dependent advantage has a Diesel motorization, one could thus expect, and promises had been made in this direction, so that new equivalences are applied for 2007. Don Panoz showed the way in American besides Mans Serie. By withdrawing 65 kg of the cars gasoline, it found a real equality between the various competitors. The last races of the season were enthralling, and finally if Audi continued to gain, which appears normal, it is while fighting until the end with equal weapons, and that is completely new. The recent publication of the the 24 Hours payment 2007 lets appear clearly, that the ACO chose to preserve a substantial advantage with the diesel motorization. However only the two manufacturers present in LMP1 can have which it. Is this a chance? if such is not the case, it is serious. Because that means that the ACO wishes that nobody can come to disturb the play of the two large ones. If one attends an eighth consecutive victory of group VAG at nearest the 24 Hours of Mans without there being a real opposition, the ACO will have accounts to return to the public and the media next June. There is however a glimmer of hope, a small concession was made: the capacity of the gas oil tanks was reduced 9 liters so that all the cars stop at the same time to supply. This represents 0,7 seconds with the turn over 12 midnight, which is far from being sufficient. But it is perhaps the sign which some are realizing, with the ACO, which the first duty of a club also innovating in the technical field is to institute a perfect equity and to harmonize the powers between the various allowed motorizations in its tests, diesel, gasoline or hybrids whatever are the users. And then, as stipulated it official statement ACO of July 2006: "all the other elements of the car being built with the same schedule of conditions, it thus rests to the manufacturers to build the best car" While waiting, by respect for the in love ones the 24 Hours of Mans, and with again I hope for it, the support of the public, Pescarolo Sport will take up this new challenge nevertheless. More justified than ever, the Sarthe-native stable will engage two new cars, with evolved/moved aerodynamics, firmly persuaded that even in the universe of the sport, some time, morals can triumph.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    i translated it for u

