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Thread: the real future of the automobile?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    nr Edinburgh, Whisky-soaked Scotland
    Westinghouse ( and Edison ) pushed Tesla and his ideas into the background of their huge fight over transmission over wires.
    See, you can CHARGE for energy deliverd by wire.
    But Tesla's system transmitted energy and whoever picked up the radiowaves used it.
    So NOT what the focus of capitalists like E and W ever wanted.

    Besides, we worry about the impact of energy waves from mobile phones and background radiation from wires. Imagine the possibilities with a Tesla Tower every few miles

    The man was so far ahead intellectually and elsctrically than Edison ( or Westinghouse ) it was frightening. He saw energy as somethgin to be shared. Even so far as GIVING Westinghouse rights on his patents because the man claimed his company coudlnt' afford to pay. So despite his genius, Tesla was a bit of a mug

    And so likewise, Edison as he did with so many other people had him removed/written out of American industrialisation.

    I recommend ANYONE with any interest in engineering and intellectual pursuit shoudl read about Tesla. He was a REALLY fascinating man and intellectually so far ahead of anyoen else on the planet.
    "A woman without curves is like a road without bends, you might get to your destination quicker but the ride is boring as hell'

  2. #17
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Matra et Alpine View Post
    I recommend ANYONE with any interest in engineering and intellectual pursuit shoudl read about Tesla. He was a REALLY fascinating man and intellectually so far ahead of anyoen else on the planet.
    Well, Neils Bohr, James Clerk Maxwell (a stretch) and Einstein were around at the same time.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Orange County, California
    Quote Originally Posted by Dino Scuderia View Post
    The real future is mostly fossil fuels in our lifetimes....and beyond that fossil fuels will still be a large part.
    Agreed Dino. Until they're all gone, fossil fuels will never go away IMO. Electric cars are nice, but I just can't imagine what it would be like w/o fuel-powered cars.
    Buy a car for you, not for other people

  4. #19
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    East Coast of the United States
    Quote Originally Posted by csl177 View Post
    Fossil fuels will be with us in our lifetimes, sure... but increasingly for industrial/military needs, and will be so for the next few hundred years. The world population is conservatively projected to reach nearly 21 Billion between 2100 and 2300. Those numbers will render increased road transit infrastructure untenable. That is, if food production, water availability and health issues hold at levels making such a sustained population even possible. Most curves show a drop of 1-2 billion over that period, ultimately stabilizing. Fossil fuel is the least they'll need
    to worry about.
    I agree, we'll hit "peak food", and more importantly peak water before we hit peak oil, in my opinion, and the sad case is that we'll probably see it in our lifetimes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Matra et Alpine View Post
    Westinghouse ( and Edison ) pushed Tesla and his ideas into the background of their huge fight over transmission over wires.
    See, you can CHARGE for energy deliverd by wire.
    But Tesla's system transmitted energy and whoever picked up the radiowaves used it.
    So NOT what the focus of capitalists like E and W ever wanted.

    Besides, we worry about the impact of energy waves from mobile phones and background radiation from wires. Imagine the possibilities with a Tesla Tower every few miles

    The man was so far ahead intellectually and elsctrically than Edison ( or Westinghouse ) it was frightening. He saw energy as somethgin to be shared. Even so far as GIVING Westinghouse rights on his patents because the man claimed his company coudlnt' afford to pay. So despite his genius, Tesla was a bit of a mug

    And so likewise, Edison as he did with so many other people had him removed/written out of American industrialisation.

    I recommend ANYONE with any interest in engineering and intellectual pursuit shoudl read about Tesla. He was a REALLY fascinating man and intellectually so far ahead of anyoen else on the planet.
    Hey, just the fact that Edison wanted to prove to Tesla that DC was better than AC and Tesla proved him completely wrong is proof enough what sort of man Edison was. Edison went to slander and electrocuting an elephant to show how dangerous AC was. Electricity isn't dangerous, it's the amps that will get you!

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    Gods Country, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Matra et Alpine View Post
    Had to go google to check as I was sure Tesla would have tried this.
    He did.
    Tesla was promoting radiowaves energy transmission at the same time Edison amd Westinghouse were locked in how to send it over wires.
    I'm still mad at Tesla for inventing the Tesla Coil which resulted in the smoldering death and destruction of so many of my good, brave soldiers in Red Alert.
    A woman goes to the doctor to figure out why she is having breathing problems...The doctor tells her she is overweight. She says she wants a second opinion...the doctor says, "your ugly".

  6. #21
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    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by NSXType-R View Post
    I doubt it. Who wants to invest billions onto infrastructure? They don't have batteries, they're always tethered to charging in the road. There's no way anyone's going to pay for that, let alone hydrogen gas stations.
    The real future is mostly fossil fuels in our lifetimes....and beyond that fossil fuels will still be a large part.
    Last edited by Sledgehammer; 09-17-2010 at 05:56 PM.

  7. #22
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    BTW, irony of the week is the winner of the Automotive X-Prize, the winning car was a ethonal burning, conventional IC Engine powered, hybrid-less super lightweight car that can carry 4 and deliver over 100mpg. Weight is the key, as is through the understanding of many....
    University of Toronto Formula SAE Alumni 2003-2007
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  8. #23
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    The real real future of the automobile?

    I don't have time to read this now - gotta go out.

    Schmidt said something about this a few weeks ago - that people that people shouldn't drive cars. I dunno if they knew he was serious.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Hello friends ,,,,,, This is sneha here,,,I'm new in this site.....The real future is mostly fossil fuels in our lifetimes....and beyond that fossil fuels will still be a large part..........Thanks lot....
    Last edited by henk4; 11-02-2010 at 01:45 AM.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Rozenburg, Holland
    Quote Originally Posted by sneha123 View Post
    Hello friends ,,,,,, This is sneha here,,,I'm new in this site.....The real future is mostly fossil fuels in our lifetimes....and beyond that fossil fuels will still be a large part..........Thanks lot....
    Welcome, however, do not spam in your signature, please.
    "I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting, but it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously." Douglas Adams

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    tesla's ideas might get ignored by industry , but so what !

    universities are not limited to what makes money , if there was any , ANY potential in tesla's wireless idea's they would have been researched & we would have had it decades ago

    its the same with all the "water based fuel" elixers & "oil industry" horded designs . the oil industry cant control research worldwide in our uni's

    if there was a viable alternative to fossil fuels we would be hearing about it

    by 2050 , planet earth is going to be a really horrible place to live for human beings

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    We seem to be getting a lot of these spam signature posters. Can we just remove their posts entirely?

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Badsight View Post
    its the same with all the "water based fuel" elixers & "oil industry" horded designs . the oil industry cant control research worldwide in our uni's
    Who pays for schools to do research?
    "Kimi, can you improve on your [race] finish?"
    "No. My Finnish is fine; I am from Finland. Do you have any water?"

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