This site also has a section on user comments and when the forum section came up it was announced that the contributions to the user comments would be carfully scrutinised before they would be allowed. Compared to what is put in the forum these comments are of a different nature and deal directly with the car. I am not in favour of the way is dealing with the forums, by putting them directly to the car, but I like the user comments as they are being made now.

My current impression is that there is a delay in dealing with with these comments, the main reason being that currently only one person (most of the time) is dealing with it.

If I can make a proposal I think it's a good idea to activily involve the moderators in dealing with the comments, so that the delay in posting can be reduced.

Furthermore, it used to be the case when you submitted a comment that you received an email notification what happened to it. This feature should return.
Finally, when I just checked the new comments that were added today, it's difficult to know whether this is the whole lot. There should be an option to show all comments being added since 2,3,4 of whatever number of days.

The disadvantage of the comment section is that you cannot post pictures. However, by making a reference in the comment to a forum thread you can solve that problem.

Looking forward to a constructive discussion on these issues,

yours sincerely
