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Thread: "My Chemical Romance" what do u think?

  1. #106
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Lets ease up ont he new member guys. It is not the goal to scare them away botu Zytek and Jack (to a lesser extent).

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by peytn View Post
    and you werty you disgust me to.

    ha, i laugh.
    You can call me scott.

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Kitdy View Post
    Lets ease up ont he new member guys. It is not the goal to scare them away botu Zytek and Jack (to a lesser extent).
    I don't want to scare new members away, but when they come and make stupid posts it kinda makes me angry...

  4. #109
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by fordfan2 View Post
    My Chemical Romance = EMO, emo = people writing about how sad there lives are and how they want to die pretty much which adds up to one very crappy band now a good band would be AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Guns n' Roses or metal bands ....anything BUT emo....just my two cents spose emo people would have a varied opinion:P
    first off, you need to get your facts straight before you start talking sh*t! comments like that just shows how stupid people can be, because mcr is NOT emo, if you'd actually stop running your mouth, and LISTEN to their lyrics, they don't sing about how they want to die! if you even knew a thing about MCR you'd know that Gerard [lead singer] has been in that stage before, and THAT'S what they write about. being in sh*tty stages of life,[cuz everyone goes through some tough sh*t] and being able to pull through them! They encourage people to get over the suicidal feelings, and to recover from depression.
    And just because someone would disagree with what you said, doesn't make them emo! it just means that we would happen to know a little bit more than you, and unlike you, we get our facts straight before we start talking sh*t about bands that we obviously don't know one single thing about!!!

  5. #110
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    ^^ emo post

  6. #111
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by toothpick76 View Post
    mcr is NOT emo,
    Great, yeah, whatever.

    This isn't "", and even if it were you'd still be expected to read and abide by the forum rules.

    Quote Originally Posted by peytn View Post
    their not emo.
    Where did they get a not emo?

    Is it similar to an Emu?

  7. #112
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by toothpick76 View Post
    first off, you need to get your facts straight before you start talking sh*t! comments like that just shows how stupid people can be, because mcr is NOT emo, if you'd actually stop running your mouth, and LISTEN to their lyrics, they don't sing about how they want to die! if you even knew a thing about MCR you'd know that Gerard [lead singer] has been in that stage before, and THAT'S what they write about. being in sh*tty stages of life,[cuz everyone goes through some tough sh*t] and being able to pull through them! They encourage people to get over the suicidal feelings, and to recover from depression.
    And just because someone would disagree with what you said, doesn't make them emo! it just means that we would happen to know a little bit more than you, and unlike you, we get our facts straight before we start talking sh*t about bands that we obviously don't know one single thing about!!!
    Actually the fact that they write about the sh!tty stages of life is why they are emo. The latest definition of emo seems to be people who want to die or cause themselves damage but that is not where the original meaning came from.
    "A string is approximately nine long."
    Egg Nogg 02-04-2005, 05:07 AM

  8. #113
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand
    I think its about time this emo fad died. I wonder what the next retarded craze will be...
    I am a New Zealander, and I hate Greg Murphy. Yes, we exist.

  9. #114
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Sydney, Down Under
    Emo is:

    Originally an arty outgrowth of hardcore punk, emo became an important force in underground rock by the late '90s, appealing to modern-day punks and indie-rockers alike. Some emo leans toward the progressive side, full of complex guitar work, unorthodox song structures, arty noise, and extreme dynamic shifts; some emo is much closer to punk-pop, though it's a bit more intricate. Emo lyrics are deeply personal, usually either free-associative poetry or intimate confessionals. Though it's far less macho, emo is a direct descendant of hardcore's preoccupations with authenticity and anti-commercialism; it grew out of the conviction that commercially oriented music was too artificial and calculated to express any genuine emotion. Because the emo ideal is authentic, deeply felt emotion that defies rational analysis, the style can be prone to excess in its quest for ever-bigger peaks and releases. But at its best, emo has a sweeping power that manages to be visceral, challenging, and intimate all at once. The groundwork for emo was laid by Hüsker Dü's 1984 landmark Zen Arcade, which made it possible for hardcore bands to tackle more personal subject matter and write more tuneful and technically demanding songs. Emo emerged in Washington, D.C. not long after, amidst the remnants of the hardcore scene that had produced Minor Threat and Bad Brains. The term "emo" (sometimes lengthened to "emocore") was initially used to describe hardcore bands who favored expressive vocals over the typical barking rants; the first true emo band was Rites of Spring, followed by ex-Minor Threat singer Ian MacKaye's short-lived Embrace. MacKaye's Dischord label became the center for D.C.'s growing emo scene, releasing work by Rites of Spring, Dag Nasty, Nation of Ulysses, and MacKaye's collaboration with members of Rites of Spring, Fugazi. Fugazi became the definitive early emo band, crossing over to alternative rock listeners and getting press for their uncompromisingly anti-commercial attitudes. Aside from the Dischord stable, most early emo was deeply underground, recorded by extremely short-lived bands and released on vinyl in small quantities by small labels; some vocalists literally wept onstage during song climaxes, earning derision from hardcore purists.
    Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death...
    – Hunter Thompson

  10. #115
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Victoria, Australia
    Any of you guys in school? Emo has pretty much died. If you're an emo, you get teased constantly. These days (in Australia at least) everyone likes 'Hardcore'. Hardcore is at least as gay as emo, but they think they're tougher than emos, and therefore emos are beneath them. Categorized by thrash-metal-ish basic guitaring and horrible screamed lyrics about 'friends 'till the end!' and how you should 'stay true stay proud'. It's basically the same as straightedge, but somehow less gay with less gay lyrics.

