Quote Originally Posted by Fleet 500 View Post
Another car being repainted. This time, it's the '76 limousine, which has needed a new paint job for quite a while. Has a lot of spider-webbing and faded paint.

Took it to the same place that my '95 Lincoln was painted at. Supposed to take one week and I brought it in last Tuesday. I have a feeling it will take a little longer, but that's okay as long as it's done properly.

With the Lincoln, I chose "Plus 2" (available is Plus 1 through 4). With the limousine, I went with top option, Plus 4, and chose the available color sanding and buffing.

Here are a two "before" photos of it parked next to my '69 Fleetwood Brougham. When both cars are parked side by side, it's easy to tell that the '69 FB has the better paint... for now.
Pimpin! How much does a a paint job like that cost in the US?