This is one of those dealer horror stories. Cliff notes:
  • Guy takes his M5 in for oil and brake service.
  • 28 year old dealer "technician" runs it into a curb while "test driving" it (which meant all the BMW electronic nannies were turned off). It hit so hard it cracked open then front left strut, and bent the steering assembly. It is suspected estimated that the "technician" were going twice that of the posted speed limit.
  • Dealer lies and lies again. Claims they will fix it and won't take but $2500 in parts. It just so happens their insurance deductible is $2500. They refuse all other options, including buying it back for blue book value and selling owner a new M5 at cost.
  • Owner gets it towed to another dealer who digs deeper and finds $30,000+ in damages.

This pisses me off to the extent that I want to call BMWNA and be a whiny little b*tch about it.

Thread (pictures posted on page 28): Dealership rags my car and wrecks it on a test drive! - The Unofficial BMW M5 Messageboard (