I understand the new forum rules, therefore I won't bring back an old thread, such as the GT4 Photo Mode thread.

Last week I finally went out and got a USB Flash Drive... as my professor had been bothering me about it for quite awhile. I downloaded all my prep projects on to it and found out I still had quite a bit of space left. After realizing this, I decided I could use it to showcase all my GT4 photos.

P.S. On my USB drive there also resides and egg nogg, which will be sent to Wouter, so that he can verify. I've had enough, so expect a PM Wouter. After that time, you may do what you want with it or whatever. I just don't think that people who have been pestering me about it deserve a look (That's you JohnnyNumFive and LotusLocust).

Anyways, I didn't know whether to display these in Multimedia or gaming, and so I'll post them in a few. Enjoy. Please wait if you I do not post right away, as I'm writing an essay.