This isnt a 20 questions type of quiz, its pretty close to Egg Nog's, but i wont be the one asking all the questions and it wont be on a weekly basis. How its going to work, is someone will ask a question and offer at least 4 multiple questions. To start off, i will ask the question. People will then guess whoch one they think is correct, and after either all possible answers have ben chosen or the question has been running for a couple of days, the person asking the question will tell the answer. Whoever was the first to ask the question then gets to ask the next question. If the situation arises that the person asking the question gave the wrong answer, if possible the person who guessed the correct answer will take the next question, but if that is not possible i will take the question.

OK then now for the first question:
What engine did the XR Falcon GT have?

a) 302 Windsor V8
b) 289 Windsor V8
c) 351 Windsor V8
d) 351 Cleveland V8