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  1. Spent $201 at Sam's club on one case of pork loins and one case pork butts.

    Today we ground them all, packaged them all, and had 112lbs of ground. That's $1.79 a pound.

    It DID take us 4+ hours to process and package it all.

    We DID purchase a meat grinder online, $300. And we have a vacuum sealer ($180).

    However, with ONE day of shopping, we've nearly made our money back! We have done this for 2 years now, but we highly recommend it for anyone willing!

    It's $3.59-$6.87 for ground beef at the store = $402-$769.

    Also, I called the local butcher. For a pig, the cheapest was $3.xx a pound for a 160+ pig. This includes all the bones.

    And a whole cow was $4.50lb (800+ lbs) with all the bones.

    We are choosing to be intentional!
  2. So I’m in baby step 3 trying to build up that 3 month emergency fund (maybe a little extra since I’m a single Mom). My question is when I’m on 4-5-6 they suggest putting 15% to retirement. When I do that I won’t have any left over money after the expenses of my 4 walls. Nothing left over to put in a sinking fund for medical expenses, car repairs/replacement, home repairs, or even dinner out. I have already cut my expenses to the bare bones and I can’t physically do a second job (I’m going to need a hip replacement soon).

    I don’t hear much push back on the 15% towards retirement so it’s making me think I’ve got something off with my budget. My mortgage (including homeowners ins and taxes) is 25% of my income.
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