Quote Originally Posted by culver View Post
I agree. On one hand I like the idea as I strongly suspect with and honest $30m and a loose rule book it would be quite possible to turn faster laps than the current cars with no loss in safety.

The problem is what is covered under that $30m? How do we make sure say Ferrari doesn't start spending big bucks on "other" race R&D. The NFL did a great job with team salary caps. The caps did a great job of leveling the playing field and making "budget" a factor when building a team. It would be very interesting to see the same thing applied in F1. Now you would have to trade off say a bit of weight in a part to make it cost $5k less.

Of course, it's easy to see how much an NFL team pays it's players. It's much harder to figure out how much a team really spent on a race season. If, and this is a big if, they can figure out how to make this work I think it will be great.
Yesterday the US$ lost 4 percent of its value against the Euro. So will the cap be increased or can the teams (having to pay most of their bills in Euros) spend less?