    LETTER OPEN TO IN LOVE THE 24 HOURS OF THE MANS BY HENRI PESCAROLO At the time the 24 Hours of Mans 2006, the competitors using of the motorizations gasoline had had all the time to note that the equivalences defined by payment ACO were not very right. The press had been made the echo besides of it, and the public had also included/understood it. However, some thought that it was completely normal that Audi Diesel is on average 3 to 4 seconds faster on a lathe of circuit than the best of the cars propelled by an engine gasoline. For them, this difference was due only to the colossal difference of the means put in?uvre by all and sundry. It is to make little case of the engineers aerodynamicists who studied and built the cars engaged at the time of the season 2006. They have inter alia with their "prize lists" Peugeot 905 and the Toyota WP One (Andre de Cortanze), all Courage (Paolo Catone), Bentley Speed 8 (Peter Ellleray), Cadillac and Panoz (Claude Galopin), Zytek and Creation (Ben Wood), without forgetting the engineering and design departments of Dallara and Lola which are largely implied in some great current projects. Many simulations had however been carried out, by various engineering and design departments, and all arrived at the same conclusion that the Diesel motorization was largely favoured. To have the c?ur Net of it, and wanting to be careful, the Car Club of West (ACO) equipped all the the 24 Hour old cars of a system of data acquisition recording all the parameters on a lathe of circuit. These measurements were partly published at the end of the race. Most significant in partial the n°1 - straight line of the Platforms is located - because if Audi is of 0,544seconde faster on the whole of the sector, on the 398 meters of pure acceleration, it is necessary 0,1395 for him second of less to pass from 130 to 250 Km/h, that best gasoline. Paid to the 9 600 meters of acceleration in straight line that the circuit comprises, that would make 3,36 seconds with the turn. It is rather close to reality. A theoretical calculation makes it possible to evaluate that with identical tires this variation in acceleration is generated by a difference in power of about 57 horses. There too one is close to the announced figures. Let us see the second partial one - straight line of Hunaudières -: 1,19 second of better for Audi. As the dash speeds are identical, 325 against 326 Km/h, it acts there still only of one difference in acceleration in straight line until maximum speed is stabilized. Two baffles being taken appreciably at the same speed. The third sector with 1,34 second of better for Audi confirms the two preceding analyses, but in the Porsche turns, it is more the couple than the power which brings an advantage. On the other hand the difference between the best turn in race of Audi and the best gasoline is completely significant: 4,4 seconds (3' 31' ' 211 against 3' 35' ' 656) it is enormous, and let us be we only at the beginning of the development of the diesel engines! A finer study of partial times makes it possible to note than the profit in turn, about 1,5 second is not negligible, but is not independent of the power available. Indeed for a higher power, a dash speed identical, means aerodynamic choice charged, therefore the best handling. However, there did not need to be a polytechnician to provide that in very stupid application of the poids/puissance report/ratio, a Diesel car developing 700 CV was going to accelerate much more extremely with identical weight than a car gasoline having only 640 CV! The official statement published on last 13 July by the ACO was however clear: "only an advantage related to the performance of the engine can lead us to take measures in order to reduce the performance". Within sight of the preceding figures which highlight clearly this dependent advantage has a Diesel motorization, one could thus expect, and promises had been made in this direction, so that new equivalences are applied for 2007. Don Panoz showed the way in American besides Mans Serie. By withdrawing 65 kg of the cars gasoline, it found a real equality between the various competitors. The last races of the season were enthralling, and finally if Audi continued to gain, which appears normal, it is while fighting until the end with equal weapons, and that is completely new. The recent publication of the the 24 Hours payment 2007 lets appear clearly, that the ACO chose to preserve a substantial advantage with the diesel motorization. However only the two manufacturers present in LMP1 can have which it. Is this a chance? if such is not the case, it is serious. Because that means that the ACO wishes that nobody can come to disturb the play of the two large ones. If one attends an eighth consecutive victory of group VAG at nearest the 24 Hours of Mans without there being a real opposition, the ACO will have accounts to return to the public and the media next June. There is however a glimmer of hope, a small concession was made: the capacity of the gas oil tanks was reduced 9 liters so that all the cars stop at the same time to supply. This represents 0,7 seconds with the turn over 12 midnight, which is far from being sufficient. But it is perhaps the sign which some are realizing, with the ACO, which the first duty of a club also innovating in the technical field is to institute a perfect equity and to harmonize the powers between the various allowed motorizations in its tests, diesel, gasoline or hybrids whatever are the users. And then, as stipulated it official statement ACO of July 2006: "all the other elements of the car being built with the same schedule of conditions, it thus rests to the manufacturers to build the best car" While waiting, by respect for the in love ones the 24 Hours of Mans, and with again I hope for it, the support of the public, Pescarolo Sport will take up this new challenge nevertheless. More justified than ever, the Sarthe-native stable will engage two new cars, with evolved/moved aerodynamics, firmly persuaded that even in the universe of the sport, some time, morals can triumph.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Rozenburg, Holland
    Chicanes = Baffles???
    "I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting, but it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously." Douglas Adams

  7. #7
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    If you should see a man walking down a crowded street talking aloud to himself, don't run in the opposite direction, but run towards him, because he's a poet. You have nothing to fear from the poet - but the truth.

    (Ted Joans)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Northern New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by henk4
    Chicanes = Baffles???
    He obviously just put it into a translator.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Henri Pescarolo's open letter translated. Many thanks to Franz Terrien for the quick turnaround on this:

    Open Letter dedicated to the 24-hours of Le Mans lovers
    (Originally written by Henri Pescarolo)

    During the 2006 24-hours of Le Mans, the competitors using petrol engine had had plenty of time to note that the equivalencies defined by the ACO rules were not very right/fair . The press had been aware of this fact , and the public had understood it as well. However some thought that it was completely normal that a Diesel Audi be on average 3 to 4 seconds faster on a lap than the fastest petrol-engined cars. According to them, this difference only came from the huge difference of (the) means invested by either of the competitors. That is making little consideration of the chief designers who created the cars of the 2006 season . Among other things their backgrounds count the "Peugeot 905 and the Toyota GT-One (Andre de Cortanze), all the Courage (Paolo Catone), the Bentley Speed 8 (Peter Ellleray), the Cadillac and the Panoz (Claude Galopin), the Zytek and the Creation (Ben Wood), without forgetting the engineering and design departments of Dallara and Lola which are largely implied in some great current projects.

