Quote Originally Posted by Kitdy View Post
I think that winter tires are a great idea.

I thought that part of being a "car guy" was taking care to be safe and drive well - winter tires make a lot of sense. They are a few hundred bucks, but can they not last several years? I have seen some data on stopping distances with and without winter tires, and there is no comparison. No matter how safe you drive, there are certain things you can't anticipate and having winter tires in winter, when there can be a lot of snow... It is just the thing to do.

In fact, I have heard that AWD is nowhere near as beneficial as snow tires when it comes to winter driving safety.
They are a good idea, yes, but I simply cannot afford to spend that amount of money on tires when I have rent to pay and food to buy. Here in Indiana we rarely get a ton of snow and where I'm living the roads get quickly plowed. Having said that, I know that snow tires are a big help and when I get out of school I'll be getting some if I live in an area that sees snow, but right now I'll have to stick with driving safely.