Before I get into this i just want to preface that i know religion is a hot topic for everyone and things can get ugly pretty quick. lets try not to do that here, If you dont believe in God or just hate christianity lets keep that in another thread. lets try to keep this thread to the issue at hand and try to keep it civil.

here we go:

I try to read the bible every night before I go to bed, usually just a chapter a night. Something hit me like a ton of bricks a couple weeks ago and it has been driving me crazy since. I have thrown the question out to a few of my friends and most of them haven't had much to say in the way of a decent answer, additionally i have gone to some other message boards i post on from time to time but for the most part those guys are so thick that God himself could be standing in front of them saying "jesus was just some random guy, no relation" and it wouldn't change their mind about a single thing, so i figured I would turn to the one place where for the most part people are doubtful about religion to see if what i am saying makes at least some sense....

Here's my big problem. It seems to me that one of the major overall themes/messages/ideas/thing you should take away from it after reading it of the New Testament is that one of the major themes of the gospels is helping the poor, helping the sick, helping the needy, helping those who cant help themselves.

Thus it seems to me like outside of abortion and gay marriage and all that, when you get down to the core beliefs of the democrats (big government taking from the haves and giving to the have nots, free healthcare, compassion, pro illegal immigrant rights, ect...) and compare them to (what used to be) the core beliefs of republicans and conservatives in general (take care of yourself, keeping what you earn, the free market, survival of the fittest, you get what you pay for, work for your money, ect...). Jesus himself would probably vote democrat.

It becomes apparent that if the democrats became against gay marriage and abortion, Jesus would probably support the democrats if he was alive today or at the least the message from the bible at leans towards liberal ideals and away from conservative (real conservative, not neocon) free market ideals.

So here's my query: Imagine the democrats become staunch anti abortionists, and anti gay marriage.

I'm assuming most current "fundamentalist christians" would still be voting republican or some other form of conservatism. how would they reconcile this for themselves considering they would arguably be voting against the ideals of jesus as set forth in the gospels? or is it even possible?