I remember when I first joined this site, (no one wants to remember that), I downright admit that I was a jerk and a troll when it came to certain companies , or things, such as Toyota and Honda. UCP was my first forum where I could talk with many other car enthusiasts about something that we all love and, thats cars. And, it's a place where we get to actually know each other a bit despite being another continent, province, state, what ever it may be, away from each other. I find that we point out each other's faults and people on here seem very willing to change and forgive what they've done. UCP seems like such a nice automotive neighborhood and I was surprised at such of the vast amounts of knowledge that came from some of you guys! But, to be quite honest, I felt a little out of place becuase I'm the only woman it seems, who regularly visit this place. However, you guys made me feel welcome and warmed up to me (I guess) after my unacceptable behaviour which I openly apologized about. Personally though, it's a shame that more women aren't on here becuase I'm sure that they have vast amounts of knowledge like you guys do! I honestly don't know why that more women aren't on here but I guess it doesn't matter?