I am quite annoyed. My friend challenged me to find a car with a faster 0-60 than the porsche 917/30 (2.1 seconds), telling me it shat all over my ultimate gtr. the ultima is a road legal full production car.
i turned to the sites lists section which i had seen before, thinking hell yes i will beat him, but theyre gone!!!
i searched through hundreds of cars on the site, only to end up finding a section about the site stats, telling me that the fastest on the site is the porsche.
bring back the lists
AND can anyone find a faster car than the porsche?
0-60 in 2.1 seconds email me, [email protected]
id prefer it not to be an f1 car or anything
but ANYTHING would help
thank u
preferrably a race or road legal car
you could try finding stats for the chaparrell (maybe not the correct spelling) 2...either the 2d or 2j race car, one of them i tihnk its the 2j uses fans to suck it to the road
decimates all
well yes, thank u
email me with your results
[email protected]