As many of you know, i got a wii for valentines day and since then i have pretty played wii sports and mario. I have rented a bunch of games yet i have always found the xbox 360 version to be superior in every way. tiger, cod 3, madden, you name it its usually better on 360.

i guess i prefer the xbox versions because the graphics are soo freakin ugly on wii that i cant get past them and the control on wii doesn't make up for it.

however, finally, i found a game in which the gameplay/control/fun advantage on wii trumps the amazing graphics on and online play on 360.

MLB 2k8!

The wii version is butt ugly, it looks like a ps2 game but i have not been able to put it down. i played the 360 version first and after about a half hour I basically thought, "there is no reason to buy 2k8 because besides the graphics, there's nothing about it that is better than 2k7". so i went and rented the wii version and I was instantly sucked in.

like i said, the graphics are piss poor. its not even really like a good looking ps2 game, its more like a crappy ps2 game which is weird to me cause i know the wii has more balls than ps2. nevertheless, the controls on wii make it well worth the graphical hit. after playing it on wii i found myself thinking, "this is what the wii is supposed to be all about" and i will definately be buying the game on wii.