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Thread: Big Brother UK

  1. #46
    Join Date
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    For Tax Purposes, Cayman Islands
    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline View Post
    This will be brief, because as I said I'm going away and need the sleep

    Who is being petty? Your whole argument is about me supposedly calling him a girl. There is about a page of you trying to prove to me that I really did mean to call him an 11 year old girl. Honestly, who is being petty?

    It's an interesting point. but however much you try and twist it the fact remains - you've not disproven my point

    You lost the actual argument at the top of the page where you mistook who I was talking about and practically proved my point for me From there you hung on to the "11 year old girl" point to keep the remainder of your argument afloat.

    I misinterpreted the original argument. you're right and i admitted that. however the points made from that (IE; has the girl in question ever dealt with racist people) still stands. and you've not answered it.

    neither have you replied in regards to my point, which has somehow lasted what, 3...4 rebuttals now?

    You have one single point - which is that I directly labeled him a girl. Whereas in reality I likened his conduct to what I would expect from a young girl. Comparing his behaviour to a girl is different to saying "hey, you're a girl". I'm getting tired of explaining this.

    Reality is a dangerous place - make sure you get you're facts straight before you visit

    What happened was you directly (i'm getting tired of saying that) called him an 11 year old girl.

    you likened his behaviour, yes. but you also outright called him an 11 year old.


    Putting the petty girl calling issue aside, the true argument was between he and I - he being adamant that an active racist hater was completely surprised about the existence of racist/ offensive terms.

    Yes. i've no doubt the girl in question (the black girl ) is fully aware of what she's done in regards to making this such a big issue. and i think, considering the reasonable unprovoked nature of the comments, she's in the right.

    I may continue this in 3 days, if it is still alive
    Sleep Peaceful and we might just see you then.
    <cough> </cough>

  2. #47
    Join Date
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    what has everybody got against 11 year olds thats RACIST!

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline View Post
    You lose.
    Lose what?

    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline View Post
    What's more pathetic is the fact that I never even called you an 11 year old girl.
    I never told you to crawl under a rock.

    "I think you live under a rock" - slate/ clay tiles/ concrete roof ?

    That would put your living accommodation "under a rock" of sorts.

    Last time I checked - guessing the materials that make up someone's roof isn't typically considered the height of rudeness.

    "Crawl back under it" is a provisional title of a book I'm writing - about pot-holers coming out of retirement. Completely unrelated to this thread - I suddenly thought of it and needed to write it down.

    I suppose the timing, albeit completely coincidental, may look as if it is meant to suggest something else.

    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline View Post
    you have also labeled me as naive, simply because I disagree with you.
    Some one once said:"I strongly stand by everything I have said. It's my opinion and anyone who wants to force a change in it can go to hell."

    You treat it as some big insult, but I think I am using the word true to its definition - you are demonstrating to me a lack of information, judgement and experience in the matter.

    You seem very assured about certain things that this woman would know, think and how she would act.

    Why are you making those presumptions, and putting them across as "fact"?

    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline View Post
    Coverntrysucks doesn't know any more than I do, which is quite ironic.
    How would me not knowing something be using a word to describe something other than its literal intention?

    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline View Post
    Which is my whole argument
    What you actually said was that black people shouldn't be shocked by white people using racist terms because rap music is half "their culture".

    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline View Post
    He was the first, and only one to be rude and insulting at all...
    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline View Post
    I f***ing hate it when people shit themselves over the 'N' word. Why should a black person be so shocked anyway? Half of their culture grips on to rap music, which shouts "nigga" constantly. I really don't see the point of all the fuss. Nobody is being racist, so move on and grow up.
    Unnecessary bad language - against the forum guidelines

    Rude and disrespectful to the mods for ignoring those guidelines.

    Rude and disrespectful to the ordinary members and guests who have to read it.

    Rude and insulting about the people it is intended to describe.

    The entire tone of your post(s) is overtly aggressive, negative and confrontational.

    Maybe you should get some sleep - take your time, don't hurry back.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Back on topic...