    'Melbourne hardcore' is the worst. Ever. I believe 2ndClass here likes Carpathian, a prime example of shit on a stick. He probably knows the quotes from above
    All about the t-tops

  11. #116
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    actually. The Fact That They Write About ###### Stages In Life Doesn't Make Them Emo! It's The Matter If Getting The Felings Out, And Being Able To Relate To Other People Who Go Throw The Same Sh*t! Alright? Now, Listen To Me, Emo Is More Than A Style Or Type Of Music. And Evrytime Something Comes Up That's Not Entierly Happy And Cheery Doesn't F*cking Make It Emo! Like I Said, You Guys Don't Know A Thing About This Band, So Everything You're Saying About Them Emo Is Just You Wasting Your Time. All You Know Is That You Think They Suck. Fine. I Happen To Think Other Wise. But When You Start Calling Them Emo, And F*cking Posers For Christs Sakes!! [i]then[i] I Start To Get P*ssed! And How The F*ck Is This An "emo Post" If I'm Defending Someone. Alright. If That's Your Definitioin Of Eom, You Go With That, Buddy...

  12. #117
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by toothpick76 View Post
    Make Them Emo!
    Look, "Buddy", for the second time:

    This isn't "", and even if it were you'd still be expected to read and abide by the forum rules.

    1. A forum is a space for debate and opinion exchanging. Any post that goes beyond the limits of a sane sociability, whether they are rude, insulting, personal attacks or intended to fire up a conversation, can be moderated and its author hold responsible.
    When the moderated member disagrees or wants to be informed about the reasons that lead to the moderation act, he shall contact a moderator by PM.

    2. Members are not allowed to make posts without a purpose, to make posts of a single word (unless it’s clearly enough to make a point or answer to someone), or non-sense, and out of context posts. Also when posting new threads please add a descriptive title.

    6. Swearing or using pornographic or other shocking images are actions which can lead to severe moderation. Before posting any material than can be considered shocking, please ask the moderators to evaluate whether it can be used or not.

    Damned Emu kids...

  13. #118
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    True North
    Quote Originally Posted by toothpick76 View Post
    actually. The Fact That They Write About ###### Stages In Life Doesn't Make Them Emo! It's The Matter If Getting The Felings Out, And Being Able To Relate To Other People Who Go Throw The Same Sh*t! Alright? Now, Listen To Me, Emo Is More Than A Style Or Type Of Music. And Evrytime Something Comes Up That's Not Entierly Happy And Cheery Doesn't F*cking Make It Emo! Like I Said, You Guys Don't Know A Thing About This Band, So Everything You're Saying About Them Emo Is Just You Wasting Your Time. All You Know Is That You Think They Suck. Fine. I Happen To Think Other Wise. But When You Start Calling Them Emo, And F*cking Posers For Christs Sakes!! [i]then[i] I Start To Get P*ssed! And How The F*ck Is This An "emo Post" If I'm Defending Someone. Alright. If That's Your Definitioin Of Eom, You Go With That, Buddy...
    What? Caps don't work?

  14. #119
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by toothpick76 View Post
    actually. The Fact That They Write About ###### Stages In Life Doesn't Make Them Emo! It's The Matter If Getting The Felings Out, And Being Able To Relate To Other People Who Go Throw The Same Sh*t! Alright? Now, Listen To Me, Emo Is More Than A Style Or Type Of Music. And Evrytime Something Comes Up That's Not Entierly Happy And Cheery Doesn't F*cking Make It Emo! Like I Said, You Guys Don't Know A Thing About This Band, So Everything You're Saying About Them Emo Is Just You Wasting Your Time. All You Know Is That You Think They Suck. Fine. I Happen To Think Other Wise. But When You Start Calling Them Emo, And F*cking Posers For Christs Sakes!! [i]then[i] I Start To Get P*ssed! And How The F*ck Is This An "emo Post" If I'm Defending Someone. Alright. If That's Your Definitioin Of Eom, You Go With That, Buddy...
    This is a CAR forum.

    I'm just telling you this in case you didn't notice the at the top of the page.
    I'm dropping out to create a company that starts with motorcycles, then cars, and forty years later signs a legendary Brazilian driver who has a public and expensive feud with his French teammate.

  15. #120
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by toothpick76 View Post
    actually. The Fact That They Write About ###### Stages In Life Doesn't Make Them Emo! It's The Matter If Getting The Felings Out, And Being Able To Relate To Other People Who Go Throw The Same Sh*t! Alright? Now, Listen To Me, Emo Is More Than A Style Or Type Of Music. And Evrytime Something Comes Up That's Not Entierly Happy And Cheery Doesn't F*cking Make It Emo! Like I Said, You Guys Don't Know A Thing About This Band, So Everything You're Saying About Them Emo Is Just You Wasting Your Time. All You Know Is That You Think They Suck. Fine. I Happen To Think Other Wise. But When You Start Calling Them Emo, And F*cking Posers For Christs Sakes!! [i]then[i] I Start To Get P*ssed! And How The F*ck Is This An "emo Post" If I'm Defending Someone. Alright. If That's Your Definitioin Of Eom, You Go With That, Buddy...
    Sir, your getting waay to emotional over this.
    You can call me scott.

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