    Many simulations had however been carried out, by various engineering and design departments, and they all had lead to the conclusion that the Diesel engine was considerably favored. To make it clear and wanting to be careful, the Automobile Club de l’Ouest (ACO) fitted all the 24-hours cars with a data acquisition system recording all the parameters on a track lap. These data were partly published at the end of the race.

    The first split – pit straight – is the most significant data because while the Audi is 0.544 quicker on the whole sector, when considering the 398 meters of pure acceleration it is 0.1395 quicker on the 130 to 250 kph acceleration than the quickest gasoline. Applied to the 9 600 meters of straight line acceleration the track counts, that would mean 3.36 quicker on a lap. This figure is rather close to reality. A theoretical calculation enables to evaluate that with the same tires this variation in acceleration is generated by a difference in power of roughly 57 hp. This is close again to the claimed figures.

    Let us see the second split - Hunaudières straight. The Audi is 1.19 quicker. As the maximum speeds are similar - 325 to 326 kph, the time difference comes from the straight line acceleration until maximum speed is stabilized. Note the cars are roughly equally quick in the two chicanes.

    The Audi is 1.34 quicker in the third sector which confirms the two previous analyses. But in the Virages Porsche, it is rather the torque than the power that brings an advantage. On the other hand the difference between the best race lap times of the Audi and the best petrol-engined car is really significant: a huge 4.4 gap (3:31.211 against 3:35.656), and yet this is just the beginning of the diesel engine development!

    A finer study of the split times enables to note that the advantage in corner of about 1.5 is not negligible but is not independent of the available power. Indeed for a higher power, having the same maximum speed means a higher downforce configuration and therefore a better handling. However there is no need to be an Einstein to foresee that with a very basic application of the power-to-weight ratio, with identical weight a 700 hp Diesel car is going to accelerate much more quickly than a petrol car delivering only 640 hp!

    The official statement published on last 13 July by the ACO was clear though: "only an advantage related to the performance of the engine can lead us to take measures in order to reduce the performances". Given the previous figures which clearly highlight a Diesel advantage over petrol-powered cars, one could thus expect - and promises had been made in this sense - that new equivalencies be applied in 2007.

    Don Panoz showed the way in American Le Mans Series. By removing 65 kg out of the petrol cars, he found a real equality between the various competitors. The last races of the season were exciting and even if Audi continued to win, which seems normal, it was by battling until the end with equal weapons , and that is completely new.

    The recent publication of the 2007 Le Mans 24-Hours rules let clearly appear that the ACO chose to preserve a substantial advantage for the diesel-powered cars. However only the two manufacturers present in LMP1 can use it. Is this just by chance? If it is not the case, it is serious. Because that means that the ACO wishes that nobody can come and disturb the game of the two big ones. If one attends an eighth victory in a raw of the VAG group at the next 24-hours of Le Mans without any real opposition then the ACO will owe the public and the media an explanation in next June.

    There is however a glimmer of hope as a small concession has been made: the gas oil tank capacity was decreased by 9 liters so that all the cars stop at the same time to fill in. This represents 0.7 a lap for 24 hours which is far from being sufficient.

    But it is perhaps the sign which some are realizing, in the ACO, that the first duty of a club so innovating in the technical field is to institute a perfect equity and to harmonize the powers between the various allowed power configurations in its events whether it is diesel, petrol or hybrids and whoever the users are. And then, as officially stipulated ACO statement of July 2006: "all the other elements of the car being built with the same specifications, it is thus up to the manufacturers to design the best car"

    Meanwhile with respect for the Le Mans 24-hours lovers and I hope for it again with the support of the public, Pescarolo Sport will take up this new challenge anyway. More motivated than ever, the Sarthe-native squad will entry two new cars, with advanced aerodynamics, firmly persuaded that even in the sport universe, some time, morals can triumph.
    And sentiment is similar elsewhere in the paddock:

