Yes, that's right... Tonight I have finished off what I intend will be my last pack of Marbs for the next few months.

Having been what I consider a very light to moderate smoker (2-5 cigarettes a week) for a while I've decided to cut back since I've been using the habit a little too much this past two months.

I would not say that I am an addict (yet), and I originally started out only using once or twice a month at social gatherings for a long time. So it never really was an issue for me; and it would be fair to say that smoking twice a month is no worse than living in a large metro area with a massive pollution problem. That being said I've really taken my habit on a little more aggressively since late February to the point that I now think about the next time I'll light up throughout the day.

I'm thinking it may be some recent stress; which is ironic because I moved in December to get away from some personal stress. Then again, I may just be tricking myself into believing something that really is not wrong... I'll save you the emotional babble.

No gum or patches on this one; just cold turkey as they say. I guess the only reason I'm doing this is to prevent a habit from getting too extreme (too extreme for me, that is). I never get to caught up with the people out there who are so bold to just say, "you know that smoking kills." The social taboo of smoking never bothered me as I believe people should be who they are and do what they want; given their actions have no direct effect on the lives of others.

So there’s my announcement… Contribute what you want.