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Thread: Sweet Holy Mother of Christ!!!

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    For Tax Purposes, Cayman Islands
    I read up about this on Autoblog. Seriously, if you have such a contentious family history you wouldn't be doing something like that for a plethora of reasons, not least of which the fact you could get filmed/photographed.

    It's good to see the F1 fraternity, for a change, sticking together - Ecclestone and Todt, both of Jewish heritage, have backed Moseley.

    Either this newspaper is playing very dirty, or someone tried to give Moseley a "Hitler".
    <cough> </cough>

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Wishing I was in Moscow, Idaho
    Quote Originally Posted by silverhawk View Post
    man can do whatever he wants to do. having a sick nazi orgy with 5 hookers is now on the top of my list of things that i want to do before i die.
    lol. Way to set lofty goals for yourself.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by wwgkd View Post
    lol. Way to set lofty goals for yourself.
    Hope he has 2500 quid for that

    You're in Moscow eh? At U of I?

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    5,357's like some weird Family Guy flashback.

    Peter :Wow, this is even stranger than that time Max Mosley was caught in a Nazi orgy!

    *cuts to scene; exaggerated scene plays out*
    I'm dropping out to create a company that starts with motorcycles, then cars, and forty years later signs a legendary Brazilian driver who has a public and expensive feud with his French teammate.

  5. #50
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    East Coast of the United States
    This is just plain bizarre!

  6. #51
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  7. #52
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    It's hard to think who else out there would have the experience and stature in the sport to take the role, and at the same time be someone without any obvious ties to a particular team/manufacturer. It's a toughie.
    What about Eddie Jordan as his replacement?

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ringle View Post
    What about Eddie Jordan as his replacement?
    Eddie Jordan is good at what he does, and he knows the sport, but he's a bit of an arsehole.

  9. #54
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Zytek_Fan View Post
    Eddie Jordan is good at what he does, and he knows the sport, but he's a bit of an arsehole.
    This almost seems to be a prerequisite for this postion!

  10. #55
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    Southern California

    A Case of Forsaken Identity

    Clever, the way the pix were clear enough to be possible, but too fuzzy to be sure.

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cmon, where are the pics?, I want to see mosely with hitler-stache
    Once fanboyism infects you it impares all your judgement.
    It's like being drunk, you lack common sense and everyone laughs at you.

  12. #57
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Zytek_Fan View Post
    Eddie Jordan is good at what he does, and he knows the sport, but he's a bit of an arsehole.
    Better than a Nazi. The fact is there are a lot of people who would be better than Mosely, and Personally I think anyone would be better than him.

    This action shows Max Mosely to not only be a pervert, but someone who finds a sexual pleasure in the worst atrocity in human history, which makes him an extremely disturbed individual. Further more his family collaborated with the Nazis during the war, and I believe, as many British Patriots do this this day, Oswald Mosley should have been imprisoned for the rest of this life as a trader and this incident serves to link the younger Mosely to an act of betrayal against the British people.

  13. #58
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    Realistically, nothing he may have done can be held against him. As disturbing as they may be, theyre part of his private life. What it does though is bring shame and embarrassment to both himself and the FIA, which if anything is where any action Mosley either takes, or has taken against him, will stem from.
    I am the Stig

  14. #59
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    May 2005
    Mosely grovels and declares his intention to remain in power at the FIA...

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Mosley apologises and vows to stay

    By Jonathan Noble Tuesday, April 1st 2008, 17:16 GMT

    Max MosleyMax Mosley has apologised to members of the FIA for any embarrassment caused by the recent revelations about his private life, but made it clear he remains fully committed to his role as president of motor racing's governing body.

    In a letter sent on Tuesday to all presidents of the national FIA clubs, all members of the FIA Senate, the World Motor Sport Council and the World Council for Mobility and the Automobile, Mosley blames the allegations about his sexual conduct on a 'covert' operation to discredit him.

    The FIA head also denied claims from the newspaper that there were Nazi connotations in his actions.

    He also reveals that he intends to take legal action against the News of the World newspaper for the article.

    In the letter, Mosley writes: "From information provided to me by an impeccable high-level source close to the UK police and security services, I understand that over the last two weeks or so, a covert investigation of my private life and background has been undertaken by a group specialising in such things, for reasons and clients as yet unknown. I have had similar but less well-sourced information from France.

    "Regrettably you are now familiar with the results of this covert investigation and I am very sorry if this has embarrassed you or the club. Not content with publicising highly personal and private activities, which are, to say the least, embarrassing, a British tabloid newspaper published the story with the claim that there was some sort of Nazi connotation to the matter. This is entirely false.

    "It is against the law in most countries to publish details of a person's private life without good reason. The publications by The News of the World are a wholly unwarranted invasion of my privacy and I intend to issue legal proceedings against the Newspaper in the UK and other jurisdictions."

    Although there have been calls by some for Mosley to resign in the wake of the scandal, in the letter he claims that he has received support from a number of parties who wish him to stand firm in light of the controversy.

    "I have received a very large number of messages of sympathy and support from those within the FIA and the motor sport and motoring communities generally, suggesting that my private life is not relevant to my work and that I should continue in my role," wrote Mosley. "I am grateful and with your support I intend to follow this advice.

    "I shall now devote some time to those responsible for putting this into the public domain but above all I need to repair the damage to my immediate family who are the innocent and unsuspecting victims of this deliberate and calculated personal attack.

    "You can, however be certain that I will not allow any of this to impede my commitment to the work of the FIA."

    The letter is the first public statement from Mosley since the story broke in Sunday's News of the World newspaper.

    Although Mosley is scheduled to attend this weekend's Bahrain Grand Prix, it is looking increasingly likely that he will choose to skip the event.

    Although the news of Mosley's antics has generated a lot of coverage and reaction in the media, so far Formula One teams and manufacturers have remained silent over the matter.
    Source: - F1 News: Mosley apologises and vows to stay
    uәʞoɹq spɹɐoqʎәʞ ʎɯ

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Derby, England
    Although this would be hilarious and might cause a long-overdue shake-up in F1 if true, I have to say after seeing the edited video (that doesn't actually show anything BTW) I'm dubious to whether this is actually true.

    However, as someone previously said: This could be one hell of an expensive April Fool's joke!

    EDIT: I typed this whilst I was away from an Internet connection. The above post proves the story true.
    Last edited by Clivey; 04-01-2008 at 11:41 AM.
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