    >>"We are not impressed at all. Look at the performance at Laguna Seca this weekend for example between a good cross section of LMP1 competitors (Audi, Creation, Zytek, Lola). That was a very well balanced close race, which in fact did not favour the Audis at all by their own admission since their straight line advantage was blunted by the short straights and many corners. Evidently therefore the IMSA equivalence is closer to the truth than the ACO's. Whether 65 kg of ballast is the best way to do it is questionable however. We would prefer to see published fuel "recipes" and fuel flow restrictors instead of airflow, which would work better for all fuels. In ALMS remember the petrol LMP1s race at 860 kg whereas in Europe this year and again next year they will race at 925 kg. Clearly therefore the Audis (and Peugeots) will have an easier time in Europe and Le Mans than in the States. Reducing the tank size by 10% has almost no effect because the increased refueling time is offset by the reduced weight of fuel carried. In a short race a more important factor is that the car with the longest tank range can make the earliest final stop and therefore gain track position for the final stint. Even with a 10% reduction the Audis will still have an advantage in consumption over the petrol cars. I don't have exact laps between stops from Laguna yet but I believe the evidence is there."

    >>And simply put by one other:

    " appears to suck, is exactly what Henri predicted, and I agree with what Henri has said."
    >>David Leganuex brings us this out of the paper Le Maine Libre:

    Serge Saulnier reacted to the 2007 ACO regulations in Le Maine Libre, Friday's issue : "10 % of the fuel tank less, it's huge. It makes
    two laps at Le Mans and one more stop in the LMS races. They have gone too far ! The rule is changed before the beginning. Honestly, it's very annoying. We must compare what is similar and the diesel doesn't come down to an advantage of torque and power. For me who has lived the 2006 season with a petrol powered prototype, I can tell you that the diesel has also some handicaps and some other problems to solve : the thermal exchanges for example, the weight phenomena on mass distribution because all is concentrated on the rear. On the aerodynamics side too, it's also needed to have 25 % bigger radiators… The tyres? Their use is more narrow with a diesel engine."

    So Le Maine Libre comments that Peugeot's 2007 programme could be reduced to one car only in Le Mans Series. "I don't know yet, but I'm reserved", added Serge Saulnier. He will now announce the names of the drivers in December instead of this month and they will be seven instead of six. Three of the six to be named drivers will be french. The seventh driver is Eric Hélary, who will be in charge of the development and test driver.

    I must say I agree with everything Henri says. The diesels clearly have an unfair advantage. And it is very likely if VAG gets its eighth straight win, I think there will be a mass of protests filed by LMP1 teams. The worst effect of Audi dominance next year could be withdrawal of LMP1 teams from the American Le Mans Series and Le Mans Series.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Rozenburg, Holland
    If Audi had fielded an R10 with a petrol engine but with the same 80 mln budget they would also have whitewashed the competition.....
    "I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting, but it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously." Douglas Adams

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Henri Pescarolo's open letter to the ACO

    It seems that Henri Pescarolo doesn't agree with recently announced ACO regulations for 2007. Mulsanne Corner has the original text of Mr. Pescarolo's open letter along with an english translation.

    Emil Kirschner
    Last edited by Wouter Melissen; 10-25-2006 at 02:26 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by henk4
    If Audi had fielded an R10 with a petrol engine but with the same 80 mln budget they would also have whitewashed the competition.....
    This might be correct, but at least they would not have been favoured by the regulations.
    If you should see a man walking down a crowded street talking aloud to himself, don't run in the opposite direction, but run towards him, because he's a poet. You have nothing to fear from the poet - but the truth.

    (Ted Joans)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Rozenburg, Holland
    Quote Originally Posted by Wouter Melissen
    This might be correct, but at least they would not have been favoured by the regulations.
    we would only know that in case a private team would have entered a diesel car on their limited budget.....
    "I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting, but it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously." Douglas Adams

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by henk4
    we would only know that in case a private team would have entered a diesel car on their limited budget.....
    Why?? The ACO themselves have even admitted that the diesel engine regulations were too lenient.
    If you should see a man walking down a crowded street talking aloud to himself, don't run in the opposite direction, but run towards him, because he's a poet. You have nothing to fear from the poet - but the truth.

    (Ted Joans)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Rozenburg, Holland
    Quote Originally Posted by Wouter Melissen
    Why?? The ACO themselves have even admitted that the diesel engine regulations were too lenient.
    so where are the private teams then?
    "I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting, but it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously." Douglas Adams

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