    Something made me laugh the other day. Everyday, in the break during the simpsons, they have an advert for big brother. During which they show and exciting snippet of action from the show in the evening.
    One day, last week they couldn't seem to find enough excitement to even bring us a clip leaving just a animation of the eye to reel us into watching the show later on.

    It typified for me how dull the show has become since the first series
    How can men use sex to get what they want?
    Sex is what they want. - Frasier

  5. #50
    Join Date
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    Surrey, England
    I think they should do a Big Brother for mid teens or something, maybe slightly more interesting... Maybe not...

    Motion & Emotion

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Waugh-terfall View Post
    I think they should do a Big Brother for mid teens or something, maybe slightly more interesting... Maybe not...
    They did. It was crap.

  7. #52
    Join Date
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    Living the good life in Antarctica.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    Lose what?
    Your argument, of course. Please don't try to play dumb.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    I never told you to crawl under a rock.
    Yes you did.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    "I think you live under a rock" - slate/ clay tiles/ concrete roof ?

    That would put your living accommodation "under a rock" of sorts.

    Last time I checked - guessing the materials that make up someone's roof isn't typically considered the height of rudeness.
    You didn't say that. Don't make up quotes.

    In fact that's such a sad excuse it's almost funny. So let me get this straight - you are trying to tell me that you weren't being rude, but you were in fact referring to the materials on my roof? You're a funny guy, almost too funny And to think IB4R said that I was making excuses. This just takes the cake.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    I suppose the timing, albeit completely coincidental, may look as if it is meant to suggest something else.
    No coincidence, please don't lie to try and win an argument. I said perhaps she lives under a rock (because she had never heard of black people calling each other niggers). Then you said "I think you do". This means that you were referring to the same rock I was referring to. Which unfortunately makes you a liar - it was no coincidence and you weren't talking about the roof of my house. If you said the whole phrase yourself then perhaps I would have believed you - but you didn't. You should have read the post before attempting to make an excuse. Of course you can defend yourself if you think I am mistaken

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    Some one once said:"I strongly stand by everything I have said. It's my opinion and anyone who wants to force a change in it can go to hell."
    Note the word 'force'

    Present the right facts and an opinion may change. Force incorrect garbage and the opinion will stay put until someone a little more sensible tries to make a better argument.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    You treat it as some big insult, but I think I am using the word true to its definition - you are demonstrating to me a lack of information, judgement and experience in the matter.
    OK, then let's have a look at why you justified using the term:

    "You are naive in the extreme if you think that, just because she is black, she should be an ardent fan of 50 cent and think it acceptable to use racist terms in public, regardless of any infantile American obsession with using the word."

    Firstly, I already proved you wrong on the point about 50 Cent - which I never said at all. You merely took out the quote "50 Cent" from my post and made up the part about me assuming she was an ardent fan. I'll even quote myself to refresh your lacking memory.

    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline
    It must have been the shock of the century. She is a celebrity, yet she has never heard black people call each other niggers before. Neither has she heard of 50 Cent. Neither has she ever watched MTV or anything similar. Perhaps she lives under a large rock.
    You also made up the second (and final) point - which assumes that I said it is acceptable to randomly call people 'niggers' in public. Which I did not say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    You seem very assured about certain things that this woman would know, think and how she would act.

    Why are you making those presumptions, and putting them across as "fact"?
    Once again, you are making things up. Tell me where I said that my opinion was fact. It is quite the opposite actually. You are the one who was presenting opinion as fact. This whole argument is the result of you assuming that your opinion is fact. You tried to present your opinion as a fact and apply it to my opinion in order to somehow make it void.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    How would me not knowing something be using a word to describe something other than its literal intention?
    You don't understand what I meant by 'ironic'? I will word it differently, just for you. You kept trying to void my argument by saying that I didn't know anything about the girl we were talking about. But in fact, you didn't know any more than I did. This makes your opinion of 'what she is like' no more right than mine is. Taking that fact into account, why would you attack my argument? Because you were presenting your opinion of this girl as fact. To make it even worse, my opinion was supported by fact, in the form of the girl's bio. Yours was supported by nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    What you actually said was that black people shouldn't be shocked by white people using racist terms because rap music is half "their culture".
    Let's have a closer look at this. Here's what I said:

