I just witnessed probably what is one of the most in-depth and mind-awakening pieces of media known to mankind. It really shined a new light on me, and am shocked at what humanity has come to. At first I did not understand it, but then I realized that there was no further explanations needed. This is just how some people function.

As people watch this video, please do not spoil it for future readers with ANY TYPE OF COMMENTS that may give away the contents of this video. It really needs to be watched raw so that the contents can be absorbed. If you watch the video and the give away the contents of this video, it is probably because you disagree strongly with its content and wish to deter people from the simple truth . Believers will believe only after watching this raw. If you believe that you can stop people from learning the truth by telling them the video is malicious, IN ANY WAY, you are infringing on our rights. If we disagree with you, then it was meant to be. Do not try to stop us.

I think this is especially true if you are a North American. I will also advise the watchers to watch the video until the end to realize the seriousness of the situation here. And here is the video, courtesy of eBaumsworld, who finally has something worth your time.

Consider it.