every laptop computer i've had have had one common fault: fan fails due to congestion > overheat > fail > failure > complete failure

i also LOVE, with a passion, the fact that computer manufacturers compete by advertising how many new sick features these new machines have. HEY, HOW ABOUT SHOWING OFF SOME 1337 RELIABILITY SKILLS. how dare this incompetent and fundamentally inept industry move forward on such weak foundations. its like "hmm, even though i don't know anyhitng about gunpowder and explosives, i'm going to try making a cannon". it could work, if you are in the middle ages. how do these people get away with this shit. probably piss-lazy consumers that don't complain enough about flaws. (consumer do a good job complaning aobut not enough features though).

can you imagine that given ford pinto's shitty safety ratings, that instead of making a safer replacement, ford's engineers all gathered their efforts to make a more dangerouse convertible version? such BACKWARDs thinking with a vain mask of forward innovation. FAIL! how do these people sleep at night. right probably because i'm not sneaking into their houses at night with a serated blade.

now i have just recently discovered the pains of washing machines. apparantly the pump in mines decided to magically stop working. resultantly some water remains after the spin cycle (which is after the rinse) and my last couple of loads have smelled like mildew. then i discover (via the internet) that liquid detergent has a missing ingredient in powdered detergent that kills mildew. liquid detergent also coats teh insides of machines with an invisible layer of some moisture-trapping, mildew-home-giving substance. WHY THE HELL IS LIQUID DETERGENT EVEN LEGAL!!!! GAHH

i've tried borax, baking soda, bleach, vinegar, oxiclean, sodium lauryl bicarbonate or something crazy like that, and i'm about to try skunk urine. it seems that i have finally found immortality. it comes in mildew format.