    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline
    Half of their culture grips on to rap music, which shouts "nigga" constantly.
    Now here's the definition of 'culture' - the attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization. Note that it varies from group to group. After examining her profile, it is quite apparent that she belongs to a cultural group that would obviously be exposed to things such as rap music, in all of its 'nigger' calling glory. Why do I know this? No, it's not magic - it's common sense. She likes shopping, money and going clubbing at celebrity hangouts. Her life philosophy is: "Celebrity, celebrity, cash, celebrity". She is also unemployed at the age of 21. With this information in mind, it is very safe to say that she has been exposed to rap music, among many other things that people of 'her type' would be exposed to in 2007. I can expand if you like.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    Unnecessary bad language - against the forum guidelines

    Rude and disrespectful to the mods for ignoring those guidelines.

    Rude and disrespectful to the ordinary members and guests who have to read it.

    Rude and insulting about the people it is intended to describe.

    The entire tone of your post(s) is overtly aggressive, negative and confrontational.

    Maybe you should get some sleep - take your time, don't hurry back.
    Written with double spaces between the lines to create monster effect? If saying "shit" was so terrible, then why are YOU the only person to complain? It gets better. It took you FOUR pages to decide to bring it up. Now is it me or are you searching for ways to incriminate me? People say (and write) the word 'shit' all the time. The only offensive term was censored by yours truly. And about the "people it is intended to describe", I didn't know that identifying people that listen to rap is offensive to those people. There's nothing wrong with rap I'm quite sure you will disagree though, as you tend to do a lot.

    Now I'm asking you very nicely, please don't make up facts, quotes and arguments if you choose to respond. Because you would have to agree, making up facts, quotes and arguments would be characteristic of an 11 year old girl.

    Now let me suggest to you, and this is only a suggestion, but how about you read actual posts before responding instead of making them up. I love a good argument, and I've enjoyed arguing with you - but it just ruins it when you decide to break the rules to 'win' at all costs. As I've already stated, I don't dislike you, so don't take it that way
    Last edited by adrenaline; 06-15-2007 at 01:44 AM.

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline View Post
    Please don't try to play dumb.
    I don't need to try and play dumb, thank you very much.

    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline View Post
    No coincidence, please don't lie to try and win an argument.
    There's a word... can't quite remember... something about a "critical hippo"?

    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline View Post
    it was no coincidence and you weren't talking about the roof of my house.
    Prove it.

    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline View Post
    You don't understand what I meant by 'ironic'?
    Surprisingly, when you make up your own, arbitrary definition of the word, no.

    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline View Post
    Now I'm asking you very nicely,
    Congratulations, when did you take over from Wouter? I must have missed the memo.

    Unfortunately, despite the fact that you set the rules now, you aren't exempt.

    Why are you surprised? It is like mooning the police and complaining when they pull you over - quite naive, if you will.

    Of course; it gives you some more cards to play with, doesn't it?

    "Woe is me! Being picked on and threatened by the nasty Coventrysucks man-girl because he doesn't agree with me!"

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Waugh-terfall View Post
    I think they should do a Big Brother for mid teens or something, maybe slightly more interesting... Maybe not...
    Nah- Big Brother with Coventrysucks, Adrenaline, and a bunch of other members would be pretty damn interesting.... Maybe then people would actually give a damn.
    I'm dropping out to create a company that starts with motorcycles, then cars, and forty years later signs a legendary Brazilian driver who has a public and expensive feud with his French teammate.

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingofthering View Post
    Nah- Big Brother with Coventrysucks, Adrenaline, and a bunch of other members would be pretty damn interesting.... Maybe then people would actually give a damn.
    now thats a big brother i might want to watch.

  11. #56
    Join Date
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    No matter how, calling someone something that 'might' insult them where we 'assume' it shouldn't have, is wrong.

    Trying to proof otherwise, is wrong.

