Well boys, i finally got a day off of school and decided to take a little break from studying and I thought I'd swing by and say what up.

Law school is pretty brutal but its fun, I think I'm doing ok so far even though i wont really know till the end of next semester but so far it seems like im in the middle of the pack, definately not top of the class but definately not bottom either. Law school takes up a lot of time and energy but im enjoying it.

how are things goin in here? has anyone taken my place as the voice of reason and maturity around here?

I havent been able to pay much attention to politics, but from what ive seen, McCain is trying his hardest to loose, no surprise there. Ive made a few purchases at the gun store just in case Osama does win I wont have to pay out the nose for weapons and ammunition haha.

the camaro is running great and has yet to loose a race to any foreign car.

How are ya'll doin?