  12. #57
    Join Date
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    Living the good life in Antarctica.
    In reading your latest response, Coventrysucks, I have come to a conclusion. You are trying to run away from the issue. Your post contains absolutely nothing related to our original argument. Every point that I made, you have side-stepped.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    I don't need to try and play dumb, thank you very much.
    You were trying to play dumb, simple. Please don't run away from the issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    There's a word... can't quite remember... something about a "critical hippo"?
    As I said, don't try to lie in an attempt to win an argument. Running away from the issue won't help you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    Prove it.
    Common sense, I assumed you had some.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    Surprisingly, when you make up your own, arbitrary definition of the word, no.
    Once again, you are running away from the issue. I tried to 'dumb down' my response so you could understand and you still can't. I feel that I'm wasting my time with you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    Congratulations, when did you take over from Wouter? I must have missed the memo.
    You are running away from the issue. Asking you "nicely" not to make up false quotes and facts makes me Wouter? I guess you did miss the memo then.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    Unfortunately, despite the fact that you set the rules now, you aren't exempt.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    Why are you surprised? It is like mooning the police and complaining when they pull you over - quite naive, if you will.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    Of course; it gives you some more cards to play with, doesn't it?
    You are scaring me. That is completely random. You are becoming more and more random as time goes on. You simply have no way to answer my arguments so you talk about mooning the police? Your responses have absolutely no relevance to the argument! It's as if you've run out of things to say. You have run away from the issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coventrysucks View Post
    "Woe is me! Being picked on and threatened by the nasty Coventrysucks man-girl because he doesn't agree with me!"
    You are not doing yourself any favours by turning your obliterated argument into a sarcasm contest.

    You have failed to answer any of my arguments. Instead, you have resorted to calling me "Wouter" and making lame attempts at sarcasm. You have nothing left. Your response has completely ditched the original argument. You simply couldn't respond.

    It's time to admit that you have been completely and utterly destroyed.

    I will again stress that I do not dislike you. However, I do believe that in future you should think carefully before you decide to enter an argument. And whilst arguing, don't take it the wrong way. Perhaps the following verse will aide your understanding:

    Gal. 4:16: "Am I therefor made your enemy because I tell you the truth?"

    Since your argument has suffered a complete loss of all merits and you have failed to answer any of my arguments, I hence declare this argument over. It's been fun

  13. #58
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    Nice way to run away from the issue yourself.

    What's being called into argument here is your behaviour. you at first attack (And don't deny it - we've been through this) then when your called to account your the one skirting the issue.

    people in glass houses, Ad
    <cough> </cough>

  14. #59
    Join Date
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    I can't believe anyone could be so stupid that they can't even tell when tehy are being parodied...

    I loled

  15. #60
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    Living the good life in Antarctica.
    I was wondering how long it would take you to dive into your superman costume and try to save Coventrysucks. Don't worry, I brought plenty of Kryptonite. Unfortunately it's got to the point where I'm forced to not take you seriously.

    Quote Originally Posted by IBrake4Rainbows View Post
    Nice way to run away from the issue yourself.
    An argument is generally over when someone's side loses all merits. Or do you insist we keep arguing about something that doesn't even reflect the original topic? It's up to you. Actually it isn't up to you at all. This isn't even your argument. The only reason you are here is to defend your fellow moderator at all costs.

    Now let me sum up your amazing contribution to this thread.

    • You enter this argument to try and save Coventrysucks.

    • Very simply, you had absolutely no clue what was going on, and made a fool of yourself.

    • You were forced to admit that you were wrong.

    • You weren't mature enough to accept it and move on. So you whined and whined about how you inferred that I called him an 11 year old girl.

    You know what, I'm really sick of hearing you talking about 11 year old girls, especially when I didn't even call him one! IB4R, You make me laugh

    What's being called into argument here is your behaviour. you at first attack (And don't deny it - we've been through this) then when your called to account your the one skirting the issue.
    Let me be blunt - you are lying again. Coventrysucks was the first to "attack". And how can you possibly say that I skirted the issue of 'calling him an 11 year old girl' when we argued about it for a whole page?! I will repeat, it's got to the point where I'm forced to not take you seriously.

    Unlike you, I'm not here to argue about 11 year old girls.

    Unless you can come up with a proper argument that doesn't involve primary/elementary school girls, then take off the superman costume and quit. I've said it before - I enjoy arguing, but your contribution is useless and irritating.

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